irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos


9 years ago by

Alors voilà : ce n’est pas si souvent qu’on rencontre une dentiste qui adore mettre du Céline… pour aller travailler.
Mais c’est exactement ce qui rend Irina aussi unique, et fait d’elle une chouette personnalité à vous faire découvrir ici.

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

Irina n’est pas une fashionista ordinaire… son accent Serbe peut lui donner un côté un peu abrupt, mais c’est quelqu’un d’assez drôle, qui s’habille de façon moderne et très féminine. Elle s’est aussi mise à écrire des critiques et des articles pour le Harper’s Bazaar serbe…une petite reconversion (à mi-temps) pour laquelle elle était apparemment faite…

“Je suis née critique, c’est héréditaire”, comme elle le dit. En tout cas, ça semble lui réussir, et on a eu envie de vous montrer quelques-uns des looks qu’elle porte au quotidien, avec des pièces qu’elle choisit parce qu’elle les aime et pas parce qu’elles sont tendance…

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos


irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

irina lakicevic paris street style garance dore photos

Look 1 : Pull, Tibi; Jean, Marques Almeida; Chaussures, Gucci; Sac, Céline / Look 2 : silhouette entière, Céline / Look 3 : Top, J.W. Anderson; Jean, Levi’s; Chaussures, Céline; Sac, Loewe / Look 4 : Top, Dion Lee; Jupe et chaussures, Céline.


Ajouter le votre
  • Love her edgy style, didn’t know she was a dentist. That makes her even cooler.


  • A truly beautiful woman with a charisma. And, if my budget ever allows, I’d love to wear Celine (head to toe) to work! Alternating with Stella McCartney.

  • It’s so « normal » that a dentist will be crazy about fashion after spending the all day watching other faces..and wearing a white blouse …some fashion wonderland……will save the day…

    Yael Guetta

  • Love her! such a cool juxtaposition of identity and purpose! and her hair so cool…

  • WOW! love her style, it is so french and Céline. My dentist is definitely not that stylish with his all white look :D

  • I think most people wear what they can afford!! I would love to wear Celine! If you can’t afford to wear designer labels that shouldn’t make you uncool? It implies that people who can afford to spend more money on clothes are somehow *better

  • J’ai pensé la même chose en lisant cet article.

  • I agree, too.

  • sandrine from Toulouse 22 octobre 2015, 1:16

    je suis d’accord :-)

  • Stephanie Silva 22 octobre 2015, 3:45

    Yes! Agree, completely.

  • That’s what I thought.

  • Though she probably has to wear a white lab coat while working… Thank you so much for featuring her, Brie!

    Can we also talk about her hair? It is gorgeous and such a big part of her look. The cut is brilliant. I think all medical professionals should take extra care with their appearance. I once went to see a counselor and was so grossed out by her novelty socks, stretch pants (she was overweight) and general lack of grooming, I never went back.

    On the other hand, my oncologist and I (who I no longer see) always talked clothes, style and our sons. I’m glad she « fired » me as a patient, but I do miss our little chats.

  • She indeed has un unique style, I love the white sweater with oversize sleeves.

  • Wow, I have to say she seems to be making a really good living as a dentist…

    I too would love to wear Céline. Such beautiful lines. Simple, mais pas banal.

    On the other hand, I just can’t stand those Céline pumps. I found them so utterly unflattering. I just don’t get the hype.

  • Madeliene Rose 22 octobre 2015, 10:41 / Répondre

    Definitely your most interrsting feature to date. She looks effortless, she definitely wears the clothes.

  • Lisa Walker 22 octobre 2015, 10:42 / Répondre

    Hahaha. my mouth dropped open when I saw the black cuffed blouse. Brilliant. I heart Celine so much. And this dentist is so cool!

  • « ce n’est pas si souvent qu’on rencontre une dentiste qui adore mettre du Céline… pour aller travailler. »

    Je suis un peu surpris par cette réflexion… J’imagine que lorsque Phoebe Philo crée, elle le fait pour les femmes de façon générale, et si ce sont des dentistes, des profs, ou n’importe quel métier, c’est justement que la créatrice a réussi à s’adresser à une cliente, ce qui est ce pourquoi elle est payée.

    Ma question Brie, serait donc : Pourquoi porterait-on du Céline ou n’importe quelle marque si ce n’est pour la vie de tous les jours ?

    Les marques de luxe ne créent pas uniquement pour le fashion crowd, et heureusement, sinon elles auraient mis la clé sous la porte depuis bien longtemps…

  • Hi Emmanuelis! I think out of context it comes off this way, I simply meant that, during fashion month – it’s not often to meet such a cool woman who also happens to be a dentist. I would bet the majority of women who are the Céline customer do not work in the fashion industry :)

  • Stephanie Silva 22 octobre 2015, 11:35 / Répondre

    I adore this blog and all the work you do (have for years!), but I’d like to point out: it’s not news that apart from the « fashion set, » there are many, many (ordinary, everyday) people in this world — dentists included — who love fashion, have impeccable style and, yes, if they’re are fortunate enough, wear Celine. The only reason why it might seem a fresh surprise that this dentist is so well dressed is because people like her (and the lot of us) are so infrequently featured. Must it always be mag editors, stylists, designers, socialites and the like?

  • I TOTALLY agree with this. I love love love this blog and have been following it for years, but its sooo true. There are amazing women (and men) outside of the typical New York, London, Paris and not part of the « fashion set » that have impeccable style. I like this post and would love to see more women with style outside of the « fashion set »!

  • Camille 22 octobre 2015, 4:37

    I totally agree.

  • Hi Stephanie! Sorry, responded to Emmanuelis who had a similar point. But my response here is the same : I simply meant that during fashion month, it’s not often to meet such an inspiring woman who is a full-time dentist and not simply an editor or stylist. I would bet that the majority of women who are the Céline customer actually do not work in the fashion industry :) We do strive to feature as many woman (and men!) who work outside the fashion industry as possible – but, of course, our site is rooted in fashion and everything that comes with it! Thank you as always for your thoughts and I hope you keep reading to discover more of the amazing features we have in store!

  • She is definitely cool! That sounds like my crazy background! I used to be an accountant (CPA, VP of Finance, Controller, etc for over 13 years) before I switched careers to start my own product company 8 years ago! Love her style! Nice to see you feature people in non-creative professions with great style too!

  • Heureusement que l’on peut s’habiller autrement qu’en Celine de la tete aux pieds pour etre « cool et unique ».
    Dans le cas d’Irina, j’aime son premier look moins les mules fourrees, (a moins d’enlever la fourrure !) :-)))

  • Funnily enough, the pieces I prefer in the looks shown above are not Celine! I love the oversized jumper and the leather-cuffed blouse!

  • I like her looks a lot, but wouldn’t it be more interesting if the shots are taken in her office or somewhere that we can link to her occupation instead of on a typical « street-style » setting? From the pictures solely, the looks are more artificially refined and created precisely by a stylist rather than her daily work wear.

  • She is wonderful. What a unique style and point of view. It really open up the possibilities for women in professions traditionally expected to dress « conservatively. » She looks great! Thanks for this post.

  • bavarian_blue 22 octobre 2015, 12:36 / Répondre

    It’s definitely her gorgeous hair cut, that catches the eye most of all, totally not american style …

  • Wowwwww her style is enviable! I love how effortless she looks in both menswear inspired and feminine looks!

  • Knew this was only a matter of time. Love love love Irina’s style and of course that hair! So happy to see her on here. Gorgeous images.

    xo Janelle

  • She has great style, also very cool hair! I’ve been following her for a while now. The dentist thing makes her even more interesting!

  • Je trouve ce post intéressant, même si je suis assez d’accord àvec certains commentaires précédents …je suis infirmiére -j’administre des soins à domicile, j’aime la mode/le vêtement et je reçois très régulièrement des compliments sur mon allure et mon style. Je pense être unique moi aussi (bon ok je n’ai pas les moyens de me payer du Céline),.. mais je pense que nous le sommes toutes, si tant est que l’on soit en phase avec qui on est et nos envies, peu importe le milieu dans lequel on évolue. Fashion industry or not :)

    Gigi xxx

  • As someone who moved from fashion design to a medical profession, I really appreciate this feature. Thank you for sharing!

  • She has a nice, I would say, classic-rebel style :)

    blog l&fe

  • Not the type of doctor I am used to…Love her outfits, she looks more like a street-style guru than a dentist!

  • Always admire women who have some serious, responsible jobs and in addition find the time and energy to be interested in fashion and be fashionable ….

  • C’est la plus stylée de toutes les dentistes c’est sur!!!! Ahah.
    Je suis peut être moins fan des babouches fourrées fourrure. mais bon c’est étonnant comme elle réussit à prendre des pièces vintage et qu’elles paraissent si moderne sur Irina. Top!

  • I absolutely love her&her style,she has that edgy thing,typical for a Balkan girl,some mix of rebellion,sense of humour and plyful girly attitude

  • Haha je me retrouve bien là! Je suis d’origine serbe et je suis médecin généraliste, je vais faire mes visites à domicile à vélo et je bataille pour trouver la tenue idéale pour rouler à vélo sans sacrifier mon style personnel.
    Je me sens souvent seule parmi mes collègues, avec mes tenues colorées ou fofolles. En plus je suis la seule qui se maquille, qui se vernis les ongles, qui met des accessoires dans ses cheveux, des shorts, des chaussures à poils, qui vient travailler avec son sac Dior vintage usé.
    Mais la vie est trop courte pour porter des vêtements nazes!
    Aujourd’hui j’ai une robe rose pâle à gros pois noir et les patients kiffent!
    Bisous =)

  • This woman has style, is fortunate to be able to afford it and is beautiful. Also, she looks like a slave to the status trends I have seen this season on all the style websites. Frankly, and I realize this a personal choice, I find the women with style who are truly original and not a slave to latest dictates of the fashion industrial complex much more interesting than those who can afford this season’s expensive on trend items.

  • This. I agree completely, you said the same I was thinking as soon as I saw the photos.

  • Ouais bah apparemment Irina aime ce qui est tendance ! ahah (y’a pas de honte à ça – moi aussi j’adore)

  • Lovely profile! Kudos for featuring a professional with style and taste. I am in anesthesia and appreciate the focus on other careers. The clothes are gorgeous, too! I love that her background is mentioned as well, and she’s right, Serbs are born critics courtesy of our parents. Perhaps that applies to all of us from that tiny but mighty Balkan state. Happy Friday!

  • Super stylee pour une dentiste lol!

  • Oh I really like Irina! Somehow feel close to her as I am a chemitsry teacher who loves fashion and decided to study it and blog about it as well! Love the way you feature such interesting women with their own mark and aesthetics in this blog….

  • I work in a hospital and have always appreciated the medical professionals who were interested in fashion. However, I think that Irina is only wearing expensive brands and trends. Even the hair cut is a trend as well.

    I love this blog and the features but when I can recognise the brand in each item of cloth I feel very sad. I just miss attitude, creativity and real style in fashion industry.

    I cannot tell how many times I have seen similar outfits in fashion websites, but I guess she is a blogger and unfortunately many of them are all the same thing.

    I think she is very pretty and interesting woman from all you tell above about her but cannot see personality or style in those pictures.

  • What a cool way to wear your hair – love it!

  • Nous avons clairement pouvons voir que ceci est quelque chose où les gens ne manquent pas pour montrer leur richesse tout à fait et leur manière de s’habiller a déclaré quelqu’un qui étudie les habitudes de dépenses des consommateurs à la tête de sa connaissance du marché pour des tenue et des vêtements chics . Les gens marchent passé l’extérieur illuminé d’un magasin comment ce magasin à Paris .

    Mais ce est Exactement Ce Qui Rend ces gens uniques et fait d’aux des chouettes personnalités à vous faire découvrir ici.

  • J’adore ce que dégage cette fille et j’aime beaucoup la manière dont elle porte ses vêtements…

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