12 years ago by Garance Doré
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Sean Penn looks like a survivor in this picture (in a good way!). Interesting facial expression, I’m loving these atmospheric and intimate Cannes pictures you’re putting up! Great work.
Wandering Minds clothing
I just saw an interview with him from Cannes, and he looks so rough around the edges but it suits him. I think he’s a totally authentic person – good and bad – flawed and perfect – I have a ton of admiration for him.
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
Sean Penn looks so serious, so intense ! Just how i always imagined him. Can’t wait to see him on Gangster Squad too. And Ezra, oh Ezra… We need to talk about Kevin probably is one of the best movie of last year. Lucky you !
What a great shot, Sean is the star of this photo!
SEAN PENN!!!! My favourite film is ‘I am Sam’ he is a fabulous actor!
Take a look at my fashion illustrations and art:
He looks a bit weird…
He is SO charming…. I love him to the end! My favorite movie is « I am Sam » -I totally suggest it for a rainy night…! :-)
One of the best actors ever!
Oh! Sean Penn! He USED to be charming, à mon humble avis, et d’après cette photo! Cette petite moustache : anti sexy au possible et tue l’amour complet!!
Wow, quel parcours, Garance, j’ai commencé à te suivre il y a un an en lisant tes billets sur les petits moments drôles de ta vie et maintenant je regarde de superbes photos de stars prises de près à Cannes!
God father… ;)
Great picture… although sad to say… Sean Penn probably has not much wisdom to give. He is probably discussing how much he lovessss Venezuela… and thinks Chavez is a great president!
Étrangement séduisant !
Le meilleur film de S. Penn, a mon avis, est « Dead man walking ».
Belle photo en noir et blanc mais j’ai l’impression qu’il va « boxer » son interlocuteur !
GREAT ACTOR!!I would never want to be married to him!!
Mm, Sean Penn is always fine by me. So handsome. So… I don’t know what!
x Peter @ http://low–couture.blogspot.com
Sean Penn sharing wisdom?
Ha! The very definition of hyperbole.
He looks like he has had a lot of pain in his life you can see it in his face…
Ne serait-ce que, parce qu’Il est un grand acteur et pour son action continue pour Haiti (alors que l’ile est abandonnée de tous les puissants) je ne peux dire que : RESPECT.
Sean Penn is the best actor in the world! And he is SO HANDSOME, SO SEXY, he is just full of charisma. Just love him most of all stars in the world :D How lucky you are Garance to see him live.
Sean Penn ?
…so charmant…
LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great actor!
The former hubby of Madonna, chatting with Ezra Miller; priceless.
Such style. I just posted a wedding. It was on the weekend and the couple created a crowd of spectators. It doesn’t happen in Vancouver much, so it was fun and it made me think of the red carpet.
Nice picture! He looks totally different than usual, but I don’t kmow exactly why…Great actor!
Special photo ! Sean Penn looks so different than before, older I guess. But I love how serious he looks while explaining something
new outfit post
Very nice pic!!!
I’m posting from Los Angeles, take a look on the windows of Rodeo Drive and our pictures in Palmdale!!
Bourré de charme ce Sean Penn…
Très belle photo !!
quelle gueule!
great pic
Love him, love every single film with him. Legend! :)
Great shot!!
I´ve no father-fixation, but he looks so good.. :)
très belle photo ! J’habite à 15min de Cannes et je ne vais jamais au Festival, trop de monde !!
Incredible pict! LOve your work.
J’aime beaucoup cet acteur, il dégage une classe et un charisme fou !
Par contre, il semble pas facile dans la vie quotidienne, après ce n’est qu’une impression !
Hâââââââte de voir le nouveau » Pardon My French » !!
Pfiouf ! Je ne sais pas d’où il revient… mais sûrement de loin ! ;-D Mais j’adore l’authenticité de sa gueule cabossée. Un grand Môssieur !
Ca change de ces starlettes holywoodiennes ravalées et ripolinées.
Is that Martin Scorsese on the left next to Ezra Miller?
J’aime ses idées, son film : Into the wild, son jeux, ses idées, sa forte personnalité.
Tu ne l’as pas raté !!!
Garance, I love your blog and have been reading it since the very beginning, but please give us something more than what the paparazzi gives. If I want to see Sean Penn I can go to some celebrity magazine or something. But, what makes me LOVE your blog and come back to it sometimes muliple times a day is because it has an aesthetic that very, very few other blogs have. Please don’t give us what everyone else does! But saying that, the Marion Cotillard photo was very beautiful.
Oh, but please!!!
Garance is taking a little detour. We’re along for the ride. It’s fun. Besides her two photos so far, of Marion and Sean, are not at all like the photos paparazzi take. Look at Sean Penn’s face. What kind of living has he done to look like that? He is known for being both aggressive and kind. He thinks about his world and suffers, but what comes out of his mouth often sounds puerile. He has a bit of a Jesus complex, but he’s a macho. In other words, he’s complex, and this photo shows that to great effect.
Wonderful shot of Mr. Penn!
Wonderful close shot! He really is a handsome fellow up close. His face reads wiseness and compassion.
SEAN PENN my favourite!
This man is wowwwwwwwwwwwww
Love him!
sean looks so aged but so wise of course. ezra should have learned a lot from him.
This photo is classy, not of the paparazzi kind. Sean Penn is such the consummate actor; it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s channeling Belmondo, being in Cannes and all.
Maybe he could also be an amazing guest to our party! See who else is coming! What about you? are you coming?