This is why we love Anna so much; she always looks like a rare, exotic bird in a foreign land (in the most wonderful way), and always with a big smile planted upon her face.
amazing woman in amazing dress. she looks beautiful and her big smile is so nice that makes me smile too:) she always looks like she came out of her own fairytale in a good way:)
Coucou Garance,
J’ai acheté cette semaine le pull que tu portes dans le clip pour petit bateau,
je cherchais depuis longtemps un pull torsadé, et BOUM ! celui là est carrément CANON !
Je l’adore, je l’ai porté 3 jours d’affilé (chut)
Voilà, une petite information super importante,
que je me sentais obligée de divulguer..
Surtout, continue, ne t’arrête pas, ou plutôt JAMAIS !!!!
Ton blog est une pure merveille !
elle me fait penser a la tata folle,mais hyper marrante et sympa qui ramene son grain a la fete et nous fais rever!!!je ne m habillerais jamais comme elle(je n ai pas non plus son budget!!)mais elle me fait sourire,et des gens comme ca il en faut!!!
Anna looks so serene in this picture, I think she looks most stylish in maxi dresses/skirts they suit her and her hats always add a hint of fun. She’s great to photograph as she has a great sense of humour. Ava x
While this dress is much simpler and more covered up than her usual choices, the veiled crown is ridiculous and detracts from the beautiful coral color of the gown. I’m weary of ADR and her constant need for attention due to her outrageous get ups. It’s costume, and the opposite of style. Anna, it’s not always all about you!
She is amazing and beautiful but this is a miss for me. Children’s dress-up cupboard comes to kind…but great for her being so bold and fashion forward!
This is the Anna we all Love. She looks stunning!
Aaaaaa, her smile is nice…. I guess I have been living in the suburbs too long. I am not getting the net and aaaa ummm crown.
But I love her spirit!
She always look so amazing! It’s like she just walked out of a fairytale…love this.
Elle est magnifique (et plutôt sobre pour une fois !).
Oh, I swear that I saw this woman’s name next to the term ‘beauty from the inside’ at the dictionary today! She is gorgeous!
Un côté très russe ! (:
What a riot.
I could look at this picture for hours! Love this picture!
Elle est magnifique !! Hâte de la voie à Paris !!
This is why we love Anna so much; she always looks like a rare, exotic bird in a foreign land (in the most wonderful way), and always with a big smile planted upon her face.
Briony xx
Your picture looks beautiful like a painting!
… but I don’t really get the crown… boules de noel ??
She is absolutely stunning. Drama Queen!!!!
OMG she looks extremely gorgeous with this dress… the dress is a dream! But, I wouldn’t have worn that hair piece!
When people (okay, my husband) say/s: Put on a red dress baby!
Now I have a new metaphor in mind. Such a lovely red.
Hier, les colliers étaient sur les pieds, aujourd’hui sur le chef. Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire pour elles ?
It is the most beautiful veil. The orange dress will dement any))
Je ne connais pas, elle semble être qqun à découvrir !
amazing woman in amazing dress. she looks beautiful and her big smile is so nice that makes me smile too:) she always looks like she came out of her own fairytale in a good way:)
She looks like a princess <3
OH Jesus Christ <3
oh wow! that is such a stunning shot, it looks like it was a photoshooted shot!!
So so gorgeous <3
follow for follow?
jolie photo ! la robe est très belle
WOW so cute dress!!!
Queen Anna
Wow amazing… I feel like I’ve been transported to a different time but theres also a modern element thats pulling me back…
Visit the shiny new blog & let me know what you think… I’ve just published a new look post…
I love Anna so much!
She is perfect woman.
She is so amazing!!!
She really has a crazy style!
She is a bird of paradise, making the world a more interesting place to live in. You were the one who introduced her to me, I thank you humbly. ?
Oh, and what turned out as a questionmark at the end, was meant to be a heart. No question about it. :-)
she always wears amazing clothes!
Coucou Garance,
J’ai acheté cette semaine le pull que tu portes dans le clip pour petit bateau,
je cherchais depuis longtemps un pull torsadé, et BOUM ! celui là est carrément CANON !
Je l’adore, je l’ai porté 3 jours d’affilé (chut)
Voilà, une petite information super importante,
que je me sentais obligée de divulguer..
Surtout, continue, ne t’arrête pas, ou plutôt JAMAIS !!!!
Ton blog est une pure merveille !
all hail to queen anna! this is SOOOO her! =)
she is amazing!!!!!
elle me fait penser a la tata folle,mais hyper marrante et sympa qui ramene son grain a la fete et nous fais rever!!!je ne m habillerais jamais comme elle(je n ai pas non plus son budget!!)mais elle me fait sourire,et des gens comme ca il en faut!!!
This Valentino dress is so stunning! she looks very good as usual. I am a little bit confused wither hair….
J’aime tout, sauf le grillage ;)
Euh…je vais peut être me prendre des coups de stilettos virtuels mais on dirait juste un déguisement. J’aime pas :(
That dress is a dream!
My goodness, this is so dramatic, but she carries it so well!
Fidèle à elle même, j’ai envie de dire. Elle nous vend du rêve en se fringuant comme personne n’oserai le faire ! Merci Anna ! Ose toujours ! :)
cette fille se met en scène comme personne!!! j’adore!!!!
too lovely!
superbe !
Je pense que tes vidéos Excuse My French ont inspiré celle-ci (surtout pour le « OMG i’m stuck in traffic)
Anna is gorgeous and what a beautiful, passionate character! And that dress!
Anna is fashion on legs.
omg…she looks perfect! Her dress is beautiful! btw – GREAT PHOTO!
Show Your Outfit!
I love ADR!!! xxx
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, je lui trouve toujours et encore un air ridicule.
J’ai du mal à ne pas ressentir cela quand je la vois …
Ah non non non … j’aime pas du tout. Aucune émotion, rien. C’est plat..;
Anna looks so serene in this picture, I think she looks most stylish in maxi dresses/skirts they suit her and her hats always add a hint of fun. She’s great to photograph as she has a great sense of humour. Ava x
J’adore cette fille, jamais peur d’être qui elle est!
Ghiiiii ! On dirait Anastasie la frangine de Cendrillon…
So beautiful this red dress!
J’adore :) // Jewellery
i love love love the red. so beautiful.
J’adore pas la combinaison rouge/doré mais Anna peut tout se permettre! Elle est juste géniale cette femme!
Bon, je vois que je ne suis pas la seule à ne pas aimer, je partagerais les « coups de stilettos virtuels » avec TravellingGirl :-)
While this dress is much simpler and more covered up than her usual choices, the veiled crown is ridiculous and detracts from the beautiful coral color of the gown. I’m weary of ADR and her constant need for attention due to her outrageous get ups. It’s costume, and the opposite of style. Anna, it’s not always all about you!
I like her bracelet …and….her chocolates or chouquettes :))))) ???…
She looks amazing…Love the red dress.
belle ! on dirait la Ciccolina qui s’est rangée ^^
Her outfit reminds of Lady Gaga’s song… i am gonna marry the night!
Gorgeous outfit! Love her style!
juste : WAOUHHHHH!!!!
Wow!!!! Stunning!
Anna, ma marraine la fée…..
Absolutely beautiful dress, belt, bracelet – very pretty look!
She always looks amazing, her dress is just a dream :D
She is amazing and beautiful but this is a miss for me. Children’s dress-up cupboard comes to kind…but great for her being so bold and fashion forward!