At Home with Lauren Cohan
8 years ago by
Erik Melvin
J’avais envie de vous montrer l’appart de mon amie Lauren parce que je trouve qu’elle a fait d’un tout petit endroit un vrai trésor.
Elle a acheté cet appartement dans le coeur de NoHo / Washington Square Park il y a quelques mois et l’a rénové avec goût et simplicité, en s’attachant à quelques détails qui changent tout, comme sa cuisine à l’immense plaque en marbre mauve, si belle.

J’ai toujours aimé les petits espaces, ils font du bien à l’esprit je trouve, parce qu’il faut se concentrer sur l’essentiel, mais aussi parce que chaque détail compte. De son canapé rose à son immense aquarelle de Rebecca Dayan, en passant par ses mugs de chez Astier de Villatte, à chaque fois que je passe prendre le thé, je ne bouge plus pendant des heures.
Très joli !
Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco
It’s a refreshing change from the usual decor suspects. That marble countertop and backsplash ARE amazing. And is the sink also marble? How did she get that done? Where does one find marble craftsmen in Manhattan? I know of three in our little town, but there’s a marble quarry nearby and marble all over the place, including my kitchen. I just look at all her one-of-a-kind details and think, how did she deal with the artisans? That’s the hardest part.
The apartment looks stunning, she’s done such a fab interiors job. I love the mezzanine.
Mel X
I wonder if Lauren could give a hint by whom the wonderful sofa is. The whole ambiance looks so relaxed and finely put together. Enjoyed this post very much!
pop and scott
Stunning flat!
Wow! Really well done. All of the details are so thoughtful. You can tell that each choice and placement of the items is precise and deliberate. I think that is why you stay a while whenever you visit Garance, because of the thoughtful energy in the space.
J’aime particulierement la chambre avec le lit sureleve et le beau kilim.
Does she really live here? Sitting on that sofa, every day? And these chairs, to me they look so uncomfortable…
I love the bed!
Super joli ! J’adore les touches design brésilien et années 60 (meubles, bois chaleureux et sombre à le fois).
Et la broderie de sa grand-mère, super touchant…
The sofa is from Pop and Scott I think… It’s a Melbourne based brand
Yes! Wonderful space! May I ask the square footage?
When did Lauren go brunette? It suits her!! Beautiful woman.
What a thoughtfully decorated apartment. Any possibility to know where the bed frame is from? My bf and I have space but unfortunately no closets…we want a bed just like this! But have only found similar frames from IKEA :/
J’adore. Je suis dans une phase rose en ce moment, alors ce canapé me fait de l’oeil…
My favorite part is the bedroom and how clean it feels and looks – definitely every item serves a purpose instead of being purely decorative. Love it!