Still House
4 years ago by
Tucked away on East 9th Street in the East Village is a shop where one could check off all of their holiday shopping, and even pick up an engagement ring, if that’s also on your agenda this holiday season. Founded by Urte Tylaite, Still House curates a mix of unique gifts with a design focused element.
Not to mention an in-house designed line of fine jewelry that takes its minimalist inspiration from sculpture and form. But real reason to stop by is to chat with Urte, whose passion and knowledge of all things design is apparent from the get go.
This is my tip to you this holiday season :)
Can you tell us how Still House came to be? What drove you to open up shop?
Still House opened the doors in the Spring of 2011 as a space to discover emerging local designers. Our focus is ceramics and glassware for the home, and jewelry. The shop serves as a destination where we share the stories of our artists and the pieces they create.
I believe that knowing where the objects one uses and wears daily come from and how they are made allows for a fuller appreciation of them.
Soon after opening, we realized that most people come to us for gifts, because they are looking for something memorable that the receiver will enjoy for many years to come.
What do you look for when looking for pieces to stock on the shelves at Still House? There’s an elevated simplicity with a touch of whimsey to everything.
I am always looking for genuine materials and minimalist aesthetic. I am a true believer that simple forms are timeless. No matter what is in vogue at the moment, minimal home accents and jewelry will always complement you and your space.
I do try to always include some bold colors in our curation, because that’s where ones individuality can shine. Minimalism shouldn’t be boring.

You also (quietly :) ) design the namesake jewelry line that is sold out of Still House. What drew you to designing fine jewelry?
Sculpture is part of my educational training and I was always drawn to miniature scale. Reflecting back, I might have stumbled upon jewelry design because out of all objects it’s the most intimate. One wears it on their body all the time. So it’s not only about the way I envision a certain design and what I would wear, it’s the potential of what it could become for someone else.
Anything in particular from Still House you would suggest as gifts this holiday season?
Yes we literally just released two gift-guides, GIFTS TO TREASURE and GIFTS FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE.
One is a collection of rare pieces to make the ones you care deeply about feel extra special this season and the other is for budget gifts to stock-up on, so you never have to scramble at the last minute again.
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