mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

9 years ago by

Découvrir la présentation Mansur Gavriel revenait un peu à pénétrer dans une autre époque, un autre univers…
Je me doutais que ce serait assez différent des normes de la Fashion Week, et effectivement, ça n’avait rien à voir. Comme un univers féérique rose d’inspiration mods au charme un peu rétro ou un film de Wes Anderson (sans Jason Schwartzman !)

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

Un grand espace vide de l’Institut Suisse avait été métamorphosé en élégante boutique dans laquelle on aurait tout à fait pu croiser Don Draper. Une épaisse moquette d’un rose parfait, des canapés en velours et des murs tapissés des sacs et des chaussures (les premières !) de la marque. Des hommes en smoking blanc servaient du champagne aux invités, et les mannequins étaient un mélange de professionnelles et de belles et authentiques New-Yorkaises (comme Elle, de notre équipe, tellement mignonne en robe sixties et col roulé… même franchement belle !). La moitié des filles étaient habillées en vendeuses, avec de charmants petits tailleurs, tandis que les autres étaient habillées en « clientes » et se mélangeaient au reste de l’assistance.

C’était vraiment beau, différent, assez dense, avec ce rose barbe-à-papa un peu partout ! Un changement de rythme et de style bienvenu.
Que pensez-vous de ce parti-pris plutôt qu’un défilé traditionnel ? Et comment trouvez-vous la nouvelle collection ?

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos
mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos
mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos

mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos
mansur gavriel shades of pink ss16 presentation fashion week garance dore photos


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  • I always have a soft spot for cute! :)
    Nice shade of pink, by the way. Like.

  • Amazing! I love Mansur Gavriel bags and this show and the shoes are really beautiful!

  • Very fun collection–especially the shoes. Thing is, some of them are uncomfortably similar to the Maryam Nassir Zadeh line.

  • Love the range of color ..very classic and elegant…
    Yael Guetta

  • Interesting. Those mustard-colored jumpers (not sweaters, we called them jumpers in my day) remind me of one that my mother made for me in the late 1960s early 70s when I was in high school. Mine was orange and had an oval cutout section in the front chest. It was made out of a double-side wool I think. Gosh I miss her and wasn’t I lucky to have a mom who made me some really kick-ass clothes.

  • Absolutely love the collection! The colour palette is gorgeous!

  • When I was 10 – I had a Hello Kitty eraser that smelled so much like bubble gum – I actually tried to eat it. This is « so yum » I would want to eat the marvelous yellow suede. It’s intoxicating and marvelous. Want that carpet!!!!! (I’ll take a waiter or two as well!)

  • They certainly take classic, simple designs and put there own spin on it. Love the look but cannot help questioning the quality and price. None of those cute little round frame bags have feet on the bottom. Tough enough to keep pastels clean but sans feet? Won’t work for me. Same with their bucket bags, look great for a while but with no reinforcement at the edges and seams, not worth the investment when I can get much better quality for the price.

  • Wow- it really is a time warp, minus the 60’s makeup, but I love the pink! I think that it’s interesting to see a fashion show in a really unique way, I like this trend, I think it makes attending fashion week a little less monotone.

  • très joli. cute. mais très éloigné de l’univers de la marque que j’imaginais avec leurs buckets. donc bizarre

  • ..wanting a whole outfit right now!

  • Un véritable univers et pas seulement une énième marque… Ça fait du bien ! Ce rose est presque comment dire rassurant. Tout ce dont on a besoin en ce moment #météodelatoussaint


  • Ok, I am a huge fan of both MG and MNZ and have been following this debate around Mansur supposedly taking a little too much « inspiration » from Nassir Zadeh’s shoe line since yesterday. On one side, I can see where Maryam is coming from, especially in reference to her mule and low sandal with single strap designs, and the vibrant colors. On the other hand though, I also have two comments. The first is regarding MNZ designs such as the Roberta ballerina and Yves mule, which remind me very much of Celine and Lemaire designs respectively (especially the latter). I just think that this demonstrates that ALL designers, and in fact all artists, take inspiration from one another, including Maryam, and this is a wonderful thing. Second comment it that despite the similarities, there are also substantial differences in Mansur’s shoes such as strap thickness, placement, platform height, and more. Additionally, as a lot of people have pointed out, neither designs are at all original in and of themselves, and they have been around for decades. I suspect that Maryam’s beef more than with the specific items is more about the whole « vibe » itself, which is obviously an intangible, but can be perceived by the aforementioned design, color, and material choice similarities, as well as the use of the same model, Mari Giudicelli, and other elements, and I totally get that as from what I see she has worked really hard to bring forth an original and amazing brand. All this is to say that in a way I see both sides and think more thought should be put in to the whole situation before condemning one or the other, and I really hope that both sides can find a way of resolving the issue, as they are both doing amazing things!

  • the shoe shape in nothing new…what stand out is the uniform line….just like the bags….instant brand recognition ….u know the bag is MG and the same will be with the shoes quite brillant

  • I’m so glad you mentioned this issue – I hadn’t heard about Maryam Nassir Zadeh’s problem with the MG show until reading your comment. I’m a fan of both labels, and I think they definitely occupy the same niche of laid-back yet luxurious (and relatively/comparably affordable) accessories. As you pointed out, the style of shoe in question definitely comes from a lineage of similar shoe, so it’s hard to attribute the style solely to MNZ (despite her claims that the block heel is her « signature ») – but I do wonder if perhaps the MG ones aren’t too close to the MNZ ones, even considering the differences in some details like heel height. That Floriana Gavriel has purportedly been seen wearing MNZ shoes complicates things, imo. In the end, I completely agree with your opinion on it – I can’t take sides, and I hope they work it out. I love both brands!

  • happy birthday neada!!!!!

  • Thank you so much, Cindy!!! This made my day :)

  • Virgo!!! Of course. Happy Day Neada :)

  • bavarian_blue 17 septembre 2015, 11:18 / Répondre

    I love this soft pink shade (lobster?). It is the perfect color for the autumnal vibe. And even more perfect on suede

  • the shape is nothing new…… the colors r delicious….inspiration macaroons

  • Rose, rose’, whatever, I love shades of pink. And I love the soft suede pink shoe!

  • So stunning, I love the concept and location and the shoes are gorgeous!

    Anoushka Probyn – A London Fashion Blog

  • Looks like inspiration is taken straight from a Wes Anderson film! Beautiful

  • Wow what an aaawesome collection! I love these tones and they look so good all together. I think the greatest thing about these pieces is that they’re made out of suede. Perfect for fall! Much love, Carmen

  • Nice funny collection, the clutches and shoes are really nice!! xx

  • It looks beautiful. A welcome relief from the usual frenetic shows. I love what designers this season have come up with regarding show presentation. Prabal Gurung was another note worthy show, FF x.

  • That pink with a black dress – yes please !

  • I am overwhelmed with how amazing it was! I love everything

  • Je veux ces mules !!! Je les veux !! (Mais je ne les aurais probablement pas…)

  • I never find pink can be so fashion like here, love these styles, amazing :)

  • j’avoue que je suis lasse de cette nostalgie du passé qu’on voit partout.

  • I appreciate the change up in presentation for a fashion show, but this collection didn’t really resonate with me.

  • Oh my in love with that pink !!! :) x

  • Aww that’s super cute, I love thiese hues ! The setting is really nice.

  • C’est quand même incroyable la saga Mansur Gavriel !!! Tellement contente qu’ils se mettent aux chaussures, la présentation est superbe ! Mais sinon, qu’en est-il des accusations de ‘copie’ ?

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