
Black Lives Matter

4 years ago by

Photos Elena Mudd

We will be pausing our normal editorial calendar this week and instead wanted to share a list of actionable items we can all do this week to support the Black Lives Matter movement.


For two dollars you can send postcards to your representative from your computer demanding action via Congress Cards. One dollar covers the cost of the card, one dollar is donated to a cause.

Don’t know who your representative is? Look it up here.


Make sure you’re registered to vote to come this November by clicking here.


Direct links to donate to the below organizations along with their mission statements:

NAACP: « The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. »

National Bail Fund Network: « The National Bail Fund Network is made up of over sixty community bail and bond funds across the country. We regularly update this listing of community bail funds that are freeing people by paying bail/bond and are also fighting to abolish the money bail system and pretrial detention. »

Campaign Zero: “Over 1,000 people are killed by police every year in America. We are calling on local, state, and federal lawmakers to take immediate action to adopt data-driven policy solutions to end this violence and hold police accountable.”


Support and pour some money into Black owned businesses. Here, here, and all of Julee Wilson’s IG highlights are great round ups to look through.


A friendly reminder it is not a person of color’s job to educate anyone on their white privilege. Educate yourself by reading, listening, watching. Here is a great set of resources to start.

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  • I appreciate you guys doing this.

  • Thank you at We Are Dore. It is crucial that we collectively understand this is not a « black problem ». If you happen to be a resident of planet earth this is also your problem.

  • Finally Atelier Doré ! Nice to share but your team is desperately not as inclusive as where your posts are. More efforts are needed ! You guys should be showing the example, not be behind !

  • Thank you for adding your voices. This is important work and it cannot wait. It cannot cease.

    When it comes to voting, vote in your local elections do defund the police. If that is not an item on the docket, vote against increasing their budgets each time it comes up for a vote. By voting against their budgets, you free up tax payer money to go to schools, public health programs, parks, and other community building civic efforts. Police departments do not need to be funded as though the community is an enemy to subdue.

  • Garance and team, this is a first step. But i want to know what YOU are doing- are you donating? If so, how much and to whom- as a website which is unashamedly employing mainly white privileged women, it’s your responsibility to take a look at yourself too. I used to love coming here for Garance’s own insightful writing, and recently it’s felt more like a high-end catalogue, which I really can’t relate to (and i’m guessing most of your readers also can’t afford 100$ face cream…). How can we get back to the original vibe??

  • Lorena 11 juin 2020, 3:20

    I think you are mixing two completely separate issues here. I agree that it would be great to see the « old vibe » of the blog again, which I think simply has to do with Garance’s voice being more present, regardless of whether she advertises expensive or cheap products. But I think Garance’s absence in the blog has nothing to do with the way she or her contributors behave vis a vis inequity issues in America. This post seems pretty consistent with the way Garance and Emily think regarding their role in social and political issues. So thanks Emily for posting such a rational list of useful resources, that refreshingly doesn’t describe how you feel and what you do, but instead makes room for the people whose moment this is. Thanks as well for avoiding the public self-flagellation of other blogs, which seems at best forced, and at worst a fake attempt at fixing something that can’t be fixed overnight.

  • Good first steps but please follow through, your website just doesn’t come across as diverse or inclusive. It is written from a white privileged perspective. Be transparent, how diverse is your staff ….

  • You are so disappointing. You actually have a platform, people hear you, and you are not using it. I have followed you and supported you. Yet, I see now where you stand. On your instagram account the two post that barely seem like attempts are pointless. We see you being fake. Not only that you hid the comments from your followers complaining about you. What is this? Not only do you not use your voice you actually hid other peoples voices.

  • Truthfully, you were better off not doing anything at all. Over the course of several years the gap between Dore and its readers have widened beyond recognition. With $9k bunk beds in your last retreat to an entirely white staff, Dore (and by extension Garance) has made it very clear who it stands for. Disappointed, but not surprised.

  • Mónica 16 juin 2020, 8:35

    I am dissapointed, they don’t even respond to comments. For a blog so based on being a community, it has started to lack heart and real conversations.

  • Everything is political, whether Garance and Emily wish it to be or not. Our bodies and what we put on and in them, how we exist and show up in the world, is political. Lack of diversity in a company is political. If you don’t think it’s political, then you have blindfolds on. How nice it must be.

    As far as the « self-flagellation » of other sites, as one comment called it, I agree it can seem contrived at times, but damn, now that the conversation has been started by BIPOC, can you, as a mostly white company, continue it by addressing your lack of diversity?

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