11 years ago by Garance Doré
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Love the different ways you can wear a sarong.
Can’t wait to be on a beach this August.
Also can’t wait to hear all about your trip.
xo Quinn
Quinn Cooper Style
BEAUTIFUL!!! I wonder how it looks like with colors…
Paris-New York Fashion Blog
The Deep Blue Cory Fashion Blog, NEW POST! Good Girl Gone BAG
The Deep Blue Cory Facebook Page
Xoxo Cory
i remember the time when beckham wore a sarong in public and everybody was talking about it! :)
Love her ethnic sarong and the nice hat!!! Perfect and elegant beach look!
Love your blog!!!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:
I love when she wears it like a dress. Perfect beach look.
I really hope you take the opportunity to log off! You’re on vacation, and the rest of us can live a week or two without your (albeit awesome) photos. We all have blog readers, so we’ll be able to find you when you get back. Seriously, why do yoga and be in Bali if you’re not going to live in the moment…?
I saw this way of wearing a pareo at Thailand, love it!
Looks amazing! Amazing photographs. In love with ur blog! XO
Really nice way of wearing it, love it! xx
I’m an Indonesian, I go to Bali yearly, yet I never knew how to wear a sarong :D Laziness to learn I guess. Thanks for this Garance!
REally nice !
XX Luba
Pairing peplum top with lace shorts and chic accessories in my look today
It looks beautiful, but I am fairly certain I’d be hopeless if I tried to wrap it myself.
Adore this way of wearing the sarong, so cool with the hat!
I traveled for a month in Indonesia last year (Java/Bali/Lombok) and if you have time you should definitely visit the Yoga Place at Gili Meno.
It’s in the middle of the island, hidden in the forrest and it’s owned by a Spanish guy and (if my memory is right) an American woman. It’s a really nice place and also just a 10 minute walk from Diana’s cafe, a super nice place at the sea with beautiful creations of shells and a little turtle sanctuary.
Happy travels!
Magnifiques photos, envie de partir moi aussi…
Such a cool way to wrap the sarong. It’s perfect for island living or shopping. Great shots!
Love the sarong, so versatile and feminine! xx
Jeez this reminds me Ibiza and Formentera in the 80s. That’s when I wore it the same way. :-)
HELP!! I coudn´t do it… what’s the shape of the sorong? mine is rectangular….
do you have a video? more help please… thanks
Just take the 2 ends of a small side of your rectangle (one in each hand) and hold it in front of you like a mirror. Make a knot in the back of your neck with the ends you are holding. You can play a bit how tight or loos you want to have the Sarong around your neck to make if fall nicely. Once done, take the other 2 small side ends, put them through your legs front to back and bring them up at your backside. Bring the ends to your front at waist height and make another knot. You can again play with it, you could also hide the knot under the front side fabric of your Sarong. However this is more for shorter rectangular versions because nothing is fixing it to cover your breast :-). Shorter rectangles sitting usually a bit tighter.
THANK YOU ALEXANDRA1 It’s the most clear explanation I’ve never had…. LOVELY
I am a bit clumsy when I want to wear sarongs… but it’s all about practice, practice, practice….
Never thought of wearing it that way. Thanks for sharing!
Ah la sarongite aigüe s’empare de toi !!! géniale cette façon là … more please !
this is amazing, i’ve never thought to do this and i can’t wait to try it. i love the ikat sarong she has on here. bali is one of my favorite places in the world. definitely go to ubud and try to go to lombok if you have the chance for a little island hopping!
I love living in sarongs. I want a year ’round sarong fashion collection… heavier weaves for winter with boots and sweaters and belts… lighter diaphanous sarongs for summer… just love sarongs.
magnifiiiiiique !!!!!et j’adore ta façon de nous faire découvrir BALI !!!
Je vais aller m’empetrer dans mon sarong de ce pas !
J’adore le sarong avec ce chapeau masculin. Super sexy !
Would you be able to do a « Pardon My French » video about your Bali adventure? I love your trips to Cannes and Tokyo so much. Bali looks amazing!
J’adore cette façon de porter le sarong, ça fait un mélange de paréo et de robe, parfait pour la plage!
Love wearing them!
<3_<3 !
C’est sublime !
Elle est magnifique dans son sarong Bella, quelles belles photos noir & blanc. J’aime beaucoup les tâches de rousseur et les grains de beauté dans son dos, c’est très sensuel.
Love this way of wearing sarong. Deffinitely gonna try it on my upcoming holiday. Can’t wait :) xo Hanneke
I absolutely love how you portray all different sides of Bali, Garance!
Just wanted to say I’m an enormous fan of your work and appreciate it every single day.
Love Bali! And the the stylish and ease of a sarong…
Amazing photos!
Très belle ta série sur Bali…Very inspiring!
It helps if you like like Bella!!!
love the old/new photos, merci Garance.
I wish she wrapped a scarf around her head tooo
Wow! I love this!! Definitely have to keep this in mind next time I head out the beach… Thank you!!!
>>>> Madebygirl.blogspot.com
>>>> MadeByGirl.com
I love this way to style a sarong! Thanks!
COUCOU Garance !!
Alors m’y voilà je pars dans 2 semaines à Bali et je me souvenais que tu y avais été . Je reviens donc sur tes pages Bali wahou toutes ces belles photos !!!
J’avai adoré le look AVEC le sarong que porte Bella . Pourrais tu me conseiller un endroit où en trouver d’aussi beaux ? Je sais qu’on les trouve sur toute l’île mais celui ci est de toute beauté .
Mille mercis !!!