
10 years ago by

Bon, c’est pas la première fois qu’on se penche sur les stars qui sont tout à coup propulsées fashion icons (je pense notamment au post de Garance sur Kim Kardashian qui avait fait couler pas mal d’encre ici…) bref, aujourd’hui, on va parler de Rihanna.

Elle nous a sorti une création Stella McCartney assez wahou au Met Ball (je me demande ce que Charles James pensait des crop tops…), la semaine dernière, elle était au défilé Croisière Dior en total-look de la marque, les CFDA s’apprêtent à la désigner Icône Mode de l’année, et, last but not least, ça ne vous aura pas échappé, elle est le nouveau visage de la dernière campagne Balmain.

Bon, je ne peux pas trop vous parler de la garde-robe de Rihanna quand elle est en mode off-duty, si ce n’est qu’elle est certainement casual et un peu flashy (son compte Instagram vient d’être supprimé, donc impossible de retrouver ses #OOTD [Outfit Of The Day]), mais est-ce qu’elle est en train de devenir une personnalité influente du monde de la mode ?

Quand Stella et Raf se précipitent pour vous habiller, qu’on est le visage d’une grosse campagne de pub et qu’on s’apprête à recevoir un Prix, forcément, ça booste la crédibilité mode. Vous en pensez quoi, vous ? Est-ce que Rihanna a vraiment un sens du style aiguisé ou est-ce que tout ça, c’est surtout lié à son statut de people ?


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  • Celebrity status that’s all, like Kim K, and the rest. They definitely don’t hold a candle to any of you stylish bunch at the office!

  • a good stylist does not mean great personal style. just look at gaga: the minute formicheti took his hands off her, her relevance plummeted… :)


  • MissPimpin 16 mai 2014, 9:28 / Répondre

    Je trouve qu’elle est – évidemment – très jolie, et que du coup elle peut tout se permettre, ce qu’elle fait d’ailleurs, et le plus souvent, ce n’est pas très heureux. Je ne crois pas qu’elle ait le moindre sens du style ni de la mode

  • Olivia 16 mai 2014, 4:31

    Tout à fait d’accord !

  • Tout à fait d’accord.

  • She’s truly gorgeous. Beautiful body, face, skin… but i don’t think that she’s a true fashion icon. It’s about the visibility that she provides through stardom.

  • holly 17 mai 2014, 9:58

    couldn’t agree more!

  • I’ve been wondering about this for a while: does a celebrity deserve to be called a style icon when there is such a definitive line between « off duty » style, as you call it, and « on duty »? Clearly someone other than Rihanna herself is responsible for her on duty looks. This is obvious by her off duty style, which, as seen at last night’s Clippers/Thunder game, is somewhat horrendous.

  • Caroline Mt 16 mai 2014, 9:30 / Répondre

    Elle est très bien habillée (depuis 1 ou 2 ans, c’est vraiment bien) mais c’est l’oeuvre d’une ou plusieurs stylistes. Tiens d’ailleurs ce serait intéressant de savoir qui c’est, pour le féliciter!

  • Another version of the Style vs. Fashion question.

    I don’t think Rhianna is an icon – she’s beautiful and definitely has her own spin on things but when it comes to these fashion choices, she’s eye candy, an enticement meant to buy street credibility and sell clothes. It’s not a bad thing but it isn’t the same as seeing someone you’ve never heard of walk across the street in front of you in a head-turning ensemble that opens a window in your head and makes you think of your own clothes in a new way.

    Style is about your own choices. Fashion is usually about someone else’s.

    To me, that’s a real style setter.

  • Great response.

  • I am sincere, even if she is a beautiful girl, I do not really like her style!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I think a celebrity can buy style, so if I see one with an outfit I like … I think ‘nice outfit’ or outfits(s). I don’t think of them as an icon because they have a stylist (or a team) and tons of money and time to plan what they are wearing for events where they’ll be photographed. All-in-all, I’d call it celebrity status in this case. Fashion seems so staged and manufactured with celebrities. I don’t feel like I see enough spontaneous fashion moments or like we just happened upon a person in their normal everyday life looking chic. I’m just so over it.

  • Love Rihanna and her amazing style! Definitely think she is on her way to becoming a style icon–plus she always has the best hair and makeup transformations. Remember her asymmetrical cut in Umbrella? And her super badass red hair?

  • Unlike Kim K and all the « reality » stars, Rhianna is a very talented singer and entertainer…..and she also has great style…………we always want to see what she is wearing……….and she is more credible as no matter whose clothes she wears she makes it her own…..

  • Although she can sometimes look really cool (and I loved how she rocked short hair – too few female celebrities do), I don’t think she’s refined enough (well, quite often she looks downright trashy) to be a true style icon.
    I think to be a fashion icon you really need to have your personality shine through and have some sort of consistency in how you dress (not to say you can’t change it up ofcourse) and that’s something Rihanna doesn’t display.

  • Kendriana 16 mai 2014, 9:48 / Répondre

    I’ve always admired Rhianna’s style! It’s so edgy, creative and bold! Plus she’s always been a trendsetter for my age group. Of course, these are all opinions (awards included,) but Rhianna has a great influence on street style so I think that makes her an icon. SJP is an actress and she’s considered a style icon, while Rhianna and Sarah Jessica Parker have different style, the concept of celebrity turned fashion icon is still the same. Some people may not like urban style but it’s just as much « real » fashion as anything else.

  • Agree-I always want to see what she’s wearing, eons ago, I wanted to see what Farrah Faucet was wearing–cool girl style.

  • How much is cool this girl?

    Pls take a look @ http://thehippiewhim.blogspot.it/


  • This is little different from what Rihanna would normally wear. She is looking pretty here.
    (Also please visit my website when you have time ^_^)

  • Virginie 16 mai 2014, 10:00 / Répondre

    Je me permets une petite remarque : beaucoup trop de termes anglais dans ce post… Je ne comprends pas la moitié de ce qui est écrit… Rihanna en mode off-duty ????

  • I don’t think it’s fair calling her a celebrity and putting next to Kim K. She’s a singer, she became a celebrity because of her singing (let’s not get into the value of her music now, ok?) and not because of a sex tape or having a fake wedding on TV.
    Like it or not Rihanna sells her albums in millions and has huge world tours where she sings.
    I think by her fashion choices she’s doing a lot of good to the industry. Her style has evolved so much lately that I really think she deserves this award.
    P.S. Alex, show us what you wore to the cruise, girl!

  • christine 6 juin 2014, 2:57

    agreed!! the difference is rihanna has TALENT, she creates, and the creativity spills over from music into clothing. kim k’s only pursuit is being a mannequin and being seen. that being said, rihanna definitely has the advantage of money and access. but if you follow her closely, even her « off-duty » outfits show that she has a distinct style and her personality is intimately reflected in her clothing choices. her styled (by others) « on-duty » outfits are just the cherry on top.

  • I love her, even when dressed up as a romantic girl, she’s so strong!
    xox, Gap.

  • I know that the « celebrity as style icon » debate has been happening for years because it’s hard to know what’s truly innate vs. working with a great team of people. That’s why street style is generally so much more interesting to me because it’s, in general, a more authentic creative expression. Credible or not, at least Rihanna tries to go against the grain, thought it doesn’t personally jive with my own aesthetic tastes.


  • J’adore, elle est clairement ma référence numéro 1 en matière de mode. Meme dans ses vêtements du quotidien.
    Elle ose, elle est moderne, elle porte ce qui lui plait, ce qui l’amuse et elle s’en fout, c’est pas la définition de la mode ça ?

  • c’est une badgirl, et elle adore ca. Elle n’en a jamais assez d’être regardée, et fait tout pour attirer les regards, c’est donc un porte manteaux rentable pour les marques. Mais franchement c’est pas une fille gentille ni sympa (cf le dernier scandale ou elle se fout de sa fan), qui traine avec des mecs qui frappent les filles, bref… Ca me désole et je trouve ca plutot triste. :(

  • Caroline Mt 16 mai 2014, 10:24 / Répondre

    J’ai trouvé!
    Le styliste (principal en tout cas) de Rihanna est Mel Ottenberg.
    Quant à Kim K, pas moyen de trouver le nom de son styliste, mais en revanche on sait qu’elle fait retoucher tous ses pantalons par Cornelius Clay, un des stylistes de Kanye (ce qui est une très bonne idée, vu la galère que c’est pour trouver un pantalon qui siet parfaitement).

  • I am really bothered by celebrity worship. I stopped buying American fashion magazines because they only use celebrities on the covers. It’s too much like the idea of the « popular kids » in high school. I just don’t want to always see the same people! Add to the fact that many of them have « brands » and it’s like watching commercials all the time!

  • Tiani 16 mai 2014, 1:58


  • Candace 16 mai 2014, 2:17

    My mother summed it up during the time of Rhianna’s unfortunate and disturbing debacle with Chris Brown:

    ‘Silly young kids with way too much money’. That’s all she is, silly and from the looks of it, a mean girl. Gorgeous for sure, talented never (she doesn’t ‘sing’, she « entertains », but most people don’t know the difference). « Style » with a capital S….nope, no, no-ish!

    Having tons of money and wearing head to toe brands doesn’t make one stylish, not in today’s world, not ever. She is a commodity, to be bought and sold, not an icon. She isn’t strong, nor is she empowered, (unless you count vulgar materialism empowering.) Her shtick will get very old by the time she gets in her 30’s, in which case another will have taken her place.

    Can we stop making these mediocre people even more insanely rich and famous with our misplaced admiration please?

  • Elle modernise tout ce qu’elle touche,
    elle est définitivement la fille de l’époque,
    avant la prochaine….

  • A la base j’étais une fan de Rihanna, mais ça c’était avant.
    Je dois admettre que l’attitude de plus en plus provoc’ de Riri ne m’aide pas. Mon avis est trop vicié pour que je puisse en donner un totalement objectif.
    Elle est TROP vulgaire et ses OOTD sont inégaux, mais j’avoue tout de même que lors de certains évènements mondains, il y a des tenus qui ont de la gueule. Donc je dirais que son styliste pour ce genre d’occasion a dû goût. Donc je ne qualifierai pas Rihanna d’icône mode parce qu’elle ne m’inspire pas du tout. Elle met certes des vêtements de marque mais ça ne me marque pas, ça ne me choque pas dans le bon sens…Elle n’éblouit pas le vêtement car elle n’apporte rien de plus malgré sa personnalité dynamique et son comportement trop sexy.
    Kim K se rachète une conduite, elle évolue dans le bon sens surtout côté look. Il suffit de regarder ses OOTD, j’aime vraiment c’est choix.
    Taylor Swift (que je trouve niaise et insupportable) a un style qui lui va tellement bien, que j’ai l’impression qu’elle me raconte une histoire rien qu’avec ses vêtements.
    Pour Riri c’est mort, je ne l’apporte plus vraiment dans mon coeur, elle a réussi à devenir la Beyoncé du pauvre…

  • Je n’aime pas cette fille,je trouve qu’il est très vulgare¡

  • Moi, j’ai envie de dire qu’elle porte ce qui lui plait, fait ce qu’elle veut et l’assume haut et fort. Et que c’est ça, la vraie crédibilité.

  • Cristiana 16 mai 2014, 11:11 / Répondre

    While I can understand why everybody loves to talk about her, to me Rihanna is neither a fashion icon nor a stylish girl.

  • If you have style you do not follow fashion , you CREATE fashion.

    I have had the Rihanna debate with my friends in the fashion industry many times….does she have it ? does she not ?
    One thing is for sure….you cannot compare her to KK….KK really does NOT have it , and never will unfortunately, you can just tell

    Rihanna’s style is street and sassy , she wears clothes as a form of self expression and not in order to please men, she dares, she risks, she misses a lot of the times, looks like a hot fashion mess on many occasions , I do not particularly like that form of  » pop porn  » music nor branding nor styling nor marketing ( in the same category as Beyonce and Miley : part stripper show , part Las Vegas show and some little bits of music in between ) but unfortunately this is what the record companies want and expect from these girls because this is what sells ….and don’t get me started on the music industry ….

    Rihanna as fashion icon ? don’t think so IMO . Rihanna has fashion sense ? yes she does , you can tell she loves fashion and is well informed , has a lot of money to buy the latest statement pieces and good stylists to provide her with the rest .

    As I said above : you have to create fashion to have style….and this is not happening with Rihanna’s case , but at least she is having fun , innit ?


  • When I have seen Rihanna in person, she is absolutely stunning. … And for all intents and purposes, she is quite influential as far as fashion goes, but fashion is not style. I think that the connoisseurs of fashion have somehow merged these two. Style transcends the fashions. I am not sure that we have many that have true style independent of fashion. Meanwhile…I definitely enjoy what’s out there.

  • Does she have a style to speak of?! I don’t think so, and she’s lightyears away from being any kind of icon, so no, I don’t think she is a style icon.
    Sorry for sounding b*****, but the last thing I read about her was about her making mean comments about a fan of hers, so I don’t see a reason to hold back, sorry.

  • Mode si vous voulez mais alors pas classe du tout! Et je suis désolée qu’elle devienne une référence, encore plus une icône.
    Bien sûr il faut être libre et avant-gardiste mais c’est mieux d’être créatif et personnel sans céder en permanence à a vulgarité. Elle en devient « commune » et sans intérêt, c’est domage pour elle mais ses efforts (où eux de ses stylistes…) ne payent pas.

  • Canoon cette photo d’elle ;-)

  • Stephanie 16 mai 2014, 11:45 / Répondre

    She definitely beautiful, and she does seem to often pull together really interesting looks. I will just say though that her bad rep is really catching up with her – Did you hear about that young girl who dressed like her to go to the prom and then got humiliated by her on Twitter? I just found that so trashy – its worse than like Naomi Campbell throwing cell phones…

  • Doesn’t Count if someone else is almost always dressing you…

    Someone like Solange may be [crazy] but SHE has style.

  • Celebrity status only.

  • I think Rihanna is really beautiful, but I don’t know if it’s the result of her teams of stylists, makeup artists, publishers, and assistants or she DOES pick her own clothes all alone. My definition of style icon is someone who has a huge voice (or opinion) in fashion and she/he can apply it on his/her everyday look without the help of professionals. So… I guess Rihanna is like half-icon?


  • I think they should give her stylist the award.

  • Quand des grandes marques l’habillent ( comme Stella McCartney ), elle est magnifique, mais si il n’y a personne qui l’aide ça part tout de suite dans le vulgaire comme j’ai pu voir quand elle était invitée à la fashionweek en France, je ne vois pas du tout le côté classe de ne presque rien porter, mais le trash fait vendre apparemment. Je regrette le temps, ou il fallait s’habiller, avec certes du style, mais surtout de l’élégance, maintenant elles sont toutes quasi nu sur le redcarpet

  • Partly due to the celebrity status.
    But still she is pretty!!
    I love her iconic oversize boyish style. It’s so urban chic. It’s sth that only few of people can handle , which she carries it very well.


  • The only reason creative designers compete to see their creation wear by Kim K or Rihanna is because they know that their creation will be seen by every one everywhere and so be bought. Rihanna might be gorgeous but I believe she has no sense of style at all, she just has the fame that makes what she wears desirable and thats why Dior wants to have her front row. It all about money money money

  • I agree. She’s famous and will be seen.

    I find her extremely vulgar.

  • Je pense que c’est surtout lié à son statut de people. Elle est très jolie, mais je n’aime pas spécialement son style vestimentaire. C’est une question de goût mais au delà de ça, je pense qu’elle est bien habillée quand les grandes marques l’aident, mais sinon j’adhère pas. Parfois et souvent elle est trop vulgaire je trouve.

  • Nini piccola 16 mai 2014, 12:44 / Répondre
  • Hello,

    je ne sais pas trop si elle est la plus grande icone mode de l’annee mais elle a quand meme un sacre sens du style ! Et surtout ce que j’aime c’est qu’elle ose ! Ok elle nous a déjà fait des looks beurk mais en même temps je me disais « c’est cool, elle assume, elle ose, elle se cherche, elle innove » et donc du coup elle est créative! et ça c’est respect, car maintenant tout va tellement vite que même les tendances sont obsolètes. Par exemple, apres 1 mois, on voit toutes les blogueuses habillées (aux prémices elles étaient précurseurs et développaient leur créativité mais aujourd »hui au global – car il y a des exceptions of course – tout est un peu incipide, non ? ) de la même manière et dans la rue aussi. Alors Rihanna, rayonnante, épanouie, wonderwoman, je dis OUI OUI OUI ! ;-)



  • mimi taylor 16 mai 2014, 1:06 / Répondre

    definitely star status, her personal taste is yuk and as for Kim, she’s not a natural beauty, she’s man made.

  • « people » non. C’est une rock star. pas une people.
    Les rock stars ils ont pas besoin d »avoir du style » comme toutes les fashionistas qui lisent ce blog… ILS MENENT le style. Ils definissent le style.

  • Je pense que de mettre de jolis vêtements sur quelqu’un de vulgaire et qui n’a aucun sens profond du style n’en fera jamais une icône de la mode. Les icônes sont celles dont la personnalité induisent le style, et non l’inverse.

  • Pour moi c’est clairement dû à son statut de « star » mondiale ;) et qu’elle est devenue naturellement un produit marketing puisque suivie par des millions de personnes … Mais sur elle, ça marche ! L’inspiration et l’admiration de ses tenues fonctionne, alors pourquoi ne pas l’apprécier après tout ;) !!!

    Les Selfies de Pauline

  • eh ben moi je l’aime d’amour Rihanna. Je la trouve magnifique, culottée, j’aime ses looks complètement déglingue, bref, une nana cool! Je ne la qualifierais pas de vulgaire. Dès qu’une femme est un peu sexuelle, elle est classée dans cette catégorie.. Pour moi, Kim K est atrocement vulgaire, mais pas Rihanna.

  • Si avoir un sens du style aiguisé c’est d’être super vulgaire alors oui elle est pile dans la tendance !

  • I think Rihanna has a beautiful face and she is slim enough to fit into designer samples, and she is obviously a talented singer, but I agree with what others have said here–she is no style icon. If anything, I think her real style is a bit trashy and she relies too much on showing skin. But, of course, since she is such a huge celebrity, designers want to dress her because that way their clothes will be seen and Rihanna’s fans will want to emulate her look.

    I think the phrase « style icon » is a bit overused these days. To me, a real icon is someone like Audrey Hepburn, Kate Moss, Jane Birkin, or Giovanna Battaglia. Someone who has a consistent look that is all their own, whether they are dressed in designer duds for an event or their own clothes for everyday life.


  • I’d say money has a lot to do with what she wears, which is the case with any other especially wealthy person most of the time.
    Having said that, Rihanna’s definitely got that cool girl edge which filters through whatever the outfit may be… Which is more than I can say for Kim Kardashian.


  • moi je pense que Karl, qui fait toujours des choix audacieux, devrait collaborer avec elle.Je suis étonnée que ce ne soit pas déjà fait!

  • Daniella 16 mai 2014, 2:43 / Répondre

    Maybe i’m being ignorant but I feel anyone can become a style icon if Stella McCartney, Raf Simons and those alike are dressing you, no?! Though I will say she is undeniably beautiful and always looks amazing in the clothes she is styled in.

    Daniella xx

  • I think her style helped elevate her celebrity status. Remember RiRi’s Pon de Replay days?? No one really cared about her til she lopped her hair off and Jay Z took her under his wing. Then she started wearing flashy outfits that got the media’s attention, regardless of whether the outfits were « nice » or « good, » and that probably helped draw designers’ attention to her too. Now her celebrity status gets her style too. It’s totally circular!

  • Quand on a beaucoup d’argent, il devient bien plus aisé d’avoir son propre style, on peut se permettre d’acheter ce que l’on aime vraiment, !!
    et quand on a un personal shopper, un styliste, un coiffeur, un maquilleur et un photographe (ect..)pour être conseillée , un style en ressort forcement, non?
    Après, Je pense qu’elle n’a pas volé sa célébrité, she’s such a hard worker!

  • Elizaveta 16 mai 2014, 4:09 / Répondre

    I love Ri’s style…but yes, as it has been mentioned half of that CFDA icon style award goes to Mel Ottenberg – the other half to Ri and he « bad » vibes.

  • Je ne trouve pas qu’elle ait vraiment un style qui se démarque et que les autres aimeraient adopter. C’est son statut de star qui la propulse ainsi.

  • Elle est une célébrité, donc est très médiatisée, on la voit partout, donc bonne opportunité pour les marques de se faire encore plus voir ?

  • C’est clairement une fashion icon pour des millions de personnes, mais ce n’est pas une icône pour moi.
    Mais heureusement que nous n’aimons pas toutes les mêmes choses.
    Et bien sur que son statut d’icône de mode est lié à son statut de star… comme 99% des icônes


  • Honnetement je pense qu’elle a une bonne styliste et encore il y a des jours off! Perso je ne suis pas super fana, trop de provoc et souvent trop border line mais par contre elle a une super ligne que tout a chacun pouvait admirer dans les details – merci Instagram – boo hoo c’est fini!
    Alors est ce qu’elle tiendra la distance…
    Merci Alex
    Bon weekend et bisous

  • Je pense effectivement que son statut de people y est pour beaucoup. La célébrité permet à de nombreuses stars de se mettre aux goûts du jour sans qu’elles n’aient réellement un sens du style.
    Selon moi, quand on est une vraie icône de la mode, ça se ressent dès le début, alors qu’on ne peut pas dire que Rihanna s’est vraiment distinguée d’un point de vue vestimentaire à ses débuts.

  • I like her, I like her songs, but.. for me she’s not that ‘fashion icon’ with big F.

  • I think Rihanna is a beautiful girl and makes anything she puts on look good! Oh, how I miss those days.
    That’s not to say she doesn’t bring her own street cred. We’ve seen her grow up in the industry to be the rockin’ diva she is. I get her songs stuck in my head all the time.

  • princessglee 16 mai 2014, 7:59 / Répondre

    I’ve got 4 things to say about Ri Ri, BCBG (Bon Chic, Bon Genre, Good taste, good style.)

  • It’s strange that you decided to post this piece about Rihanna’s style the same week that Rihanna has been publicly mocking her 16 year old fashion fans on twitter for their clothing. Random cruelty is a very bad look.
    See various coverage, for example:

  • Rhianna.. she’s pretty and all, but she’s not a fashion icon by any means. I don’t know how I feel about this blog after this post….

  • You guys are deluded — Rihanna is already a major fashion icon. Best dressed at the Met Ball, CFDA Fashion Icon of the Year, and spring Balmain. She is fly as hell and you’re missing it.

    Hip-hop is high fashion. If all you have to say about Rihanna’s streetwear is « a little bit flashy, » you’ve been listening to too much Lorde and not enough A$AP Rocky. Don’t apologize for celebrating fashion icons of color.

  • I agree with you Tessa; they love the culture but they don’t like the people.

  • I love Rihanna. So fashion forward even in 2007!!!!

  • Mathilde 17 mai 2014, 3:38 / Répondre

    Je travaille dans une très grande maison et, dans les services de com et de presse c’est toujours un enfer quand on doit communiquer sur elle (comme dire qu’elle a porté tel modèle de notre collection du moment). Elle passe vraiment pour une « pouffe » (pardonnez-moi l’expression). Ceci dit, je pense qu’elle a effectivement un bon potentiel et qu’en s’améliorant (notamment au niveau du comportement), ça pourrait fonctionner. À voir !

  • Lucy Lumtzerova 17 mai 2014, 3:48 / Répondre

    she´s a fashion player but not an icon cute rihanna love her music and style

  • D.korneliussen 17 mai 2014, 4:05 / Répondre

    Words such as « icon » and « genius » should perhaps be saved for certain contexts. Though Rhyana is a fabulous looking creature and has made her mark (as thousands of other young girls have) in the music world… She is – from my perspective – not in the category of « iconic ».

  • Rihanna is a trendsetter for fads not a style icon.

  • Photo très réussie ; mais une fille aussi vulgaire ne peut pas devenir icône de mode. Ni jolie, ni classe, on ne la catégorise ainsi que parce qu’elle est une « star » de la chanson…

  • Mariateresa 17 mai 2014, 5:30 / Répondre

    Rihanna c’est trop belle! Elle est magnifique! Bisou Ici Bari!

  • Enkelejda 17 mai 2014, 6:42 / Répondre

    I believe to be a fashion icon you need an element of class. Also the word icon is overused in the North American society.

    How can we place her in the fashion world when most time she has barely any clothes on, using nudity as shock factor. Wearing fewer pieces of clothing is not daring is boring.

    Garance I love your blog. It is a escape for me, please do not ruin it by using « pop tarts ».

    Thanks, Enekelejda

  • Très jolie la Riri, comme d’habitude!


  • Will it kill her to wear a bra? She is absolutely gorgeous but does not come across as well turned-out. In spite of the make-up and designer brands, she always seems undone in a very unflattering way. Won’t her stylist or anyone point out the obvious? This top needs a foundation (as in a properly fitted bra — ok, any bra at all). She needs to put in a bit more effort to obtain the title of ‘fashion icon’.

  • She has the money, the face, the body, but is classless. As a young woman, I do NOT look up to her and am not enchanted to do so just because she wears high end brands. People give importance to such shallow things lately…

  • I think you can said that someone have a great style is when we saw her outfit on daily time or on off duty time. Maybe she’s trendsetter but I’m not sure she’s fashion icon. wear a high end clothes are not enough to gain a fashion icon status.

  • Super jolie – comme toujours ;)
    Des bises !!


  • Its her celebrity status and amount of followers that secure her clothes from big designers. Otherwise, the only self-styling that she manages can only be called « very sl*ty »! (Pardon my French :P)

  • With Rihanna I sometimes absolutely loathe what she’s wearing and sometimes I totally adore it. But I wonder whether she’s is actually the one with the great sense of style. We all know celebreties oftenly get sent clothes by designers for them to wear and that they have stylists to make them look as awesome as they can be. This is when we have to ponder if it is Rihanna with the great sense of style or just the people that eventually « dress » her. She obviously doesn’t always have these people with her to pick out her clothes, but these are the people that might have influenced the RiRi-style everyone loves so much.

  • Just this week Rihannna was called out for making fun of a high school girl who was a huge fan. The reason? The girl copied one of Rihanna’s outfits for her prom. Making fun of people is never OK. But it’s especially cruel if you are a celebrity, bullying a young girl. I lost any respect I had for Rihanna.

  • I tend not to call someone with an army of stylists a fashion icon.
    But I think Rihanna dresses pretty well sometimes. Lately I’ve noticed Blake Lively on red carpets. She was stunning but then again… an army of stylists… Naaay.

  • Love that she is fearless!

  • Natashia 18 mai 2014, 9:25 / Répondre

    I don’t think she’s a style icon at all.. just because she is given an outfit to wear, doesn’t mean she is stylish. Her off duty clothing choices are horrible and tacky. Someone like Emmanuelle Alt is a style icon because her daily style choices are always spot on – she rocks a certain style that people everywhere try to imitate.

  • Love her outfit above. Stylish? It looks tasteful, pretty, safe. She herself, however, makes it look dangerous rather than simply expensive fashion. Perhaps, even, cheap? Most of the comments above are about the difference between the idea of the person (i.e. as icon) and the way the person conducts their life, especially in terms of the media representation of them and how they are styled professionally. How do you actually differentiate between the two? Why bother? As long as we blur that line (as R does herself) between the image and the real woman then we can continue to aspire to her « personal » style. Just by defining ‘style’ as a personal quality we can draw a line between (personal) style and (institutional) fashion. And that confusion between the two categories makes high fashion *feel* more accessible to us even though it is completely unaffordable for most of us. It’s just good old capitalism at work. Rihanna is making it work for herself. So is Stella et al. And so is this blog. The category of the « personal » is for sale, as it should be if you want fashion to sell in this system. Rihanna gets it and she’s good at it. In short, she is adept at conflating style and fashion. And we keep on talking about it, too.

  • Caroline 19 mai 2014, 8:43 / Répondre

    Non non et non ! Uniquement une people ! Elle n’a aucun style ! Et si l’on regarde ses OOTD, ça n’est absolument pas remarquable ! Trop de vulgarité et de too much. Kim K ou Rihanna, OUT ! On préfère Garance en icône du style ;)

  • I love Rihanna. I think she takes so many fashion risks and they usually end up being chic and fabulous! She is edgy and timeless all in one. Definitely deserves a style icon award for sure!

    visit my fashion blog: http://lizsween.wordpress.com

  • Oui et non. Je trouve qu’elle a beaucoup de style qu’elle a acquis au fil des années, c’est sur qu’avoir un styliste talentueux aide, mais j’imagine qu’elle a son mot a dire et que son gout s’est affirme… Elle a le don de savoir detourner et s’approprier les pieces des plus grands designers, ce que tout le monde ne sait pas faire! Aujourd’hui elle est clairement influente dans le domaine de la mode

  • LOVE this side of Rihanna. This side is a fashion icon. Unfortunately, it isn’t a side we see often enough.


    Kristen + MK

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