Paris Fashionweek ss2015 day 5

Bell Bottom Alert

10 years ago by

Vous avez remarqué que les pattes d’eph se font un micro come back ?

C’est encore un tout petit début de tendance, mais je vais choisir de me terrer derrière mes skinny et demander à mes copines qu’elles fassent barrage le jour où l’envie fulgurante me prendra (« Il me FAUT un patte d’eph tout de suuuuuuiiiite !!! »), et ce même si j’ai gardé au chaud celui d’il y a quatre (non, 6 ?) ans.

Le problème ? Ça demande une silhouette d’enfer et des talons de malade (oui, si vous regardez sous le jean en photo, qu’est ce que vous voyez ? De splendides platform shoes, les inséparables du bell bottom jean ! Youhou !) et on se retrouve serrée au niveau de la taille et entravée au niveau de la marche.

On nettoie le sol autour de soi. Et encore, ça ce n’est pas bien grave, jusqu’au moment ou il pleut et où on fait carrément serpillière et que l’humidité remonte jusqu’au genou.

Pas tout à fait mon trip.

Mais bon, vous savez ce que c’est. D’abord on déteste, ensuite on en meurt d’envie.

Vous vous sentez prête, vous ?

Photo par Sandra Semburg.


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  • Oh que NON!!! pas dans la slush québécoise( mélange de neige généralement tournant au brun en raison des fondants et du sable qui envahissent nos trottoirs l’hiver)… après une sortie, il y a de gros cernes blancs qui se forment dans le bas du pantalon!!! Alors certainement glamour durant nos longs mois d’hiver!!!

  • she makes it work so well! :)

  • Hmmm…. I on the other hand won’t work it that well….!! So I’ll stick to these babies for now….

  • J’en portais quand j’étais ado!
    Plus maintenant car en tant que Petite (1,52!), cette coupe a tendance à me tasser. Dommage car j’aimais beaucoup!!!
    Canon le sac!

    Le monde des petites

  • I’m ready, but without leaving my beloved skinny jeans…
    XOX, Gap.

  • Arf ! L’hiver canadien ! Mon grand drame mode. L’hiver les bottes de neige sont de rigueur quasiment 24/24, donc compliqué de mettre des pantalons longs/larges qui ne rentreront pas dans ces fameuses bottes .

  • I have been wearing them recently! I found the perfect pair from Stella McCartney and wore them on my blog a couple months ago.

  • moi j’ai un jeans très pattes d’eph que je mets de temps en temps, et EN EFFET seulement avec echasses à plateau! :-)

  • Hmmmmm…..They can look good in a very,very subtle version i.e when the bottom flares out just a tiny bit- then it can make legs very slim. But the « real » version gets a NO from me!

  • It seems to me that it’s going to be very hard to avoid the 70 style this summer we better start with a jeans…
    it’s like a wave of freedom and happiness that came from summer 15 shows …and i believe it goes with the politics as always ….we need the flower power every now and then….
    Yael Guetta

  • Patte d’eph je ne sais pas mais j’ai quelques Jeans, dont ce blanc, qui sont plus étroits vers le haut et évasés dans le bas. J’adore mon BEBE blanc car il fait une très jolie silhouette et il est aussi joli avec du plat. Je n’ai jamais cessé de porter ce style donc pour moi il n’y a pas vraiment de come back.

  • emmanor 1 novembre 2014, 5:23

    il me semble que c’est plutôt un bootcut, beaucoup plus facile à porter en effet.

  • Nini piccola 31 octobre 2014, 9:44 / Répondre

    Have three pairs at the bottom of my jean stack. And I’m keeping them! :)

  • Laura Haynes 31 octobre 2014, 9:45 / Répondre

    I have noticed and I am ready. It’s time for something different! I am currently on the hunt for the right wash, waist, and flare. I think the key to flattery is if they stay slim down to just above the knee. I love the look of the Stella Mcartney’s; I just don’t want to pay quite that much. Any suggestions?

  • Moi je trouve que le jeans patte d’eleph (style jane birkin vintage) avec un petit pull en cashmire: c’est un classique.. donc j’aime et je le portes en automne.. X

  • J’adore!
    Définitivement cool et je suis certaine que cela sera parfait associé à tes beaux pulls et belles chemises toutes simples… Moi je dis, fonce!

  • C’est tellement ça, c’est bien, mais uniquement sur les autres!! ;-)

  • Nooo! I am so not ready for them. I actually never liked them, because i find them so difficult to combine with right pieces. I would still go for skinnies.

  • The look is perfect and I really love bell-bottomed jeans but that’s not for me! x

  • I just purchased the flare bottom from lucky brand. I wanted a change.

  • You are so right about hating and then needing. Shamefully, I fall victim to this all too often. At this point I try to keep my mouth shut about things that I hate because I understand that there’s a good 65% chance that I’ll change my mind about them. Although I do stand firm in my loathing of kitten heels!

  • J’adore je trouve ça vraiment sublime!! Mais pas sur moi malheureusement

    Bisous Bisous

  • I love this pants!!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Total 1970’s! From the top, to the bag, to the platforms, to the super big bells. I should know, I was there! Been there, done that and LOVE! PEACE! & HAPPINESS!

  • Was this picture taken in BERLIN ?????? Definitely looks like some streets up there.

  • Moi j’adore. J’ai le Charlotte (Gainsbourg) de chez Darel depuis des années et je le porte toujours de temps en temps lorsque l’envie de jouer à Drôles de Dames me prend. Bon là c’est clair qu’avec le retour des seventies à fond les ballons, il va reprendre du service ! Et puis même lorsque l’on n’est pas bien grande, avec des talons, ça fait des jambes de folaïïïïï !

  • I’m ready for them. I’m in fact wearing them already! And who doesn’t love platforms. How about those Celine sandals!!

  • No, I’m not.

  • Just reaching for my bell bottom jeans in my closet as we speak ;) In total NEED of those again. I’m glad I kept them! :)

  • Great look!
    But i think that kind of pants suit well tall ladies!

  • J’ai porte le « bell bottom jeans » dans les annees 70 et je me souviens encore du bruit que provoque le frottement desdites pattes l’une contre l’autre ! Je reste fidele au « boyfriend » et au (pas trop) « skinny. »

  • …così anni ’70! fa-vo-lo-si! Infatti io li porto da qualche anno!

  • I’ve been wearing bell bottoms for the last few years.

  • Marie-Andree 31 octobre 2014, 11:36 / Répondre

    J’adore, c’est super ces pattes d’eph!

  • I’m flexible enough to shift from skinny to boyfriend futher to cargo or yoga pants even overalls at once, but bell bottom would totally stress me. As you mentioned, the heels couldn’t be high enough to balance the look in particular when gifted with feminine silhouette… but I could incorporate this sling bag instantly.

  • Suis d’accord! Faut faire barrage !! Je tiens depuis 5-6 ans qu’il essaie de faire son retour, et j’ai réussi à résister aux faux retours fin des des 90’s (avec les pantalons tulipes et trompettes?)
    Ce truc est impossible en dehors d’une Farah Fawcett ou d’une Elle McPherson, on n’a aucune chance nous les filles normales …

  • I’ve started seeing flares / bell bottoms everywhere recently but it just doesn’t do it for me. Skinnies all the way!

  • Didn’t like them in my twenties, don’t like them in my sixties. But she looks terrific!

  • Hahahahahaha!

  • She’s gorgeous. But for me, no no no no no no. I’m too short, they’re too long, and it makes for a terrible proportion on me. Only for the lanky.

  • It can be cool on a tall person, but on a petite…? sadly not

  • Nooo I’m not. It’s best to wear these with some heel, right? But I like my flat shoes, so I will keep my skinnies for as long as I can. They were the best thing to happen to my wardrobe when I started high school like 7 years ago, haha.

  • Absolutely not! They only look good on tall, thin women in their 20’s and that hem brushing the dirty, foul sidewalks of our city streets (SF is particularly disgusting) creeps me out. And super-high platforms only look good on people who can actually walk gracefully in them, which is only a handful of seasoned steppers, and maybe drag queens….in style or not, they are not for everybody!

    No, let’s keep them in the 70s or reserve them for models, who can get away with wearing most anything.

  • Nope. I used to wear them in high school when my friends and I were going through a phase of watching « Hair » and « Woodstock » over and over again, getting all depressed while listening to The Doors or pretending we know everything about guitar playing (Jimmy Hendrix), wishing we had Janis Joplin’s voice, etc. It was fun when I was 15 and thought that I was a rebel, but now… come on! Bell bottoms are uncomfortable, very often they make our butts look either flat or ridiculously sticking out. No way :)

  • I thought I really rocked them in the 90’s. The photos tell a different story ;).

  • Janneke 31 octobre 2014, 3:42

    I have the same with high waisted (mum) jeans. Wore them in the 90’s thought they looked good….

  • Oui, hâte de voir de nouvelles silhouettes ! Mais ce qui me fait le plus envie, c’est son superbe sac Drew de Chloé, on le voit partout en ce moment !

  • Je t’avoue que j’aime beaucoup ta silhouette … et puis ça permet de changer un peu du skinny ;-)

  • You made such a true statement about fashion, « first we hate, then we need. »

  • Ah mais moi, je n’ai jamais arrêté de le porter mon pat’deph (en alternance avec mes sims et mes boyfriends) ! Le seul qui ne passera pas par moi c’est le mom’ jean.

  • I have a pair from JBrand that I love but are so hard to wear as you said with the sky high heels and all.

  • The girl in the picture does tempt me to wear one for a second, she looks amazing! Then I remember having worn them for like 6-7 years, and I just get this big feeling of being there and done that. It’s way too soon, the memory is too fresh. I would prefer palacio style pants instead of bell bottoms for those times I would like to change my skinnie jeans silhouette. But like you said, first you hate, then you need. And there will always be a counter trends for those who want to stand out, they will wear something just because it’s not what the majority is wearing; some time that brings forth a great thing and some times it recycles something that should be left in the past. We’ll see which one this will be.

  • 4 ans ? 6 ans ? J’ai subi ça j’avais 15 ans, dans les années 70. Et encore t’as rien vu ! Après les pattes d’eph. y’a eu les pantalons »ronds » Si si ! Avec la braguette derrière. Uber amazing, vraiment, surtout pour aller faire pipi…

  • I love them !! I have been wearing ones recently !! they make me good body !!

  • absolutely love the 70’s vibe. but i am way too short for this style… lol

  • Yep, not a fan of bell bottoms either :) Probably because I’ve worn them twice during their last fashion crazes. They look fabulous on you in the photo but, no, sadly, not for me this time around :)

  • She looks confident in that cut- it suits her!

    I prefer wide-legged jeans to bell-bottom jeans. I know the slim thigh in bell-bottoms is meant to elongate the silhouette. However the casualness and comfort of the wide-legged jean fits my lifestyle better (loads of squatting, crouching, leaning, running in my life). And wide-legged jeans have a more holiday feel that goes better with my flat-chested, skinny frame.

    Anyone can do wide-legged or bell-bottoms gracefully. It’s just a matter of making sure the waist and hip area fits well. I like loose, plain, simple tops with mine- nothing fitted, except for slim-cut, high necked ivory or black lace blouses- I like that old lady look at night with flat shoes. And striped t-shirts always make me happy with this cut of jean or pant. Although sometimes I’ll wear a printed t with it and just let the 70’s roll.

    Lengthwise, I like my wide-legged jeans off the floor about an inch so I don’t end up wiping it! Or slightly above my ankle – it looks weird compared to what eve time else seems correct, but it works for my body. More summery at that length, too.

    And my shoes are always flat – brogues, lace-ups, low sandal, fitted flat suede ankle boot. Never heels or platforms.

  • I ammm! I can’t find the right wash but once I do, I’m all in… I have very skinny ankles (bane of my existence) so I am always up for anything that will make my legs look fat, haha, and all the latest trends seem to fit the bill (i.e. birkenstocks or big manly shoes that cut you off in unflattering places, wide leg pants, culottes, etc)

  • Non pas prête pour cette tendance mais comme tu dis on sais jamais.. En ce moment j’ai envie d’un jean un peu moins skinny (mais skinny quand même), en fait après avoir boudé le blue jean, là il m’en faut un absolument!

  • Mais ça fait des cuisses de menthe religieuse! (ou alors, il n’y a que les filles qui ont DEJA des cuisses de menthe religieuse qui en portent, c’est un point qui reste à éclaircir)

  • kelebogile 1 novembre 2014, 4:52 / Répondre

    Just pulled out an old pair of flared Levi’s. Glad I did not chop them at the knees like my faded pair of 501’s which I thought, after 15 years of languishing in my storage box, would never be fashionable again! and lo and behold, there they were, cooool again. They look so good with a white long shirt, like in the picture.

  • Non. Décidémend. Il me FAAUUT ce pattes d’eph’ tout de suite :p <3

    Bisous !

  • J’adore et j en porte a nouveau depuis 1 an. Il faut que le bell soit judte comme il faut, neamoins

  • Not exactly a fan of that kind of jeans, yet… well, she looks great I must say.

  • Au risque de contredire beaucoup des autres comments, je pense que c’est la meilleure forme de jean. ça fait des jambes sublimes et pas qu’aux minces: franchement, une fille un peu enrobée avec un skinny, quelle horreur, ça fait des « jambes-carottes » et accentue les rondeurs, alors que le flare t’oblige à porter des talons effectivement et amincie la silhouette à coup sûr. Fonce sur le pattes d’eph!!!

  • All for it! Whatever makes the legs look long…


  • Henry and Belle make a great micro flare that gives you loooong legs…highly recommend them…I wear the size 30 but they honestly make me look super slim…

  • J’ai investi dans deuxjeans pattes d’eph Mango à coupe un peu moins contrastée pour le moment mais j’aime l’idée de changer radicalementde style en matière de jeans!

  • Love this look, but always need the platforms to really pull it off (and the platforms are never easy on Italian streets)…. so I stick to my skinnies or straight-legs, too!

  • Moi j’ai jamais vraiment quitté le bootcut…

  • Love the pants!
    xx Elle

    New outfit post up on: -Swedish Model and Fashion/Travel blogger in TOKYO

  • Took me a really, really long time to get on the skinny jean trend when they became hot several years ago, but now I’m so hooked. Will be very weird to go back to bell bottoms. But I guess, never say never!


  • melissa lee 2 novembre 2014, 10:44 / Répondre

    I love bell bottoms.. with a wedge…. YES!!!! at 48 I no longer look good in skinny jeans….

  • Why sky high heels? I also wear them with sneakers and a cashmere pull…

  • The outfit in the photo is gorgeous!!! Here in LA rain isn’t really an issue (especially with the drought) so I don’t think I’d have an issue wearing those. I think that’s definitely something I’d try. :)

  • I’m 100% sure I won’t go from ‘hate’ to ‘need’ because I absolutely detest 70s pop culture and fashion. Reading this makes me worried and want to stock up on skinnies. :(

  • She totally makes them work!

  • I have always adored them, I have this fixation on what I call the seventies baby sitters look, bell bottoms and sneakers ( you have to be tall for it) she looks great, the collarless shirt makes it just a little different.
    Lake&Moon Fall capsule wardrobe

  • I love the bag shes carrying, does anyone know where that’s from? Thanks!

  • Little Parisienne 3 novembre 2014, 6:44 / Répondre

    Interestingly, I find these pants much easier to wear than skinnies and slim jeans!!

  • I feel exactly the same… but this girl also looks undeniably cool! Argh *torn*

    You can wear them with high hells, platforms, sneakers, they always make your hips look great!!!

  • Love this. The 70s silhouette is supremely elegant! I’m glad its back – although I shifted gear a while back. I love skinnies, but they will never be as stylish or flattering as bell bottoms/flares.

  • L’astuce, c’est de mettre des chaussure à talon compensé assez fines en dessous, en plus ça aide pour le maintient de la jolie forme bien évasée. Et bien sur, toujours choisir de porter le patte d’eph par temps sec ! J’ai un jean patte d’eph que j’adore, acheté il y a quelques années je le ressort de temps en temps quand l’envie m’en prends :)

    xx CarolineJ

  • Bell bottoms are my preferred style pant. I have a tiny waist and bigger thighs so couldn’t be happier about this ‘new’ trend.

  • oh, no, please no. Not those again..!

  • LabellaLuxe Boutique 4 novembre 2014, 2:36 / Répondre

    Love the bell bottoms and cute handbag!

  • Amazing! Just keep it on! <3 ton style!

  • LOL Well said! I couldn’t have written it better myself!

  • Love them. High rise flares are the perfect jeans. i have quite a few, but my favorites are Levi’s. Actually straight leg isn’t so bad either. I still klike skinny jeans, but I don’t really find myself wearing them as often.

  • Why do people have such a conniption over changing jean styles? People cried when low rise bootleg came in, then they cried when skinny jeans came in, I remember a editorial in the Chicago Tribune, a serious paper, about people hating skinny jeans because they made peoples behinds look big or something. First people cry because jean were worn too low and sagged, then people cried over higher rise/end of low rise. Now we are going to cry because the skinny is ending? For goodness sake. You can make any cut of jeans work just fine. They change. Is it really so dire?

  • melissa lee 1 octobre 2016, 6:55 / Répondre

    LOVE THEM!!!!!!

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