12 years ago by
Ce week-end, on était à Istanbul avec Scott pour la remise des Elle Fashion Awards. Un jour si vous êtes gentils je vous raconterais mon fiasco au moment d’aller chercher mon award de Fashion Blogger of the Year, yeah ! mais pour le moment j’ai encore un traumatisme post-scénistique à digérer. En attendant, donc, parlons des choses positives qui me sont arrivées.
Bon. D’abord, j’ai retrouvé Istanbul que, mais alors, j’adore. Ensuite donc j’ai reçu un award, et ça c’est la classe. Après on a fait la fête, et là j’ai rencontré plein de gens super, et notamment Ceylan.
J’adore son style. Ceylan est fashion editor et elle aussi a un blog, qui a l’air même si j’avoue que je n’y comprends absolument rien.
Et Ceylan a les cheveux courts, et ça lui va diablement bien… Vous voyez où je veux en venir ?
PS : En regardant son blog, je vois qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps, elle avait les cheveux longs. Moi je dis, ça mérite une interview cheveux courts. Juste pour lui demander l’effet que ça fait. Vous en pensez quoi ?
Allez Garance, on meurt d’envie que tu nous racontes cette remise de prix !
je suis bien d’accord avec toi mais ceylan n’a pas n’importe quel cheveu court … sa coupe est juste canon … je ne pourrais jamais faire pareil avec mes cheveux… she is so lucky!!!!
It was a pleasure to meet you and see you on work while you were taking these amazing photos!
Je pense que c’est une bonne idée cette histoire d’interview ! :)
ça me rappel quand j’ai coupée mes cheveux très courts d’un coup, alors qu’ils m’arrivaient au milieu du dos.. ( bon j’y suis allée progressivement, je suis passée par le carré court avant.. mais quand même ).. ça fesait un drôle d’effet !
maintenant je regrette un peu, et j’attend qu’ils poussent, je rêve de coiffures et de chignons =)
Ralala! c’est la coupe de cheveux que je ne pourrais jamais avoir, avec mes cheveux frisés et bouclés c’est du domaine de l’impossible, enfin je crois!! quelqu’un à déjà tenté l’experience ?
I am always a supporter of short hair on women, so I am all for your interviewing as many short-haired ladies as you like. I miss my own short hair, but I have to stick with longer for now for practical reasons. :(
J’aime bien le style de cette fille et j’adooore le collier ! De toute façon tout ce qui a l’air un peu « orientale » me captive… J’ai été en Istanbul il y a un mois et j’ai aussi adoré la ville. J’ai remarqué que les filles turques ont toujours leur vernis à ongles impeccable – comme si elle naissaient avec :) J’en ai aussi fait une petite note sur mon blog http://www.loulune.wordpress.com
Et bien sûr: félicitationsj, Garance ! :)
Beautiful coat!
Oh, a short hair interview is a must! I love short hair, and hers is fabulous!
Ceylan! Quel prénom terriblement romantique! Un parfum de mystère oriental et anglais. Quand je la vois poser avec sa fourrure, j’ai envie de planter la scène d’un Hercule Poirot version fin 2011 et paf je me vois tourner et beugler contre mes petits assistants plein de génie (mais que je maltraiterais because je suis un tyran géniallissime) « AAAAAh mais la lumière, de la lumière poour éclairer Ceylan ».
AAAaah je me suis encore égarée. je reviens sur terre, ta photo est belle!
oui!!! si vos plais do the short hair interview!!! I had my hair cut not so long time ago aswell :D
Amazing photos, I love the dreamy atmoshpere the backlight creates! And the combination of fur and printed t-shirt is brilliant!
Oh and of cource – congrats to the price! You totally deserve it!
Bravo pour cet award…
Passer du très long au très court, autant que je me souvienne (du CM2), c’est un grand sentiment de liberté et légerté, suivi d’un angoissant constat d’irréversible ;-)
Mais je reste curieuse d’entendre le témoignage de Ceylan!
So glad to hear you’re loving Istanbul! Always makes me so happy when other people share my feelings about the city my family’s from, so, hooray! And Ceylan looks gorgeous with her short hair, I definitely thin you should find out all you can about it, because like you, sometimes I get the urge to chop it all off… Headed to her blog now to check it out, thanks!
Beautiful girl. Love her outfit and surroundings and the cat.
– Meredith
Félicitations pour l’award !
Maintenant il est grand temps de couper tes cheveux ! Qu’il y ait un look post award…
Love her style, very chic and edgy! xoxo
She’s faboulus! Wow to Istanbul!!!!
Cool city of cool women…
bautiful girl and fantastic pics!!!!! I love it.
Evidemment qu’il faut tout couper ! Je l’ai fait il y a un mois et demi, et c’est peut être une des meilleure décision de ma vie. *Li-ber-té* !
Ceylan is so unique and cool. I know her for a long time, she’s one of a kind!
Garance, you are like a radar; always find the perfect face of a city! How come???
That’s why Elle give you that award!
she’s classy and unique! the light in your photographs is unbelievably pretty….
women who look good with short hair are so lucky :) its very sexy.
xo, dina
Elle a trop la classe!
Diary Of a Fashion Stylist..!
Hey Garance!
Tu pourrais nous donner des bonnes adresses à Istanbul stp!
Merci :)
Congrats Garance!!!!!
Stunning !
Love her style !!! The hair so cool !!
Light is so fresh!
Is she from Istanbul???!
Oula, attention. Les cheveux courts c’est très casse-gueule. Ca nécessite une coupe parfaite et un entretien régulier. Mais lorsque tous les éléments sont réunis c’est ultra-sexy.
This haircut is so romantic on her, I could never pull it off. I’m also loving her style. The mix of the graphic tee with the pencil skirt and fur is genius!
Classy! I have been to Istanbul once it’s a great city.
Ceylan Atinc look nice&cool.
I met her at Paris Fashion Week. Also saw het at Citizen Couture. Here is another hair style of her: http://citizencouture.com/2011/09/ceylan-atinc-pfwss12/
Congrats Garancé!!
Ça fait l’effet d’une tête toute légère, facile à coiffer, à sécher. Je suis passée de cheveux hyper longs à très courts, je regrette pas.
Superbe look cette Ceylan…
French eco-friendly fashion
j’en pense que vous vous ressemblez ! (alors oui ca devrait bien t’aller, mais quel saut dans le vide !)
CONGRATULATIONS for your award !! you deserve it !
Your friend’s blog is cool but unfortunately I can »t understand it either :(
Tu veux dire qu’elle t’inspire et te donnerait l’audace de couper les tiens ??? Cette femme est absolument magnifique !
cheveux: simplement trop beautiful! la femme en-dessous aussi, naturellement. curieuse à propos du possible interview.
oui on voit ce que tu veux dire… « est ce que je me coupe les cheveux!!? » j’ai découvert un site (bon ok longtemps après tout le monde, donc tu dois sans doute connaitre..) qui s’appelle « cut by fred », coiffeur aux doigts d’or qui met sur le net les coupes qu’il réalise sur ses amies dont une où il en fait passer une des cheveux sous les épaules à très court et c’est magnifique! je te mets le lien si jamais tu as le temps et l’envie d’aller voir (http://cutbyfred.com/category/before-then/)
et félicitations pour ton award, il est tellement mérité!
Moi non plus je n’y comprend rien mais les photos sont très belles (les votre, Garance, mais celle de son blog aussi) hihi!!
Félicitation Garance pour cet Award. Beau que cette femme et son style….
Je viens de penser que je devrais tenter les boucles sur les quelques longueurs qui me restent à moi aussi!
She is ridiculously gorgeous. Jealous ;)
the haircut is very original, but it suits her. An interview about it could be funny
fashion & lifestyle in Belgium
I love Istanbul and I can’t help it notice the cat…so many cute cats on the streets of Istanbul :)
Tu lui dira qu’elle est vraiment très belle !
love her style.
congratulations garance you deserve it! and this lady has beautiful style i’m checking her blog right now.
Love her necklace!!!
oh le chat! c’est un Bengale!
Ceylan Atinc is the fashion editor of Marie Claire Turkey. She is one of my friends! Proud of her!
She’s always at the backside of the camera… But all the photographers say that she must be in front of it as well…
You must see her son (YES! She has a son of 2 years)
Elif K.
Her eyebrows are fantastic!
She’s beautiful. Shame I cannot read her blog. Seems very cool.
I love Instabul, i believe it is a city full of passion.
Ypu are telking about cutting your hair?
Beautiful!!! Waiting to read your Istanbul adventure.
Congradulations about your award… and Ceylan… she is soo cool. Her style, her looks, her hair… And I really loved the short hair on her. It’s a pitty that she is on the wrong side of the camera. She certainly should be on the front. I also loved her blog. I’m lucky that I could understand!!!
Non, non Garance tu ne vas pas t’en sortir comme ça! Raconte ce fameux fiasco! … et oui, d’accord, je serai sage … j’essairai! :p
Félicitations pour ton prix! (je ne savais pas que ça existait ….)
My-oh-my Garance, are you still considering on cutting your hair?! Well I am sure it will look great, but just remember (from one curly-haired gal to another) that bad hair days will be all the more frequent (I talk from experience!)
And what can I say, beautiful pictures as always. I have thoroughly enjoyed your Instagrams and little snippets of your trip.
(You may even call me a Garance Groupie this week ;)
Non non et non Garance ! Tu ne peux pas couper !
Imagines-tu un instant vivre sans ton chignon qui te va si bien et qui fait de toi celle que tu es aujourd’hui ?
she truly has fantastic style. i can tell she has a huge warmth in her persona. i like it.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
Oh yes, please… ask questions!! I have had short hair for the past three years and am finally starting the think I should start growing it out again. Every else says I should keep it short but I’m not convinced. Convince me, Garance!!
Garance, congratulations on your award! I believe Ezgi Kiramer and Lian Kebudi were there, too. You, most probably, met them as well.
It is a shame that I had no idea Ceylan existed. She is beautiful! Thanks to you, I am a big follower now :)
Congratulations on your award!!! It’s amazing! I love her necklace :)
She is gorgeous and the short hair looks amazing on her. I really like her style too. Something about it is so utterly unique.
I’ve had short hair for over five years & won’t ever go back to long – spent my whole curly life thinking it was the only option that made sense, but never being happy with it! Fortunate to meet stylist who told me she had hair just like mine & her short style was so cool!! Turns out my curls don’t start til my hair’s a bit grown out, if that makes any sense. Anyway, it truly is only hair. We’re supposed to think of it as an accessory & have fun with it, right?
That woman is gorgeous! I love her hair, I couldn’t even tell it was short, I thought it was swept up. The photo of her with her cat is so beautiful, love love love that shot.
Shop vintage ♥
love her t- shirt and skirt combo and… The cat :)
Great post, Istanbul is such a wonderful city!…..and I love her short curly hair ;-)
I think short hair can be chic without as much effort. That’s why I’ve given up on growing my hair out. I’m getting my hair cut next Saturday. Yay!!! When you get your hair cut, make sure they understand your hair texture and that you don’t want to fuss too much. I’m African American with relaxed hair, very lazy and casual with punk tendencies, yet a yearning for sophistication. The goddess who cuts my hair understands this. She happens to be Chinese, but she understands my hair texture and in 7 years, I’ve only had great cuts!
This woman is unbelievably beautiful. Gorgeous with such a presence!
I would love a short hair interview.
I recently cut my hair to a pixie and it’s been fascinating. Making the decision to « lead with my face » has been a liberating one.
Les cheveux courts ne font que mettre en valeur le visage. La plupart du temps il semble que tes cheveux longs soient toujours tirés en arrière, ce qui dégage ton visage = cheveux courts !
Tu serais ravissante avec tes boucles qui dégringolent … c’est juste dans la tête que ça doit bloquer … n’ai pas peur !
I have always been fascinated by women who have the guts of chopping it all off. Long hair is a security blanket for many women, and I wonder if I could ever deal with a bad day with just mascara and/or red lipstick. I would also have to see someone gorgeous with short red hair before I could EVER be convinced this could suit me!
you are right, short hair works perfectly on her… and her necklace is just perfect as well!!
Such a beautiful face deserves a short crop!
Kisses from Greece!
je pensais que cheveux frisés et courts était difficilement compatible, là je change d’avis.
Pour ma part, je suis (re)passée aux cheveux courts depuis un an, et je n’imagine pas changer pour l’instant, on se sent tellement légère, dynamique, tonique, pétillante …
c’est magique.
I absolutely love Ceylans hair but unfortunately, I have to realize that it would never work for me. I have slightly curly hair, nowhere near as curly as you.
20 years ago I and whoever was cutting my hair at the time decided that cutting a fringe would really suit my face…BIG MISTAKE!
After a few days when my new fringe realized what had happened to it, it went nuts and went completely curly…as in afro curly. So there I was, with an afro fringe (kind of like a muffin at the top of my head) and the rest of my hair in waves… I cried and cried, it was as you can imagine not a good look.
The point to this story is that i love short hair but seeing you and I both have curls, we really need to think it through before we chop. Find the BEST stylist ever, one who really understands curly hair, go in and just have a chat. Book a chat, not a cut. Then go home and think about it.
Good luck!
She is lovely, and your photo’s captures her nicely.
I love her hairr!! that cut looks great on herrr !! :)
Oeolala, Garance, loving her coat.
And Istanbul…..I’d like to go there today if possible.
Have a splendid week.
Smile loads.
Priscilla Joy
Curacao, Dutch Caribbean
i’m just glad that you had a wonderful time here in ?stanbul. We are so happy to have you here
un award ?? yeah top cool, bien mérité !
hmm cheveux court .. je sais pas, moi perso je dirais non ^^ ou alors coupe carré =P
m’enfin .. suis qu’un mec.
Hehehe, very nice :) Looks like 2 cats are playing ;)
I cut my hair by myself a week ago as well, have gotten a ton of compliments, but at times I still look into the mirror and think about how much I miss having my hair in braids. But nevertheless it’s a fantastic change. I’d love to hear what she says about short hair.
And of course congrats on the award! :)
She is mesmerizingly beautiful!!
CONGRATS for the award :)
That’s what i call STYLE! Not only her outfit, U can feel the style of her spirit…
Adorable street!
THANK YOU ALL for the comments! Here I am to answer hair questions ;)
I decided to cut my hair short after giving birth to my son. I was brave enough, but the point is how to find a hairdresser as brave as me?
So I met Kemal Baykar – Cozy Coiffeur who is known as the Scissorhands ;)
Many compliments after the haircut, but the most important thing is: LIFE IS SO EASY WITH A SHORT HAIR!
My hair is straight, keep this in mind.
It was a pleasure to meet Garance&Scott in Istanbul! Wanna see them in summer again, so we can spend a day at Prince Islands on the Marmara Sea.
short,messy hair + long neck=chic. always.
Garance, it’s so nice to hear that you went to Istanbul again! Hope you and Scott will accept Ceylan’s invitation to Prince Island and we’ll see some more awesome Istanbul photos :))
xo, Betül
Gorgeous lady!!
XO Charlotte
Love her look!
Was she doing modelling before?
SoOOooo sOOOOoooo good looking!
congrats Garance! you totally deserve to be acknowledged. oh yea…that cat is working this photo! hahaha love it!
C’est encore moi :) Between je te vois vraiment avec une coupe courte à la Yasmin Sewell ;)
oh je ne sais pas!
j’habite a la sudamerique, et ici on se leve tres tres tôt pour aller a l’école donc chaque matin ma mere a lutté avec moi pour brosser mes cheveux.
fin de l’histoire: j’ai eu les cheveux trop courts la plupart de mon enfance.
aujourd’hui j’ai les cheveux longues et chatains et les adore,
peut-etre je me ferai un chignon comme frida kahlo quand je vieillisse :D
mon conseil: cherche un bon coupe courte avec le style de tes cheveux.
vas-y! si ca te plait!
Could someone tell me what effect/camera filter is used to achieve that sunny, nostalgic look? Is it a 81A filter? Or simply an added effect? OR…… all natural! If so, You, Garance, are a photography genius!
I just cut my hair into a pixie cut and I am SO LOVING this that I’ll probably keep it short for the next few years. SO easy to maintain and I have been getting tons of compliments! :)
Wow , love your blog . you look amazing!
Michal – Marina
So, knowing my input is going to be the one who tips the scale, here goes: I have noticed something interesting going on hairwise on the coolest Copenhageners (few but forward), the odd bun. It is hard to explain, but I will try: they take a small portion of hair from the top of the head, like the front, to make cool short hair looking/messy updo’s, like the « Elvis » puff (sort of like your girl in the picture). Some put them at weird angles, but it always work. I bet you this will be on the runways in the upcoming shows. There is no playing around with your hair like that if you crop it off.. :-) hugs from Copenhagen
My dearest Ceylan, I’ve known her when she was a kid. She’ so sincere & adorable. I’m glad she’s doing what she wanted to do, she has the style. Her blog is great, but the greatest is the face which not everone looks great in short hair. I love the picture with the cat & the outfit. Hope to see more in the future.
short hair , what a release !
Cette femme est tout simplement sublime ! J’étais a Istanbul l’hivers dernier et c’est une de mes villes préférées !
I am so lucky that I understand Turkish, because her blog is just fun! She has a funny language of writing, making fun of everything about fashion. And her fashion shootings always amazing.
So what I understand from all of this; you were given an award by ELLE but you prefer to shoot an editor of Marie Claire???
Ceylan tu es magnifique!!
She is the style, oh yes
Elle est superbe… Moi qui, la semaine dernière encore, trouvait tellement injuste qu’aucune de tes rencontres n’aient les cheveux courts… Suis passée aux cheveux courts contrainte et forcée et je dois dire que j’ai eu une bonne surprise… un peu plus d’allure peut–être…
Il y a un an, j’avais les cheveux longs, blonds, bouclés mais impossibles à dompter ! Avec les cheveux courts (je me suis faite une coupe qui ressemble à celle de Charlize Theron dans la pub pour Dior, au top !) c’est le paradis. Tu te lèves, ta coupe pour la journée est déjà prête ! Je conseille donc à toutes les filles qui étaient dans mon cas de tenter, je pense que vous ne serez pas déçues !
Garance, on veut cet article ! :)
Look, we play nice. Now please tell us
And please tell us about the pony tail before you cut your hair!
HEY GOD! she is gorgeous. why can’t i find a girl like that on the street? :)
Je suis trop impatient d’une telle interview avec Ceylan. J’espère que la promesse sera tenue…
I am so proud that my skull rings-although can not be seen properly-are in this photo! It was sooo lovely to collaborate with such beautiful ladies, Garance and Ceylan!
What a beautiful light in the picture. Ciao from Italy.