Blue Lagoon
8 years ago by The Atelier
Erik Melvin
J’ai des petits accès de nostalgie ambiance Lagon Bleu quand je vois cette parure. Un teint hâlé, une chevelure ondulée retenue par une barrette étoile de mer, une robe en lin blanc et les b.o. étoile de mer assorties. Vous vous y voyez ?
Bon, je ne sais pas quand j’aurai l’occasion d’aller batifoler sur une île déserte, mais on peut toujours rêver, non ?
Barrettes étoile de mer, & Other Stories ; B.O. étoile de mer, & Other Stories
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So pretty for summer! Going to stop by & other stories today!
Thanks for posting!
A white linen dress is like a summer uniform to me.
I ‘m always using one, differents dresses and cuts , but always in white linnen.
I love white linen dresses, too! There’s something so eternal about white linen. Eternal summer… :)
There even was / is? a perfume called White Linen by Estee Lauder.
I love this website and I subscribe to it using feedly so I don’t miss any posts. About a week ago my feed started being in French instead of English and I cannot figure out how to get it back to English. It worked fine for years before that. Please address this technical glitch. Thanks!
Hi Kathryn,
This past week we made the domain switch to, which may be the cause of the technical issues you’re experiencing! If you’re able to update the URL the .com, it should solve the problem. I hope this helps! x Natalie
Très très mignon ! Je vois parfaitement le tableau, robe blanche, cheveux de surfeuse en un chignon foufou et les boucles étoile de mer, simplicité et plaisir, un bon cocktail entre les doigts hihi.
Maya Joys
I have followed you for a long time on Bloglovin. No matter what I do, the feed suddenly comes in French not English. I agree with Kathryn….please fix this annoying issue! Thanks!
Hi Rose,
We made the domain switch to this past week, which might be the cause of the problem you’re experiencing! If you’re able to update the URL, it should hopefully solve the problem. x Natalie
Such pretty items! I love & Other Stories x
Jessica — WS Community
So pretty! I am very into mermaids style right now, I loved the starfish pieces.