
12 years ago by

J’adore, non mais j’adore les chaussettes hautes, portées comme ça, négligemment. D’abord, c’est parfait en cette saison changeante – mais en plus, c’est hyper charmant.

Cela étant, peu de chances que vous me voyiez en porter un jour, parce que bon, je veux dire…

C’est moi, ou ça ne marche que si on est très très jeune ? (Dites-moi tout de suite si je suis atteinte de jeunisme !!!)


Ajouter le votre
  • Loving the subtle and light socks with the sandals, but i don’t think i could rock it that well…


  • J’adore son look, la robe, les chaussures, les chaussettes. Toute la silhouette.
    Je porterai ca sans pbm (et pourtant j’ai déjà 40 ans (en fait 42 même) :)

  • Non, je ne pense pas que c’est une question d’âge, mais plutôt de silhouette et de tenue choisie pour les accompagner.
    Mais Garance, je pense que tu peux facilement te permettre d’en porter ! On te lance le défi ?

  • Et la montre ! Trop jolie

  • Le look écolière c’est sur ça rajeunit !

  • I think it’s incredibly cute, but rather than age being the determining factor I think you can only pull this off if you have really really thin and toned legs. The tiniest bit of softness peaking out over the top edge of the socks and you’ve gone far far away from cute, if you know what I mean.

  • Really, really only works if you are 16!!! (or close t0)
    You don’t want to look like granny, bless her, who went for a stroll on a sunny day….

    But, oh so, adorable when worn by youth!!

    Happy sunshine to you all! ??

  • Très jolies les longues chausettes quand portées avec un long pull et des « wedges ».

    Gaby Lang,

  • hey! i love them too!!!

  • think it works only if you’re really young.

  • Agree, and I think you have to have a certain look to go with it.
    Works well on these ladies!

  • J’ai cru qu’elle portait un faurx col sur la première photo…! Les chaussettes je trouve ça magnifique dans les magazines, mais j’ai du mal à les porter moi-mêmes.

  • I love the detailing of the white dress.

    Elisa Eymery

  • Je crois que ça dépend de la tenue, c’est tout. Ceci dit, quelqu’un note le look écolière, c’est vrai, il faut savoir que ce sera ce qui sera projeté. Les deux filles ne sont pas si jeunes par ailleurs, non ? Trentaine ou autour, alors…

  • I agree with your sentiment. Lovely look for younger girs/women. Of course there is no one stopping your from rocking the look in your own home! :)

  • Some people have an ageless beauuty, the girl in blue is utterly effortless and adorable. Chic s when things are useful, beautiful and appropriate and she is just with the sunnies, cardi, dress, and yes the socks. That sweet face would go well with anything!

  • I’ve always liked the look too but my kankles won’t look too charming with them! I think it suits ladies with a nice shape to them. My legs are too wide to pull the look but If you remember the first Sex and the City movie, « Carrie » wears them at some point in the movie and she made them look good, and she’s no youngin’ ;)

    I’m having an H&M giveaway, come over!

  • And Garance, you can totally pull off knee high socks!!

  • I think you need to have nice legs, young or not, to wear it. I like the look, but I think I’d feel self-conscious wearing the 1st one because it’s sexy; I’d wear them with a longer hem so you couldn’t tell I was wearing thigh highs, but I’d know ;)

  • Je suis tout à efait d’accord avec toi, ou bien t’es un petit oisseau, young, jollie, fine, et tu peux vole n’importe ou et te ballade et chante ou bien tu peux rester avec tout le monde a la terraze avec ton cafe y tes amis, que par contre aussie c’est un tres jollie choix.
    pardon my spanish, jejej.
    Encima, la parte de las rodillas ya es complicada de por si. Donc pas de chaussettes a n’importe quelle X….

  • Ha, that’s funny Garance, because I’ve asked myself the same question a few weeks ago. I have bought myself high slightly plateau brown leather sandals with a bold ‘talon’ and it has been toooo cold to wear them already. They just stand there…..

    But, although I’m a hip, young looking (they say) woman…ehm… but…, but…, nooo, I’m afraid it (socks and sandals) looks ridiculous on me. I’m afraid it’s for the twentysomethings.

    On the other hand: why not?

  • salut Garance!
    je dirais que ca dépend surtout des chaussettes (unies, dans une belle matière – laine, soie…), du reste de la tenue et du style que l’on a: des chaussettes rayées avec une jupe plissée, forcément, ca fait tout de suite écolière, mais les deux tenues que tu nous montres là, je trouve que tu pourrais tout à fait les porter…
    j’aime particulièrement l’imprimé de la robe et le cadran de la montre!!

  • What beautiful style these two have, they’ve demonstrated perfectly how to wear long socks which can be notoriously difficult to pull off!

  • I always thought it would look ridiculous to wear those socks.

    Looking at her style, I realize I am sooooo wrong!! How cute! What an amazing look, breaking the codes, and definitely elegant. The Italian have so many things to teach us ;)

    I love love love the inspiration Garance. Thanks!


  • And by the way: the girl with the blue dress looks supergood and cute with them (legs!) and I loooove her watch!

  • My fashion pet peeve is women wearing socks with open toe sandals!!! Drives me crazy!

  • Ca ne marche qui si on est très jeune. Après, c’est louche et pas très beau IMHO. Superbes photos dans une lumière top dont je suis jalouse.

  • I agree with the comments above: more than a matter of age (and attitude), it’s a matter legs… I definitely can’t wear them…

  • I agree with you – I absolutely love socks worn like this and also ankle socks with pumps. Sadly, I’m long past the age of being able to wear them, but you’re certainly not.

  • GARANCE C’est super cute les high socks je suis trop d’accord !! J’adore les femmes qui osent en mettre et non il n’y a pas d’age c’est une question de style et d’assumer, de jouer :D

  • Legs are one (or two) of those features that don’t age baby! No need for ageism, and no need to feel that this look is reserved for just the young…it’s for the young at heart!

    I love these dresses. I do think the socks look great with a kid like shoe, like a Mary Jane or an Oxford. Just keeps things consistent.

    But to be honest, I don’t do much experimenting with socks and fashion, this is the sole experiment with using socks as a fashion accessory, but maybe I’ll do some more this Spring:


  • To me, tall socks and short skirts just translate into « schoolgirl », which is the reason I feel that such a look is better on younger girls. Also, a sock divides the leg in two and also draws attention to it, so if there are any imperfections that come with age, those get accentuated.

    For the record, I’ve never been able to keep a sock over my knee for more than 4 seconds :/ At any age!

  • J’ai 29 ans et j’aime en porter de temps en temps.
    Et je trouve que ça ne fait pas écolière à tous les coups.

  • Garance, I agree. I love this look, but I do think they work really well just for the young ones, which unfortunately does not include me.

  • The girl in the first photo is gorgeous! And I love the look as well. I think that after 25 you can wear them with riding boots so they are not so pronounced. I agree that they look just right on the kids.

  • oh, I don’t think it’s an age thing… I mean, I’m 25 and there’s no way I can sport socks like this… I think it’s all about feeling comfortable with it, no matter how old are you!! and yes, it’s pretty charming, but not on me!!!

  • Ah you read my mind! I’ve just been thinking about the need to get some knee socks for summer. I particularly like the grey/beige ones. I do find that they are hard to wear with flats though, definitely tend to be better with heels!

  • Pour faire écho à l’un des commentaires, moi aussi, j’ai cru à un faux col au début !
    Cela dit, je serais plutôt de l’avis de Garance. Ce look, très estudiantin, me semble compromis au-delà de 20-22 ans, non ? (Je vois d’ici les yeux levés au ciel de certaines, consternées par ma réponse, mais j’ose, si si !).
    Cela dit, franchement, la première pensée que j’ai eue est que cette photo était magnifique. J’aime beaucoup ce que tu as capté dans le regard de cette jeune femme.

  • i unfortunately think you are right about the young thing for socks. my mom has great style and wears ankle socks that are lacey but i think this is a little bit too much for someone on the older side. very cute look though!

  • It reminds me of my school uniform…I don’t think I’d be able to do it as an adult :)

  • I think it’s not a matter of age but a matter of legs!!
    It works with skinny legs, that’s why I keep my socks well hidden in the closet :(


  • They only work with skinny legs. In fact they do wonders to Twiggy girls by giving the illusion of volume. Everyone else looks like a Corsican sausage, me included.

    If you have feminine (or chunky) legs, it’s a matter of making them work. Perhaps with short pants and sandals?

    Very lazy indeed to blame age!

  • i am 33 and wear them all the time! but of course i went to private school for 12 years, so maybe its just in my DNA.

  • Magnifique ! Ce n’est pas une question de jeune ou pas selon moi, mais de jambe bien musclées :)

  • Et oui, évidemment, et trois fois hélas, la chaussette haute ne passe plus après 20 ans ! rien n’est pire que de rester bloquée sur un look de « vieille » petite fille qd votre visage crie que ce n’est plus tout à fait votre cas … argh ! la vie est dure ;-)

  • It’s a young people’s look but also a quirky people’s look but also a Grey-Gardens-chic aesthetic but also a nostalgic person’s « I miss wearing leg warmers; let’s bring leg warmers back » look. The list can go on, so I hope one gets my point.

    Here’s a blogger who’s made a name for herself based on long socks (aka knee highs):

    She’s cool!
    And so are the women featured on this post.

  • Me encanta!!!

  • Très jolie silhouette, l’imprimé de la robe est à tomber.

  • Yeeeeeeeesssssss! You should be REAlly young.

  • I actually think it works well for a person with a more sophisticated look. It brings their style down a notch. Very chic. I love the grey socks.


  • First, I have to say I’ve followed your blog since my first year of high school – its absolutely wonderful!

    I have a question (its not related to this post, though, sorry!):
    I’m a university student from New York who will be spending the summer studying and working between Rome and Paris. I wear shorts during the summer here in nyc (my favorite are a pair of silk paper bag shorts and boyfriend denim shorts), yet my friends insist that to wear shorts in Rome and Paris would be to stick out as an American. My french teacher also insisted wearing shorts would be a bad choice as the French don’t wear them (though I’m not sure if I trust her fashion advice…). Whats your take on this – is wearing shorts acceptable in France and Italy? As fashionable Garance Dore, I trust your opinion!

  • Quant à moi j’ai un vrai problème avec les chaussettes sur jambes nues portées avec une jupe. Pour moi cela reste associé à la vieille mégère style les vamps ou les deschiens et je n’arrive pas à me sortir de cette idée.

    Même sur une jeune femme je trouve que ça reste définitivement craignos.

    Garance, la dernière fois vous aviez des superbes escarpins pailletées miu miu je crois avec des chaussettes noires dedans. La tenue était béton mais alors ces p…. de chaussettes waouh oh secours !

    Zêtes des visionnaires les gens de la mode, peut-être dans 5 ans je vais collectionner les mi-bas dans mes escarpins et je repenserais au temps ou je me moquais …

  • I love them too…love this romantic way to wear them!



  • Je suis en train de chercher ma robe de mariage et j’ai bien adoré la robe blanche! Est-ce que tu c’est d’oú est-ce qu’ell vient?? Merci!


  • c’est super joli ! mais moi je dirais plutôt que ça ne va qu’aux jeunes filles aux jambes très fines et longues =)

  • Long socks worn out and about should probably be left to the young ones, BUT at home around the house, with a short pretty piece of lingerie…so sexy at any age.

  • It works if you like it!….Obviouslly, be young helps!

  • I think it’s a question of below vs. above the knee. When it’s below, and I know that it’s not meant to be infantilizing, but there are echoes of « school girl gone wrong (and not in a Britney Spears kind of way) » about it. When it’s above the knee, it’s more of a ’20s flapper girl after a long night of jitterbugging. Both women wear their respective styles well, but I don’t think I’ll be attempting either, I hate tugging at my socks as I walk.

  • Consuelo Castaglioni always wears long socks with her skirts,but she has slim tanned legs also, but is not young,and she looks gorgeous



  • Oui clairement passé 30 ans ça fait un peu de la peine.
    Sinon c’est super chou et très pratique !! :)

    jolies photos

  • C’est plus une question de jambe que d’âge! :)

  • Long socks? under 20, under 12 is better. Really there are lots of beautiful elegant clothes for women & we need to evolve a way of dressing which is fashionable, glamorous & delightful but age appropriate rather than just pretending that 17-23 is the only age worth being. this applies also to girls & young teenagers dressing up to that range too. we move inexorably through the age range and should be able to celebrate each rather than being miserable not to be in that narrow age slot. It’s not even a size issue; however slender, there comes a point where certain styles are just undignified

  • Faut être assez jeune quand même ou alors l’assumer et surtout, faut être assez mince ou avoir des belles jambes. Pcq des chaussettes sur des jambons, bonjour la faute de mauvais goût.

  • Pour moi tout est une question de longueur.
    Au dessus du genou, il faut avoir moins de 20 ans.
    En revanche pour une longueur mi-mollet on peut le porter jusqu’à 40 ans, à condition de ne pas avoir de mollets courts et musclés, mais c’est une autre histoire
    La longueur qui convient à n’importe quel âge c’est la version soquette.

  • Ouh la fille avec la robe à motifs bleus est splendide! Et porte très bien les chaussettes. Je doute que ce soit une question d’âge, à Paris j’en vois pas mal, et un peu comme le vernis noir, enfin non pire, ça va à… non, à personne en fait. À part à cette charmante fille en robe à motifs bleus. Mais en effet, je crois que c’est plus une question de jambe que d’âge, comme dit Sophie -et aussi d’attitude, de grâce de la gambette quoi, comme pour tout n’est-ce pas.

  • Personnellement, je n’aime pas les chaussettes portées avec des jupes, quelles que soient les chaussures qui les accompagnent.
    Je trouve cela disgracieux et, bien souvent, elles cassent la silhouette.
    On en voit de plus en plus … ça semble « à la mode », comme dirait l’autre, mais je persiste à ne pas aimer, mode ou pas. Rien à faire.

  • La première jeune fille est super mignonne et son look est un sans faute, sans compter que ta photo avec cette lumière éclatante en arrière plan lui donne une aura presque angélique.

    Sinon oui, suis assez d’accord avec toi, passée la trentaine, vaut mieux éviter de porter ces longues chaussettes, on aurait juste l’air de filles qui n’ont pas envie de grandir …


  • it only works with the mini dress.loose but short. and the mini dress times in life are naturally short – unfortunately…
    but i think u could still do it, garance!
    cheers, simone

  • I love socks too girl! The right ones can pull an outfit together.

  • I wear them and I’m 31! I don’t have any shame in my game; my legs look good and I have my head held high. Nobody is walking around with an ID scanner on the street, but people do see a girl who looks self-conscious and uncomfortable.

  • Absolutely – you have to be really young for this look to be successful – and then I think it is very sweet.

  • Moi aussi, j’adore mais comme je suis petite, je trouve que ça me tasse un peu!
    J’aime bcp la hauteur mi mollet de la 2eme photo ;-)


  • nan c’est pas toi, au delà de 25 ans, je crois qu’on peut oublier…(à la limite chaussettes hautes au dessus des genou ET avec collant dessous – ce que je fais parfois, à plus de 40 ans – mais c’est tout)

  • You’re not ageist, you’re right, you must be young to wear these socks. Young with coltish legs. Love the look on others.

  • Ce look c’est exactement le mien: petite robe cute, escarpins et chaussettes.
    Après très très jeune veut dire?
    Tout les looks sont bons à tous les âges je pense. :)

  • Yes, i agree, this look is the the young, 20’s perhaps?

  • …or have super skinny LONG legs!

  • J’adore les chaussettes hautes, et je pense qu’on peut jouer avec de différente façon selon son style, ses envies du moment, et bien sûr les saisons !
    Chez Socks Appeal, on a même deux hauteurs différentes pour les hautes, tellement on aime ça ! ;-)

  • @Mathilde: oui, en version gros mollets ça peut vite faire fermière

    Par contre pas de limite d’âge selon moi

  • It works when you’re very young AND very thin/have nice legs.

  • Gorgeous outfit !!!


  • I think it looks great if you are 12! That said these girls can pull it off but shouldn’t the sock length be equal on both legs? It looks sloppy if one side is slightly shorter. for GARBE lifestyle clothing, lingerie & mineral makeup/skincare

    life/style blog:

  • I adore this look and growing up in Italy (in the 60s) it was part of my every day look! Now I still have super fit, skinny legs but I could never pull this off today! It is an AGE thing !!!!
    Maybe with a little crème auto bronzante ??!!! Maybe not…

  • If you like it and think you look good in it, chances are, others will too. There will always be those who don´t agree with your esthetic preferences, whether it´s how you mix colour or how you work your proportions.

  • No I don’t think it has something to do with age but something to do with the size of your legs….You have to have skinny legs!!

  • @ Margarita: Same here – how the heck do you keep them where there are supposed to be?

    I got some beautiful overknees from Missoni in a pale yellow – adorable! Since they refuse to stay over the knee, I just wear them under trousers with shoes which don’t hide these beauties. By the way, last time I put them on, my beloved husband asked: « What’s this? »
    Me (sounding quite proud): « Well, it’s Missoni »
    Him: « Dunno him – is he a clown? » – Guys which make you laugh so hard, you think you might die on the spot, are keepers, don’t you think?

    @ Garance: Beautiful shots! And as far as I recall the shape of your legs, your are definitely one of the few allowed to wear this. But if you don’t feel comfortable: Leave it. Some styles need some special attitude while wearing them and they reveal insecureness quite easy.


  • I think the look is sexy, especially when the socks are shorter or lower calf and slightly slouched. I have a whole file saved that is dedicated to this look. I am in the process of knitting a super fine ‘lace’ sock from a vintage Victorian ‘fancy’ sock pattern in champagne and a chinchilla gray mohair.

    Alexis C.

  • Socks are like hats, they can be light hearted accessories whatever the season!

  • elle est charmante…je suis d accord avec toi à reserver aux plus jeunes ….

  • Personnellement, je pense pas que l’âge joue quoi que ce soit… Je pense surtout qu’il s’agit d’être bonne!!

  • En région Paca, on ne se pose pas trop ce genre de questions, c’est gambettes à l’air en sirotant un gambetta en terrasse ou rien ! Je n’en ai pas – encore – croisé par ici ! Je suis d’accord avec toi, passé 18 ans et demi… le port de chaussettes hautes est un véritable défi ! Même si certaines – mais trop peu – s’en sortent haut la main, mieux vaut s’abstenir ! Alys

  • Perfect!!!

    Love from South Africa

  • wow I really love the outfit from the second picture it’s simply perfect!

  • Long socks make the image of a romantic and sweet! It is interesting to see the combination of long socks with other things of wardrobe.


  • I like how the demure feel of the dresses and jackets combined with the knee socks keep the ensembles interesting and current. Franca Sozzani could pull off knee socks. I think you need to have a girl-ish spirit/style to look comfortable in them but you don’t necessarily need to be under a certain age. Thin legs, too.

  • Miuccia Prada pulls it off just fine..

  • You’re right about needing to be young for this look–in general. To pull it off, you need a certain innocence–to be a gamine. A woman who has lived a bit of life doesn’t project such innocence, nor should she want to. She should revel in her hard-earned wisdom.
    A woman who can’t help but project experience while dressing like an innocent comes off as being vulgar, in costume, a fake.
    And even a young woman needs to approach it with caution. The long socks, especially worn over the knee, work with a simple dress, a vintage look. Otherwise it carries not-at-all chic Lolita/hooker vibes.
    I could see it on an older woman who is a true eccentric and who dresses naturally in vintage or Annie Hall-style clothes.

  • When I think of long socks, it always remind me of Carrie Bradshaw in the movie, with the Prada clutch and the gloves on the street calling Samantha from a pay phone. And that in my opinion looked chic, so I guess I would say that long socks doesn’t really have any age.

  • I totally agree!!! And you must have slim legs too!!!

  • It’s a great style, but SO hard to pull off well! Of course, the most important thing is always confidence that you look great.

  • I think it works at any age! It just depends on the outfit you pair it with. Want to avoid the old-maid, dowdy thing. These ladies look lovely by the way. It’s a quirky kind of chic

  • I agree, it has the tendency to look very grandma in the garden if you’re not spry!

  • Agist, no. Wise, yes. This look on anyone over the age of 30 looks either fetishistic or costume-y. Even a young woman won’t look particularly good with knee socks -that’s what they are, after all- unless she has exceedingly thin legs. Proportion being key, that’s an element of the look. Of course, every woman has the right to wear whatever pleases her. But older women look self-conscious and a bit silly in knee socks. Just a fact. At a certain age, the rules work best in reverse, so that covering up a little and/or refining one’s look lends much more youthfulness. Nothing is more aging than trying too hard to look young.

  • Garance! You are so young and beautiful, so you, my favorite bloggist of all time… CAN WEAR THEM… and be photographed perhaps by some other fashion street blog… (caugh Sartorialist)…


  • You have got to have REALLY nice legs to pull that look off, otherwise you’ll get nice Clydesdale ankles and nobody wants that.

  • I love the style. I’ve been seeing it around a lot lately, at first I found it peculiar, but I’ve grown to like it a lot more.
    Love the post!

  • Over the knee or under the knee socks can look great with the right outfit . It’s the total look to take into account . Too general to say can’t wear socks at a certain age! By the way, you could totally rock it !

  • Love the look… but I think it’ll make me look like I’m 12.

  • You’re being way ageist. Wear them with stylish aplomb and when you’re really busy. You won’t have time to think about it.

  • I love it too! I see it as something Consuelo Castiglioni would do, and I adore MARNI and her smiley breezy way.

  • no I think it works for anyone! it’s an adorable look :)

  • Sadly Garance…in my humble opinion,
    these socks, and anklets, look best on young women…or women that have extraordinarily long, beautiful legs.

  • I think as one ages, one would need to be more and more secure in the boho style to pull this off.

    However I will never try it because socks do not stay up on my legs. I don’t know if it’s skinny legs or what but they just don’t. Remember when we wore nylons? And there were nylons that had lacy elastic at the top that supposedly would stay up by themselves? HA. Not on me.

  • I’ve been totally loving socks with open toed shoes, I think it looks adorable!

  • moi aussi j’aime beaucoup. k’espere ne pas etre trop vieille pour ca! :P

  • I LOVE that look! But even though I’m young…I don’t know if I would actually wear it, but I definitely want to try it out sometime!

  • ah la laaaa Garance, moi aussi je suis hyper fan des chaussettes hautes, mais je pense comme toi que cela donne un look plutôt réservé aux jeunes filles. en fait j’aime tellement que j’en ai acheté plusieurs paires que je ne porte que chez moi, j’adore ….

  • It is pretty sexy…

  • Maybe, but mostly you need long thin legs…..snif

  • Le soucis peut être c’est que ca donne un petit côté scolaire genre uniforme mais j’aime assez moi enfin j’avoue ne jamais en porter…

  • I like very much the pictures and the style of both girls Garance. In my opinion the way to work this style well is this (listing again):

    1. Thin slender legs,
    2. Texture of the socks that would not indicate or imply lack of garter or an « am-in-my-boudoir » attitude (a too silky/nylon-y texture would do this in my opinion),
    3. Length of the socks in combination with the length of the skirt/trousers/shorts that also would not indicate or imply the above (too long socks and too short a skirt would also make one look a bit undressed in my opinion),
    4. Appropriate choice of shoes in combination with the clothes. i.e. I would not wear these socks with silky lingerie style clothes or with pointy pumps.

    Age would not be a particular problem, but since these socks remind us usually of schoolgirls, I think that middle aged ladies should be a bit careful not to look out of space and time.

    The blue dress and the top work very well by the way.

    A big kiss from Greece!

  • This girl with the black socks is such a cutie! :*

  • Sarah Jessica Parker en porte dans le 1er film de Sex & the city, donc ce n’est pas une question d’âge, non ? Bon, c’est SJP ceci dit, d’accord…

  • Pour ma part j’aime beaucoup, la montre est superbe !

  • perfect look

  • Oui, j’ai 40 ans et je portais cela, il y a 20 ans !

  • so not a fan of wearing socks…..just for wearing socks

  • in the 40’s it was very popular….with wedge shoes platform heels…..floral dresses…..curly hair…and again in the 70’s

  • I am absolutely totally in love with the white pearl dress! Incredible! :)

  • They work best on the thin.


  • Oh mais Garance! Toi aussi tu es jeune, ne t’en fait pas! Et puis moi je trouve que c’est portable à n’importe quel âge (enfin bon, j’imagine pas non plus ma grand-mère avec mais euh..bon, bref), tout dépend du reste de la tenue!

  • D’après moi, le problème n’est pas l’âge, mais le mollet… dès qu’il prend un peu de volume, toute la gracieuseté s’en va et la caricature s’installe :(

  • Je reconnais que ça rend super bien :)


  • Haha, Im trying to imagine myself in those… Yes, I think its the age.


  • C’est vrai que je trouve ça plus joli porté un peu à l’arrache ! En fait j’adore même ! (:
    Bises, à bientôt !

  • Have the seasons change here please. I’m still in winter fashion.

    -art a la rue

  • Your examples here carry the look off beautifully. I guess it’s not the age … just if you have great legs!

  • Unfortunately, you are right, Garance: only for ver young (and good loking)

  • the girl with sandals is the most beautiful and chic I’ve ever seen, because he knows very well make her look.
    is not a question of age, is more a matter of « allure »…

  • Garance, I think the socks make the look seem for young girls. However, I think you can pull it off it you want to. For me, I would lose the socks :).

    Awesome pic, though.

  • I’m quite sure I’ve seen Mona Kowalska , the fashion designer of A Detacher, rock at least the sock/sandal look – and it comes off super cool on her. I think it’s definitely a matter of being able to carry it off, rather than age – or at least I’d like to think so;-)

  • C’est très mimi, mais je crains que passé 20 ans, cela ne fasse tarte.
    Les socquettes dans du plat peuvent avoir un côté joliment retro, années 40, comme les femmes pendant la guerre. Mais avec des talons, non, pitié, c’est complètement cruche. C’est un truc pour faire fantasmer les vieux pervers.
    Même chose en ce qui concerne les hautes chaussettes avec une mini : ça fait Britney dans le clip de « Baby one more time » ou lycéenne japonaise (autrement dit, créature de Manga).

  • le mix robe blanche avec des perles brodées et es chaussettes assez rustiques est magnifique. Bravo a ce style vraiment unique et fabuleux qu’a cette fille encore bravo. Tout cela donne de l’inspiration !

  • I SOOOO love this too. So cute and fresh and nonchalant. But, I am WAAAY too old to pull this off – I think you are so right – it only works on the young – probably under 30 – 35. But it doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate it!

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