
11 years ago by

Argh, ça y est. Le 15 août est passé.
L’étrange moment est venu où je lis des magazines remplis de manteaux en sirotant une noix de coco sur la plage, le moment où je fais des listes mentales de ce que j’aimerais porter à l’automne prochain. Et où je dis « Non mais tu peux croire, toi, que la fashion week c’est dans 15 jours ???!!! ». La vérité c’est que c’est le moment où il faudrait aller faire les boutiques, parce qu’à New York, passé le premier septembre, toutes les plus belles pièces sont déjà en rupture de stock.

Mais bon, je préfère croire à l’été quelques heures de plus…

Sur ma liste déjà, j’adore ce sac Phillip Lim. Je l’ai repéré sur Preia l’autre jour, j’aime beaucoup son format, sa simplicité et ses fermoirs dorés.
La semaine prochaine – une fois que j’aurai mis ma famille dans l’avion, avec qui je viens de passer une semaine géniale et épuisante à la fois à leur faire visiter New York – je vous ferai ma wishlist de la rentrée.
En fait, c’est un peu comme la rentrée des classes – c’est la liste de fournitures qui motive, non ?


Ajouter le votre
  • Wowwwww, this bag is amazing.

    (pourquoi je parle en anglais, moi ?) c’est ce sac qui doit me faire perdre la boule.

    Bises et bonne journée

  • i;m reading vogue uk: a new season is about to start! :)

  • Awesome bag, it’s really beautiful! I have a big wishlist but I need to start with these Loeffler Randall Leopard oxfords. I’m in love with them!!

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • Lovely purse. also, thx for the always refreshing content. ps: I discovered Amanda De Cadenet through your vids and now can’t get enough of The Conversation. Bisous.

  • Good luck with the fashio week Garance, drink lots of water!

    View from my window in Aix-en-Provence:

  • that bag is gorgeous!!!!…..i’ve started my shopping….just got mansur gavriel tote….(thanks to your blog)…always looking for « the perfect » black turtleneck(s) (i own about 100)….prada platform oxfords….urban decay « F-Bomb » red lipstick….and of course a girl can never have too many statement rings!!!! have a wonderful weekend xoxoxox

  • First item of my list.
    One pair of black leather biker trousers.

    Lovely bag Garance,

  • Beautiful bag. Although right now I’m really into silver/stainless hardware – but black & gold is classic.

  • Oh Garance, si tu savais comme j’ai hâte de concrétiser la liste des choses que je dois porter cette automne en allant faire les boutiques pour la rentrée! Comme tu dis, c’est un peu comme une liste de fournitures. Sinon, j’ai hâte de voir ta wishlist de rentrée.

  • Yes, I love the classic shape of this purse, too. I’ll be looking for something similar this fall.

  • Je continues à lire ton blog tous les jours mais cela fait longtemps que je n’ai pas posté de commentaire, j’espère que tu as passé de bonnes vacances, j’attends avec impatience ta liste de rentrée, et moi aussi j’en ai fait une que je mettrai j’espère en commentaire quand tu posteras la tienne (cette phrase est hyper longue), et sinon que fait ta petite soeur à la rentrée vu qu’elle a du avoir son bac, moi c’est décidé je commence une licence d’histoire, je me lance, marre de faire des études qui ne me correspondent pas (j’étais en DUT carrières juridiques)

    Bisou Garance, ton blog est toujours aussi génial <3

  • Hâte de voir ta wishlist, et bon courage pour trouver ce que tu veux à NY!!

  • That bag is great. I may have drooled a bit when I first looked at it.

  • Of course I have started my wishlist. I’m already in fall mode which is not good because summer makes me always believe that there will be good weather in autumn. Not true…

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  • I started my wishlist months ago, when Winter ended! I can’t wait for the cooler months so I can break out those boots and furs again!
    Your Friend, Jess

  • I’m now picking my favourite FW trends in order to publish them on my blog, so once again I’m browing the new season collections aaaall day long… Result: my wishlist can take me to the Moon and back – it’s that long :)))


  • I haven’t started my wishlist just yet but I haven’t opened my September issue until now so who knows what happens after that….Love this bag, that’s for sure! xx

  • Que tu es drôle! Pour moi l’été est déjà fini. (Avec cette semaine de froid et de pluie, brrrrr)

    Oui la rentrée, enfin!! :) C’est trop mon moment préféré et où les collections sont les plus belles. J’adore essayer des manteaux. Avoir le budget, ca serait un manteau de laine différent à chaque jour.

    J’ai commencé ma wishlist en découpant dans des revues et en gros je focus sur les chapeaux de feutre, les bijoux d’inspiration byzantine (D&G, aaaah), les chemises noires transparentes (Saint-Laurent), des chaussures plates léopard….. et ce n’est qu’un début.

    Bonne fin de vacances!

  • I’ve already been buying coats!

  • Moi c’est plus la rentrée des classes que la fashion week qui m’attend, mais bon, j’ai toujours aimé ce moment, ça me rappelle l’odeur du cuir des cartables à Prisunic, une année qui commence, j’aime beaucoup cette période.
    Mafalda ?

  • I’ve already been working on my fall list, but it is full of items like tunics, light-weight pants, the prefect purse that closes securely, and simple white blouses to wear once I move to Cambodia. No sweaters or boots for me this fall. :)

  • Oh yes I posted my wishlist on my blog today.

    Help me win the Rose Royce contest by voting Here

  • Natalie Hale 16 août 2013, 11:46 / Répondre

    oh my! i`ve already started making my A/W wish list!
    Time to empty my credit card and wallet :D

  • NO wishlists yet. YES to magazines but on the beach. I just got back from the Adriatic coast.
    Still Summer in my mind and I’m preferring that way but being in fashion-blogs-trends stuff is not easy not to think about it … especially seeing those pink-this-pink-that coats. So, let’s say I’m in love-hate relationship with fashion and clothes at the moment.

    I’m sticking to summer for a while! : )

  • Gorgeous bag ! looking forward to the wish list !

    I am in California until the end of september and will not be in Europe before so I cannot even think of looking at hot furry wools and closed shoes until I hit Paris .
    I have been in flip flops for 2 months now and my bare feet cannot squeeze into a boot .
    I did try yesterday at Barney’s San Francisco to look at some pants but all I wanted were the new R 13 black bikers in stretch canvas.

    I got a tan , my hair is bleached from from the sun and sea and the last thing I want to think of is covering everything up.

    I guess i will start with a boot wish list and will take it from there. If I can find a great pair of medium heeled skinny black Chelsea boots I will be happy , but I am still writing about Kauai, african shirts, sarongs and hawaiian shirts here …….. my mind is still in high summer mode.

    look forward to your lists for motivation…winter will eventually come to California too : ((((

  • Nice one! :)

  • ah bah je suis rassurée, je ne suis pas la seule à avoir penser à des manteaux et autres bazars longs durant tout un après-midi ….. :-/

  • I LOVE the SEPTEMBER issues of all the TOP magazines but I’ve been so busy I haven’t even read this month’s issues – want to hold on to August. Next week I’m going to « En Blanc » where everybody dresses up all in white. I’ll post about it after. Not really ready for Fall but love Fall clothing best of all.
    Maybe just a pair of boots – I’m pretty covered by purchases made here & there. Waiting for my « Garbe Luxe » and « Dov Micah » silk blouses to arrive. I’ll check your wish list.

    today: how the MEDIA affects how WOMEN feel about their BODY

  • Beautiful bag! And I can’t wait for your wishlist!

  • Hâte que la fashion week commence! Feras-tu encore des vidéos???
    J’espère que oui! :)

  • J’adore ce Phillip Lim, un vrai trésor!

  • I love Philip Lim too for the classic pieces. I think if you are going to splurge on something, it should be a piece that is always in trend. I’m excited for Philip Lim’s collection at Target! I’m looking forward to seeing how the brand maintains the quality and style at a much lower price point.

  • Pareil pour moi, j’ai encore envie de profiter de l’été, mais j’ai une grande envie d’acheter des manteaux!

  • The simplicity in his bags is what I love and the gold hardware is minimal, but makes a statement! I have one of his bags and have to say the leather holds up well without much sign of wear and tear, so I’m happy!


  • Not only did I start my wishlist, but I had to take action! I got the Max Mara teddy bear coat that Carine grabbed off the runway immediately after the show. The boutique in NY actually SOLD OUT of them! But they located it in another store & messengered it over. Now I don’t usually spend this much on clothing (actually, it’s the most I’ve ever spent on one item) but my husband bought it for me for my just passed milestone birthday. I would never buy fur, but this is better! It fits like a dream, all cozy and enveloping, a bit oversized. If you want a new coat, you better get on it! Last summer in August, I sat on the beach in Montauk and shopped online for a CdG coat from a store in Italy. So you don’t have to interrupt your peaceful Montauk stay.

  • Really love this bag style. Wishlist , not yet , ’cause the Autumn is faraway from us, we have a very long summer till almost November here —Canton , the very south of China. It seems that we only have two seasons here , winter and summer.

  • c’est clair!! on en parlait aussi l’an passé, et toutes les années passées aussi d’ailleurs, apres le 15 aout, meme avant parfois, ca y est, l’été est fini! la fashion week dans 15 jours c’est ouf! meme pas envie de me faire streetstyler et faufiler aux defilés tellement blasée… Et surtout pas envie de penser aux bottes et beaux manteaux d’hiver! non, regarde meme pas les magazines, m’en fou, travaille plus dans la mode voila… En general mon envie d’hiver arrive vers fin octobre pfffff….
    C’est quand meme beau les silhouettes d’hiver en vrai, beaucoup plus d’accessoires, de possibilité de tenues, avec les bottes, accessoires, echarpes, gants, meme les bijoux qui me suis insupportables en été… Faut prendre le bon quoi…
    Des bisous encore tout chaud d’été!

  • The most enjoyable part of the year always goes by the fastest.x

  • Garance, you have the best taste in bags. I am always lusting over those you post!!

  • Anika Zebron 16 août 2013, 7:54 / Répondre

    Love the architecture of this bag! And I’m also always a fan of black. Phillip Lim has the perfect combo here.

  • La liste des fournitures ! J’adore, c’est carrément ça ! :)
    Moi aussi en ce moment je rêve déjà de ce que j’ai très envie de porter à la rentrée… Ma petite motivation :)

  • Amazing bag, I love it!!!

    Elisa – My Fantabulous World

  • Déjà la Fashion Week, eh bien…

    Canon ce sac :)


    really fashionable!

  • Ce sac est absolument superbe, je craquerais aussi si c’était une option! Bon shopping de rentrée!

  • can’t believe September is already around the block.

  • Moi aussi je viens de rentrer de vacances et ma wishlist est déjà prête…comme à chaque entrée de saison, j’aimerai aller à l’essentiel et ne pas partir en vrille à la moindre occasion…mais c’est une autre histoire !

  • I live in United Arab Emirates…I don’t even get to have autumn or any autumn wishlist apart from WISHING for a colder weather! :P

  • Beautiful bag…actually not beautioful, is really fab…

  • You made me realize how close is the end of August..but not the end of Summer..I always extend it to at least the end of September, weather allows is in part of China where I live. Also, I have beach holidays coming in the end of September to beautiful Boracay, so my summer will last at least till mid of October! Can’t even think about what to wear in Fall..I was just shopping for flip flops last week! :)

  • Garance, that’s such an elegant bag! I love the idea of a slightly structured tote like that, but always end up with something much softer.

    « I say ‘hallo’, and you say ‘Good bye' »… As it draws to the end of summer for all my Northern Hemisphere sisters, it draws to the slow end of winter for us Down Under.

    My wish-list has been materialising as it is being formulated (scary for my finances – I will slow down after today), due to all the fabulous end of winter sales and new summer stock hitting the floors.

    Adored and found:
    (1) three indulgences from New Zealand’s Deadly Ponies! Two exquisitely supple deerskin Mr Leopard bags – one in stunning cobalt and one in black (they fold over to make a perfect clutch and hold a lot if you want, or very little very stylishly and practically); and one of their goat-fur Mr Pirouette bags (love their whimsical names, and that they are all « guys ») bags in Bark. The latter has fur only on one side, so fur doesn’t rub against your bare skin in summer… or you can carry the plain leather side facing outwards as well.
    (2) Lego-block bright blue, super-soft, leather loose pants that I roll up to wear with Converse and a loose singlet in summer, and with a navy and white striped long sleeve and mustard Guidi lace up ankle boots for now
    (3) mega-saturated bright pink and bright flame lipsticks from Bare Minerals that are amazingly moisturising, but which stay-put through a marathon-long Dim Sum lunch (so I’m sure they will ride through summer) – don’t need any other makeup other than that, as the tiniest smudge of the excess lipstick blotted off can be dabbed lightly high on the cheeks as well
    (4) best face, body and intensive treatment cream I have ever used (and I have tried so many of them) at the best price – free of cancer-inducing yukkies and allergens – USANA’s Nourishing Body Cream. It also quadruples its value as a hair tamer when I rub the last little bits in my hands, into my flyaways… and works when I don’t feel like toting the olive oil around in my bag
    (5) Handsom’s leopard print calf-hair little lace ups, to wear on my happy feet all summer long.

    Wishing for:
    Let’s not go there… Oh OK, a tortoiseshell cat to shower with love!

  • Wish list??? End of June I was in Milan and Venice…and already bought a lot of new winter collection! Never thought I would do that so early but it feels very luxurious and relaxed. I don’t have to make a wish list, don’t have to look in magazines. I found and bought what I like and was in my mind. I hate the cold but love the winter clothes. I wish everybody a fine last summer moments and a comfortable winter!

  • C’est exactement sa !
    Je pars en vacances demain soir et mon Vogue de la rentrée va rythmée ma semaine sous le soleil.
    Sinon, le sac est sublimissime !!!!

  • vous etes si sympa Garance, vos posts sont toujours un souffle d’air fraiche
    bon la wishlist…mais bien sur, c’est le moment idéal pour la fair en Aout, parce-que l’automne c’est encore loin, on est beaucoup plus objectifs à ce moment-là

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