Le Portrait d’Isabella Blow
13 years ago by

Hier, avant de prendre l’avion pour Milan, on a fait un tour avec Scott à la National Portrait Gallery de Londres. C’est là que j’ai découvert cette silhouette sculptée d’Isabella Blow (que j’ai prise en photo avec mon Iphone avant qu’un agent me dise ne ne pas prendre de photos avec mon Iphone), la cultissime styliste, muse et découvreuse d’Alexander McQueen… Et de Stella Tennant dont on parlait justement hier.
C’est en fait l’ombre projetée d’un amas de plumes et d’animaux empaillés qui recrée, à la perfection, son profil.
C’est un travail de Noble and Webster. Fantastique.
The Portrait Of Isabella Blow by Noble and Webster, à la National Portrait Gallery of London, jusqu’au 13 mars 2011. Entrée libre.
juste fantastique. c’est tout aussi agréable de te lire lorsque tu laisses thefashionworld de côté, parfois.
et puis parfois, tes rocambolesques aventures modeuses sont parfaites.
Garance: varie je suis ravie!
Sublime, en effet :)
Etonnant, poétique, inspirant.
Wouaaaaah c’est impressionnant…. ;)
c’est fort quand même, dommage que je ne sois pas a Londres pour y faire un tour!
J’aime bien ce musée!
C’est magnifique, tout à fait dans le style de Mc Queen en plus! Nice picture.
Strange and mystic
J’y suis deja allée, c’est juste magnifique
ah lala oui c ‘est dingue et étonnant!
Pure art. this reminds me how much i miss Isabella .. I wish i could go to the exibition , thanks for the grat picture Garance ~
Quelle belle photo, avec un iPhone en plus? C’est quoi le secret? ;)
J’aime beaucoup le jeu d’ombres.
C’est terrible quand on se rend compte qu’à peu près tout à déjà été fait dans les 70’s…
what an incredible photograph. i love it.
Ah cool! You went to see it! I saw it last month when my parents were here. It really is a fantastic take on a portrait.
I had written about it here, with a pic, after the All Walks debate at the National Gallery with Lorraine Candy – editor in-chief of UK ELLE:
It seems a beautiful concept but when I look at it I don’t see the distinctive features of her face…This illusion is ingenious mais my eyes can’t or won’t catch up…must be my brain…
Oh well…
Oh, I’m just reading her biography. I didn’t know this was on… will definitely go to see it. She was such an incredible character – combining old aristocracy with modern fashion. I only now understand her connection with Daphne Guinness… quite a wild, romantic story. Hope London was good for you. (Still cannot get over my stupid stuttering, next time will be better, I hope :)
Hello Garance!
Comment te dire? … Euh … je respecte le travail de cette femme hein mais c’est étrange voire flippant … :p
j’adore G Dore ! beautiful pictures everyday x
I saw this when I was down the other week and thought it was absolutely amazing!
Kudos to you for managing to take a sneaky photograph, the security camera put me off!
Beautiful photograph but I have to admit I find the subject matter to be a wee bit creepy.
sneaky sneaky! I would have done the same. Great job!
Great pic.
Michelle’s Style File
Dingue la qualité de photo du Iphone!!!
(la fille à l’ouest…)
Instructif en tout cas!
It is amazing. There is a rat in there too.
I loved all her crazy hats! What a novel idea :)
La Petite Marmoset
I agree that this is cool, but what about the overt historical implications of this piece of art? What does Isabella Blow have to do with the French Revolution? It seems kind of inappropriate to me, even if the artistic technique is very good…
Wow! How interesting!
Extra chic, smart and poetic. Love that you shared it with us!
(iPhone forever! …the amount of images I artistically steal pretending to be texting!!)
Brilliant–both the work of art and it’s inspiration. I had the honor of seeing Ms. Blow in a two-foot high headpiece shaped like a pair of antelope horns and a full length sable, weaving her way through the tables to her seat at Balthazar. She silenced the room.
Il n’y a pas de mots pour decrire cela. Merci d’avoir partage.
Je l’ai vuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!! C’est a mondres, ou d’ailleurs il y a le portait d’anna wintour !!!!!!! :)
Oh I’m so happy they couldn’t stop you before you made this picture! Thank you for sharing it with us
Divertiti in Italia! ;-)
-The Red Dot-
Il faudrait que je pense sérieusement à retourner à Londres…
Absolument superbe!
That photo is pure perfection.
Check out my friends blog, it’s really different from all the other typical LA fashion blogs
Wonderful illusion of Isabella Blow, Merci Garance!
Homage to Lee Alexander McQueen
ANDREA JANKE Finest Accessories
wow, that’s pretty amazing! i hope u have fun in milan and gets to enjoy that hot chocolate that i miss so much!!
La photo est magnifique et ouvre la porte à un univers fantastique que j’adore !! :D
La silhouette, l’ombre portée: ça reflète tellement bien le personnage qu’elle incarnait.
Thanks for posting the picture.
J’avais vu une oeuvre d’eux au british museum en 2008 lors de l’expo statuephilia, il s’agissait d’un couple, c’était très romantique et très repoussant à la fois…
Pour voir la photo, c’était la: http://frenchiesinlondon.over-blog.com/article-23652273.html
c’est superbe
talk about divine…
That was one of my faves in the National Portrait Gallery! It is so hard to capture in a photo (I snuck a few, too! Bad me!)– I really recommend popping in to see it in person in order to really grasp how deliciously macabre and genius it is.
Thanks for sharing it here, Garance!
Photo is stunning.
Cette ombre sur le mur, sublime …
Le reflet est impressionnant
Thank you for sharing the photo – I’ve revisited it many times, it is amazing, as was the subject. Keep up the good work.
and she also discovered sophie dahl
beautiful, is it me or does lady gaga seem to be pulling all outfits from the late and great miss blow??? just my opinion..
Oh, how cool! I so wanted to take a snapshot when I saw it in December, but the security, damn, they were everywhere. Thanks for posting it so I can look at it one more time!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, from someone who would love to see this in person but is 5000 miles away. <3