L’Australie !
15 years ago by

Je suis tellement raide dingue de joie de vous annoncer ça que je ne sais pas du tout par où commencer.
Mes bagages ne sont pas du tout prêts, j’ai trop fait la fête hier soir, je suis complètement crevée et en même temps furieusement surexcitée parce que dans quelques heures je décolle pour… Oui bon ça va vous avez compris mais, aaaaaah !!!
L’Australie !
Yaahaaaa ! C’est comme un rêve qui se réalise. Je n’y ai jamais mis les pieds, je crois même que je n’ai jamais fait un voyage aussi long. On se retrouve là-bas avec Scott, on va faire Melbourne, Sydney, rencontrer plein de gens et surtout assister à la Fashion Week… Donc j’espère, faire plein de photos et vous raconter des millions de choses.
Voilà, rien de plus. Je déborde de joie, je ne sais pas quand je pourrais poster la prochaine fois, demain, après-demain, peut-être de Singapour où je fais escale, qui sait ?
Ah si ! Si vous connaissez des endroits, des trucs à faire, des gens ou des choses incroyables là-bas, dites-moi, je suis super curieuse ! En tout cas je vous embrasse et j’ai hâte de vous retrouver ici, le plus vite possible j’espère !!!
Bonne journée ! Et vive les points d’exclamation !!!
oui vive!!! et vive ton voyage de rêve!!! profites -en bien et reviens nous avec pleins d’histoires évidemment croustillantes. Bon voyage petite Garance
Ouah ! Super voyage, la chance :D. J’attends de pouvoir en lire tes textes et de voir tes photos :D
http://zecowonzeroof.etsy.com/ Petit lien pour le voyage ;)
Tu as vraiment de la chance :)
Il me tarde de voir toutes tes futures Photos de ce séjour !
wow: génial!! :D
Wahou !! Quelle globe-trotteuse tu fais en ce moment !! Enjoy !!
Bisous, et emporte-nous dans tes pensées !!
Coucou ! Merci beaucoup ! Oui en ce moment je voyage beaucoup, c’est marrant pendant longtemps j’avais quasiment arrêté… Peut-être même qu’un jour j’arriverais à être organisée avec mes bagages ? En tout cas merci !
Hello Garance! c’est absolument génial! il paraît que c’est un pays fantastique, les habitants y sont très sympathiques, un couple d’amis y a passé trois mois, ils n’attendent qu’une chose : y retourner encore. J’adore l’image que tu as postée ce matin, elle te résume, elle est toute ensoleillée. Sois heureuse et fais bon voyage avec ton très cher. bisous et à bientôt!
Oh je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde Garance !!! Cà c’est la vraie vie !!! Va à Byron Bay c’est l’endroit où vivre, là où les dauphins viennent danser avec toi, là où des gens passionnants sont installés ! Your beloved is truly a beloved !
Chancearde! J’ai hâte de voir les photos! Hier tu me parlais d’Anvers. Bon, je sais, comparé à Melbourne, Sydney et Paris c’est un village (pavées y compris) mais cette petite ville m’est chère. En plus l’avantage des villages c’est que tout est à proximité. Tu sautes de Dries Van Noten à Anne de Meulemeester à Mango en un clin d’oeil. Donc vient, je suis sûr que cela te plairas entre temps have fun à l’autre bout de monde! Bises.
N’oublies pas tes sous vêtements cette fois ci !!! :-)
Bon voyage, l’Australie c’est génial, tu vas te régaler.
wow….that sound great…im thinking to move australia in a few years and your pics and stories can help me make my decision more easy:)come back soon:)
Waouh !!!! Bravo ! Super ! Je peux facilement imaginer que tu sois folle de joie, sauf que quand je lis une nouvelle comme ça moi je suis terrifiée à cause des heures d’avion, surtout au dessus de l’eau, mais c’est super !!!
Profites à fond pour nouuuuuus !!!! Bon me tarde de voir les photos d’Australie maintenant et pourquoi pas de Singapour, oui oui !!
Garance! You should ‘hop across the ditch’ as they say and visit New Zealand for a bit. Even for a long weekend if thats all you have time for! Its beautiful and definitely worth it.
Have fun!
!!!! Bon voyage!!!! Vous êtes de sacrés globe-trotters tous les deux, pour notre plus grand plaisir, et n’oublie pas, c’est l’automne là bas. A très bientôt, bises.
Oh! Boo hoo! Such a shame you won’t be going to any other Aussie cities, but am very excited for you to come visit our fair country :)
I agree with Sunny Side above that Byron Bay is truly marvellous, and relaxing.
Bonne journée!
Oh ! Super ! Ce que j’aimerai partir loiiiiiin ces temps… Tiens, je te confie un bout de moi et tu l’emmènes avec toi?! Merci! Profite bien Garance, bisous! C’est dingue je suis contente pour toi alors qu’on ne se connait pas :) Tu as une joie très communicative moi qui, ce matin, ait les yeux encore collés et tout gonflés, je suis arrivée à les ouvrir pour te lire hi hi
Merci ! Je suis ravie, on m’a dit que c’était un pays génial… Aaaah ! Merci pour votre enthousiasme !
Fanette, OH LA LA oui. C’est pas tant d’être au dessus de l’eau, ce sont surtout les longues heures d’avion… Je vais passer quasiment une journée entière dans un avion brrrrr !
Thank you, I hope you’ll enjoy my posts from Australia ! Id love to go to New Zealand, but I don’t think I will have enough time… We’ll see :-)
Thanks for the tip Brigadeiro !
You need to go for lunch or dinner at Ice Bergs in Bondi… Have a drink at Opera Bar(it has the best view in Sydney)… Walk down King Street in Newtown and Oxford Street in Paddington
I can’t wait to see what you guys find fashion wise in Sydney. I live here and I find it boring or over the top and a big disaster… Enjoy your stay!
K : Thanks ! I will definitely visit these places. And I am so curious about fashion in Sydney… Have you ever been to the fashion week ?
No, I’ve never been… I have friends that have worked there and they’ve been blown away.
Fashion on the street is a mix of everything. If you venture outside of fashion week you’ll see the good the bad and the ugly.
Hello, c’est super ; moi j’y vais en Décembre voir ma soeur qui s’installe à Sidney;
Profite bien et ramène nous pleins de photos!!
Aww mais c’est super ça! L’Australie!!!!!! Ramène-nous plein de belles photos et d’anecdotes, comme tu sais si bien le faire!
You should definitely check out the Eagles of Death Metal this Saturday night at Luna Park in Sydney!
Two spectacles for the price of one!
love your work
How exciting! You will have such a good time! (I’m extending the invitation to New Zealand, too.)
Quelle chance de voyager autant! Profites en un max en tt cas
I’m so excited that you are both coming here! I can’t wait to hear your take on the people, places and obviously trends. I hope you have a lovely time while your over and don’t suffer too badly from jet-lag :S
Quelle chance !!! fais un bon voyage et amuse toi !
Je n’y suis jamais allé mais l’Australie a l’air d’être un pays fabuleux , avec des animaux merveilleux (qui sait tu vas peut être te retrouver au paradis sur terre ) !!!
Je ne sais pas si au niveaux paysage l’Australie ressemble vraiment au film « Australia » mais si c’est le cas alors tu reviendras avec des étoiles dans les yeux !! Allez profites pleinement de ton voyage, bisous !!
omg omg/ ENJOY !!!! Bonne fashion week et profites-en bien avec Scott… Ce que j’aimerai tout plaquer pour voyager et m’éloigner de tout ce marasme national….
OMG – that is awesome news Garance! I can’t wait to see your posts on Australia. I think you’re gonna love it, but I’m biased!! What a shame you won’t make it to Brisbane (sunny Queensland), but Melbourne and Sydney is a great way to whet your appetite..
amazing! i hope you have lots of fun and amazing pictures to show us later!
Maybe a visit here, to Indonesia? it’ll be an honour! :)
Garance, welcome! I’m a journalist from Sydney and a devotee of your wonderful blog.
I interviewed Scott once and would love to meet up with you both. If you need any tips on places to go and things to see, please let me know.
Happy travels!!!
Wow! L’Australie!! Les points d’exclamation!! Profites bien, amuses toi!!
Bon voyages!
Ohlalalala: Le voyage de la mort qui tue!! Profites à fond de cette supra expérience.
Garance Enjoy and tell you that 4 years ago I was in Australia , in the north and Sydney and I recommend to visit a small antique shop that makes necklaces , earrings and bracelets with antique pieces and they are a real marvel. If you look at the post I’ve published, I took a few earrings and a necklace made by the antiquary. The shop is in Oxford Street (famous) and is near the beginning of the street, on the left coming from the center and next door is a hairdresser. We also recommend visiting ROSE BAY, spectacular and if you like the beach Bondy … If you need more info please tell me, have a nive » voyage « , kisses from Barcelona
Jamais allée en Australie donc je ne te serais pas d’une grande aide, mais c’est un rêve pour moi aussi.
Par contre, je suis parfaitement en mesure de te dire que : la photo est parfaaaaaaite, bravo!
Awesome! Amuse-toi bien et n’oublie pas l’ecran total!
Hey there!!
I am a « Melbournite » and am thrilled that you will be venturing into our beautiful city. I have no doubt that you will adore it here.
My favourite things to do:
– Rug up in warm clothes and go down to Southbank near Crown Casino and see the « Flames ». They are these huge pillars that line the Yarra river near Southbank and at night on the hour (from somethinbg like 9pm – 12pm) they all burst out flames at the top and cast a beautiful light over the river.
– Go to « Brunetti’s », preferrably in Carlton although there is one in the city(nowhere near as good however). This is a renowned Italian cake shop which has the most vast and delicious range of cakes and desserts ever. Also does a mean coffee. The one in Carlton is comprised of 3 or so shops, all lined with desserts (and a fine dining restaurant). I love going here when I have a chance.
– The « Queen Victoria Market » or ‘Vic Market’ is a massive clothes, plants, but mostly food market in the city. It is sooo Melbourne and is a must for any visitors to Melbourne, as well as a regular shopping place for Melbournites. I myself go there evry Saturday morning to buy produce for the week.
– The « Lanes ». Melbourne is probably set apart frtom any other Australian city because of the trendy laneways that noone else can duplicate. They are sprawled all across the city and are full of grafitti, little coffee houses, and the best shops in Melbourne. Best are Degraves st and Hardware lane.
– The « Arcades » in between a lot of lanes. They are o old and beautiful, full of stained glass and marble. My favourite is « Cathedral Arcade ». It is on Swanston st and has the most beautiful shops in it. Alice Euphemia is a must, as is Retrostar on the second floor. (A little tip: do NOT take the lift, as it is prone to breaking a lot. The stairs are fine, and worth the drag).
– « Melbourne Central » is a greatly popular mall/train station in the heart of Melbourne. It is full of great shops, and if you are hungry, check out Koko Black or Max Brenner, both of which are amazing chocolate cafes. They maske beautiful snacks and meals. Melbourne Central also connects to Myer(probably the most popular clothing store in Australia) which also connects to David Jones (It’s competitor, a higher-class version).
If you get a chance, go down to country Victoria for a day as it is so beautiful and different to anything you will have ever seen. Out in the country there is the Yarra Valley, one of Australia’s best known wine regions, Bendigo which is a great shopping town, and Phillip Island just a little way off.
If you search any of these places on google, you should find out heaps more information.
I hope this has been helpful, and that you enjoy your time in our beautiful country.
xxx kendall
p.s. when are the fashion shows on? the ones I went to were part of the L’oreal fashion week in March? I would love to find out.
!!!! Carrément vive le point d’exclamation!!!!
C’est une de mes destinations rêvées que j’ai pour l’instant toujours repoussée arguant le manque de temps. J’ai hate de voir quelles seront tes impressions.
Enjoy and have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Melbourne check out places like the Carlton Club, Rooftop bar, Hell’s Kitchen and fitzroy. You will love the beautiful people on offer.
Ma Garance,
Pfiouuu je t’envie c’est pas croyable! L’Australie whouh… Bon fais nous de beaux clichés ma belle!!!
Là ça n’a rien à voir, j’écoute une interview de Juliette Gréco et c’est incroyable la grandeur d’âme de cette femme de 82 printemps… Pfiouuu j’adore. J’arrête pas de dire pfiouuuu. C’est ma journée émotion, espoir et bonne humeur.
Je te la souhaite belle ta journée ma gracieuse garance.
PS: speaking of hope & emotion, I served as an interpreter for Tatia Rosenthal the other day. She’s the lovely director of the amazing 9.99$ (le sens de la vie pour 9.99$). It was a great experience for me, who is so shy a person!!! It’s good to be bold sometimes! :)
Deguste une Bomb Alaska, so typical!!! Profites bien de Melbourne et Sydney…
Eh mais t’as carrément droit d’abuser des points d’exclamation avec une nouvelle pareille!!!!
Chouette montage ton image, j’adore la p’tite photo de toi qui rit !
J’ai hâte de lire tes impressions en tout cas, j’ai aucune adresse à te filer, l’Australie n’est encore qu’un fantasme pour moi mais p’t’etre que tu devrais demander à Vendredi 13 ?
Bon voyage en tout cas ! j’espère que tu vas pas tomber sur une équipe de rugbymen cette fois ;)
Great!!! I can imagine your excitement.
Bring me a Hugh Jackman from there!
Oh oh, welcome to Singapore! Hurrah, we could do with some well-dressed people around, even if it’s only in the airport :D
Warning if you are planning to venture out into the city: it is very hot here, and very humid- and if it isn’t hot then it’s raining. Often it’s BIG BIG rain, with thunder and lightening. Shed your coats and boots!
We have great food too (:
Oh et j’ai oublié de dire, « le sens de la vie pour 9.99$ » est 100% australien, malgré sa réalisatrice et co-scénariste qui sont israéliens… :)
Bonjour Garance,
Un petit mot pour te féliciter pour ton blog, je le lis chaque matin et j’adore ton style léger mais très pro!
Tu vas adorer l’Australie, c’est un pays fabuleux, mais attention à l’accent australien c’est parfois dur à comprendre!
Mon mari y a vécu 9 mois et nous avons fait ensemble la côte Est en mini-van pendant 1 mois, un voyage magique. Si tu as le temps de voyager un peu, je te conseille vivement de faire les Withsundays Islands (archipel d’îles sur la Grande Barrière de Corail) ou encore Fraser Island. Et à Sydney, profite de ce séjour pour manger du kangourou, c’est délicieux!
Bon voyage et reviens nous vite!
Ma soeur y est depuis 3 mois. Elle en est tombée amoureuse. D’après elle Melbourne est mieux que Sydney. En ce moment elle fait un tour avec une copine je sais qu’elle est sur une île paradisiaque, je lui demanderai le nom.
Je suis verte de jalousie et j’aimerais bien te détester pour tous les trucs trop cool que tu vis, mais bon, j’y arrive pas tellement t’es un peu comme la grande soeur ou la super copine qu’on rêverait d’avoir !!! Allez Garance, j’ten veux pas, et même que je te souhaite de tout coeur un beau voyage !
Génial et très jolie « annonce » ! J’ai pas mal voyagé autrefois et, même lorsqu’on le fait moins pendant un temps, les souvenirs restent d’une richesse incroyable. Je n’ai jamais oublié l’esprit pionnier ressenti en Patagonie chilienne… J’y pense souvent quand j’ai l’impression que le quotidien me paraît insupportablement ennuyeux. Donc je te souhaite de vivre plein de rencontres et de moments inoubliables… d’autant que tu n’es pas mal accompagnée, je crois ;-)
Welcome! Look me up. +61416801289.
Superbe dessin…et photo! =) Très très bon voyage! Et à très vite!
Oh c’est génial !!!!! Félicitations, j’ai bien hâte de voir tes photos!!!! Bon voyage!
Mais !!!!!!!!!! quoi!!!!!!!!!!
L’aventure dans l’est australien!! Si t’as besoin d’adresses de sushi bar…
Ah je savais pas qu’il y avait une fashion week en Australie!!! Des copains y sont alles en vacances, c’est genial!!! Enjoy ma belle, a tres vite!!!
Surtout ne te perds pas dans le Bush et n’emporte pas CUL DE SAC de Douglas Kennedy !
(en revenant lis le c’est trop excellent ce livre !)
quoi ? je t’ai donné envie de le lire ?????
allez, bon voyage !!!
argh! i read that you and scott were coming here for the fashion weeks in the sydney morning herald a few weeks ago. im quite excited since i live in sydney. im thinking of stalking the areas around the fashion weeks on my days off uni just to get a glipse of you :) till when are you guys going to be in sydney? im already quite sure that you and scott are going to prefer melbourne (our rivals :P) over sydney…
my favourite part of sydney is circular quay (as opposed to the the overhyped darling harbour), particularly the areas around the rocks where they originally brought the convicts to live and work. it’s a beautiful place to just walk around and soak up the atmosphere. the only downside is that we’re currently going into winter so it’s been raining quite a lot the past few days.
hmm for sydney shopping i prefer thrifting in places like Surry Hills and Newtown but i know your not the biggest fan of vintage clothes…
hope to see you here soon and cant wait to hear what you think of our little city!
If you get a chance whilst in Sydney head to the beautiful beaches, they’re still nice in the rain!
Head up to Avalon in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Otherwise throughout the city Surry Hills is a great place to grab coffee, Newtown for interesting people and lifestyle, Circular Quay is beautiful anytime of the day!
See you at fashion week!
GRRRRRRRR après 6 mois passés à voyager l’Australie dans tous les sens et les deux derniers mois à y penser constamment je suis trop trop jalouse!!!!! A Melbourne, va à St Kilda, mon quartier préféré et puis vas voir les pingouins le soir sur la jetée de la plage, c’est joli et c’est gratuit. Le Melbourne Museum est un des plus cool musées que j’ai vu (style comment retomber en enfance devant les dinosaures…)et puis et puis va faire du shopping chez Alice Euphemia surtout.A Sydney c’est à Bondi Beach qu’il faut aller! Et à Paddington aussi! Et puis prends le ferry et va à Manly Beach voir les surfeurs et manger des glaces.Je t’aurais bien aussi dit d’aller à Byron Bay (l’endroit le plus cool du monde)mais t’auras sans doute pas le temps…BREF JE SUIS JALOUSIE! Enfin tu vas me dire je pars en Thaïlande donc je devrais juste fermer mon orifice buccal.
Aussi tu vas rien comprendre mais tu vas vouloir ramener des Ugg (je sais…) juste comme ça en souvenir…Moi je me suis acheté un squelette de tête de crocodile mais moi il faut pas forcément vouloir m’imiter.Ne goûte surtout pas le Végémite mais par contre fais CARGAISON de Tim Tam (les meilleurs biscuits choco de la planète et je suis belge je m(y connais question choco). Achète Russh et Frankie, les pluche cool des magazines ozzie.Ah oui, achète toi une cape en peau de kangourou et joue à batman avec.Ce dernier conseil étant bien sûr le plus important.
Ps : Blague à part, si tu veux vraiment savoir qq chose, feel free to ask!
Ah ouais j’oubliais, les australiens font le meilleur café du monde! Je sais pas pourquoi…
OOh! Fantastic! I’m from Melbourne and it’s just full-to-the-brim of fantastic places and hidden secrets. You’ll love the laneways and tiny shops in the city, all mysterious and crowded with fantastic, interesting people, photos everywhere, great restaurants and a very different vibe to Sydney! Check out Flinders Lane, and the hole-in-the-wall Von Haus, and Gills Diner in the city, Brunswick, Gertude and Smith streets in Fitzroy for people watching, and, and and! So many great spots. Good Luck Garance! Have Fun!
Oh non!! Moi qui esperait te voir au festival de la mode de Hyeres!! =(
Enfin bon, tanpis et bon voyage en Australie!!
Yahoooooou MERCI !!!!
JE SUIS trop contente de partager ça avec vooooooooous !
Bon allez je retourne faire mes bagages.
THAAAAAAANK YOU !!! Thank you for the tips and everything and I will be so happy to share everything with you !!! Does anybody have an idea of the weather there ?
Ça y est tout le monde va le voir. Je suis dingue avec mes coms d’hystérique.
Yaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
Bon voyage, Garance!
Tu n’as pas un peu du place dans ton bagage…??
Have fun!
what an exciting trip. i was there ages ago, but can recommend $5 steak at Landsdowne and shopping at the Bondai Markets.
Bonjour Garance!!!
Premier post mais je ne pouvais pas passer à côté de ça!!!!
Tu sais que l’Australie est LE nouveau pays à la mode, et j’ai eu le plaisir d’y vivre 1 an.
N’importe où tu te trouveras, tu seras charmée par la gentillesse des « aussies », et stupéfaite par la nature environnante…Un seul conseil: prend du garlic bread, avec des Tim Tam (gateaux australiens) pose toi au Botanic Garden de Sydney, et admire la magnifique baie avec l’Opéra et le Harbour Bridge au loin. Ou alors va à Melbourne te gaver de culture et de sport.
Pour finir le tout, il faut absolument que tu te procures ce livre « Nos voisins du dessous » de Bill Bryson: un livre exceptionnel et drôle!
Profites en bien… je suis jalouse ;)
ps: à Sydney (toujours) va prendre un café au Tobby’s à Woolloomooloo (meilleur café de Sydney, ils te feront des coeurs et des fougères avec la mousse), et tu seras susceptible de rencontrer Russel Crowe (qui habite au Warf de Woolloomooloo) et un autre salon incontournable: Max Breyner, salon chocolat qui sert des pizzas au chocolat mmmhhhh bbbeeeûûûûhhh. (à Padington)
Bon séjour!!!!!
hi i’m from singapore and i adore your blog! how do the french say it– bienvenue a singapour? glad to have you visit, if only for a layover!
enjoy your trip in australia and i’m looking forward to your posts from there :)
Hi Garance!
How exciting that you and Scott are coming to Australia! I’m looking forward to seeing what you both think about the fashion scene here. In terms of Sydney, Glebe markets on a Saturday or Bondi markets on a Sunday are always worth a look. Shopping-wise, The Strand arcade on Pitt Street is a good start if you’re looking for Australian designer shops, and Oxford Street, Surry Hills and Newtown all have a lot to offer as well.
Hope you have a good time while you’re here!
J’adore quand tu dessines Garance! Et ce petit dessin sur le carnet de croquis est superbe!
Bon voyage!
Hello, I really love your blog
have a look at my streetstyles, parties, fashion blog
and add me to your list if you’d like ; ))))
Much Love
Verena Stefanie
weather wise at the moment in sydney it’s definately the start of autumn. mid to low 20’s with a few showers and cool breezes. but here’s the weather bureau’s website so you can look it up wherever you are… http://www.bom.gov.au/ fingers crossed the sun comes out for your stay in sydney, i’ve lived here my whole life and never tire of the sunny harbour.
Waaaaahouuuuu !!!
Vive les points d’interrogation alors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy, have fun, reviens nous avec beaucoup de photos, le teint halé et le sourire aux lèvres !
Profiiiiiiite à fond !!!
Enjoy ! Ah ! je sens que les photos vont être encore plus démentes que d’habitude…
YAY! I’m so excited. I consider your blog part of my study because, quite frankly, uni french just doesn’t get the juices flowing as well as french fashion.
Super! Et bien comme tu le sais peut-être je suis à Melbourne depuis plus d’un an. Ca me ferait vraiment plaisir de te rencontrer. Je réfléchirai à une liste de choses à faire, à voir… et je t’enverrai un mail. Bises.
chouette, je pars pour l’australie aussi et je serai à sydney au moment de la fashion week, il semble !!!!
j’aurais peut-être la chance de te croiser…
en tout cas fais bon voyage au pays des koalas et du surf
il me tarde terriblement !
ah oui au fait je suis très fan de ton blog !
oh yes! you’ll love melbourne! and we’ll love having you! just the thought that there’s a chance you could be taking pictures in my city has got me all excited! safe flight – it’s a long one!
t’as trop le droit d’être hystériique c’est un putain de voyage !!!! ENJOY !
BON VOYAGE ! ( avec l’accent anglais :-)
ah oui et aussi : superbe composition du jour !
profites en bien ,c’est tellement chouette d’aller la bas , j’en rêve !!!!
bon voyage
Ahhhhhhh moi qui rêve d’y aller !!
Fait de jolies photos pour nous et surtout, ramène nous pleins d’histoires …
Have FUN !!!
Et hop, un commentaire hystérique de plus. :-)
Profite bien, ici à Moscou il neige encore et toujours, des photos gorgées de soleil et ton enthousiasme légendaire me feront le plus grand bien dans les jours qui viennent !
Have a safe flight, bisous.
That’s so damn good, just like always. (:
Quelle chance! J’espère qu’on aura le droit à de nombreux posts, pour vivre ça un peu par procuration.
Au passage, j’adore la photo de toi (elle suffit déjà à montrer l’enthousiasme que tu as) et la photo en général qui illustre cet article.
Oh, i’m so super-jealous!
That’s a trip I’m dreaming of….have fun and take a lot of beautiful pictures!
L’AUSTRALIE QUOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS : TON DESSSIN……………………………………………………………………………..
AU FAIT 11H33 : 86 COMS!!!!
I’m really looking forward to seeing the photos you take over here. On a whole, I’d say the fashion is quite different from what I usually see on your site. However, if you end up taking a lot of photos of the crowd at fashion week, it may not seem so different, cause a lot of them seem to take their cue from the stunning french women you capture.
I’m a bit disappointed as I was meant to be working at fashion week but due to a mix up am no longer involved in any way. Hopefully your photos will keep me in touch with what’s going on.
Enjoy your stay!
My home country! I’m just upset you’re not coming to Brisbane (although I can maybe understand why…) nevertheless, hope you have a great time in good ole’ Melbourne & Syd – I’m very interested to see who and Scott end up photographing :)
Oui! The weather is a little chilly at night but sunny mainly during the day. Like Paris in early Spring :) But they say it’s four seasons in one day in Melbourne so bring layers! Sydney is warmer, too. Bisous!
Bon bagavogueage :) Ta compo d’image, j’aime bcp !!!, surtout les détails :). Je vais la garder si tu permets. J’entendu dire que l’aeroport de Singapour est l’un de plus beaux du monde. Attention aux Kangouroos :))) .Profites bien !
Bonjour Garance,
Moi j’en reviens. Enfin, je connais surtout Sydney. J’y suis allée plusieurs fois dejà.
Le quartier « branché » c’est Paddington. Mais lorsque j’y suis allée la premiere fois, je demandais à mes amis australiens où étaient le quartier branché et personne ne semblaient comprendre « where are « hip people / area » !! Depuis j’ai compris pourquoi. Mais j’adore l’australie quand meme.
Il y aurait bien une personne à renconter. C’est l’auteur du livre Almost French, Sarah Turnbull. Cette journaliste autsralienne s’est retrouvée à vivre à Paris par amour pour un garcon et s’est fait un chemin dans la mode parisienne. Elle n’était pas faite de ce moule là, car les Autraliens sont assez basiques en général et raconte au travers de son livre comment 5 annes à Paris, à couvrir les défiles etc.. l’ont transformée. Depuis un an, elle est repartie vivre en Australie. J’ai des contacts qui la connaisse.
Bon voyage
La chance !
Profites bien et ramènes-nous pleins de belles photos of course :)
I heard that The Sartorialist was coming for Sydney Fashion week through Patty Huntington’s blog (http://frockwriter.blogspot.com/) and there were hints that you might be coming with him! I love your blog. I can’t wait to see the photos. I am sure you will love Australia.
Oh lovely! So glad you’re also making it down to Melbourne – it’s a great city. My recommendation would be to head to Fitzroy and Collingwood to find some interesting people to take photos of. Those suburbs are also the best for a Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast, complete with good coffee (no Starbucks!) and your laptop.
If you get a chance, it would be great if you could post where we can see you and Scott. Can’t wait to see your take on our cities.
Have a wonderful time! Safe journey!! And yes, thank god for exclamation points :)
Quelle chance! Bon voyage! On attend des photos (je suis une fille intéressée).
Great! it will be good to see some beautifully shot photos of Australian fashion.
Melbourne is definitely the more ‘European’ City of the two, and the thing you must remeber in Melbourne is to explore. The obvious places can be a bit of a tourist trap, so here are some of my suggestions of must see places:
Center Place- city centre- great cafes and bursting with life during the day when often a little band will turn up and pay impromptu.
Gertrude St, Brunswick St & Smith Street, all in Fitzroy.
Lygon St, also known as Little Italy, great shops and restaurants from top to bottom (it’s a long street)
The south end of Chapel St, Windsor.
Melbourne is know for it’s bars and restaurants. There are so too many to count but they are all in hard to find tucked away places, so enjoy geting out, eating and drinking as these are the places you’ll find well dressed folk.
Oh and lastly some shops you should visit:
Alice Euphemia, Alphaville (/Alpha 60), Claude Maus, Don’t Come, Blonde Venus (and other shops on Crossly St, City Centre)…. oh too many to think of!
Enjoy your time here, I hope the weather cooperates for you. And please let us know when you are in Melbourne, to keep an eye out for you both. x
oooh, lucky you. i’m sure you’ll have a great time with scott down there and that you’ll both come back with great photographs as usual :) btw. have you never thought about publishing « everyday » photographs out of your life instead of just streetstyle pics? or would that be too personal for you?
Hey that is fantastic news! I hope you are both going to be doing something in conjunction with Australian Vogue or Australian Harpers Bazaar while you are here. They’d be crazy not to take advantage of two of the best style photographers both being in town at the same time! I mean presumably you’re here for fashion week but still!
I don’t know if you’ve ever taken such a long flight before but don’t forget the cough lollies and the heavy duty moisturiser-seriously.
And if you’re after some places to shop in Sydney then definitely check out:
The Corner Stores (William St in Paddington, Sydney, and in the Strand Arcade in Sydney) (mixture of International and Australian designers-my favourite place to shop! http://www.belinda.com.au/)
Alphaville (Oxford Street in Paddington, Sydney-tres cool, men and women’s clothing http://www.alpha60.com.au/default.aspx?path=&file=default&t=).
At the junction of Glenmore Road and Oxford Street(Paddington, Sydney) there are heaps of Australian designer stores, so have fun! I know both of you will!!
On behalf of Melbourne it will be our pleasure to welcome yourself and Scott!
We are a stylish city if you look in the right places.
I definitely recommend Fitzroy. Brunswick, Smith and Gertrude Streets are a real destination to check out our unique (and varied!) sense of style.
Breakfast at Cavallero on Smith, shop along Gertrude, and people-watch on Brunswick before lunch at Mario’s. Oh and don’t forget to check out the art galleries along the way!
A weather warning… layer up. Autumn mornings are chilly, but you will need to remove layers as the sunshine warms you up during the day.
i’m from melbourne, and when you come here the places you should check out are:
– flinders lane (the bit in between swanston and elizabeth streets)
– brunswick and smith streets in fitzroy
– the camberwell market every sunday morning (get the train to camberwell station and follow the crowd)
… you will definitely find some well dressed people in these places!
Garance, tu vas finir par attirer des lectrices jalouses… Arf. Mais c’est qu’en fait tu as une de ces chances !!!! Profite à fond, ramène-nous des photos encore des photos, des beaux Australiens, des personnes bronzées même en hiver, de la mode qu’on enviera, ramène tout ce que tu peux mais surtout prends en plein la vue !! :)
Enjoy !!!
Je suis allée en Australie déjà 5 fois du haut de mes 18 ans, et j’espère que tu vas apprécier car c’est un pays merveilleux, chaleureux. A Sydney, la shoppeuse avertie ira forcément au QVB( vraiment tu peux faire le plein de basic là bas, 1) Parce que le dollar australien est faible par rapport à l’euro, 2) Ils sont prêts des pays ateliers ce qui fait vraiment baisser les prix : les bonnes affaires dans les magasins asiatiques donc) , après tu retrouves le brassage de langues et de cultures qui caractérise vraiment Sydney et ses habitants. Le quartier italien, chinatown, malheureusement le quartier français est pas très présent :(
Le Market on the rock ( plus sure du nom d’un coup) vaut vraiment le coup :) Bon t’auras surement l’occasion de manger du kangourou ou du requin dans le coin de Harbour
Bonne chance pour le voyage en tout cas, une fois je me suis collée 13h + 7 + 4 soit 24h d’avion sans arrêt décent dans une ville, en général tu passes par la Thaïlande,singapore ou Hong kong. Mais vraiment le must dans ce genre de voyage c’est de pouvoir s’arrêter une ou deux nuits dans un hôtel en correspondance. N’oublie pas de boire beaucoup d’eau à bord hihi :)
Je te souhaite un merveilleux voyage.
Ah how exciting! I’m swedish but live and study in melbourne and love the city which i’m sure you will too. Both your blogs are amazing inspiration and a little window to my favourite cities on the other side of the globe.
I agree with previous recommendations about fitzroy and collingwood, and also visit little collins street and flinders lane in the city. Another little suggestion is a shop called ‘A Day On Earth’ on chapel street. I work part-time there and it’s an amazing place – not fashion – but extraordinary objects and furniture from all over the world, owned by an australian artist and his wife (who has a children’s wear label called ‘velo rouge’). I promise you won’t be disappointed! I only work once a week, so come on a tuesday and I can show you the space and gallery. Another beautiful place on a sunny day is the botanic gardens, just outside the city.
Enjoy your time in oz.
Melbourne is lovely/easy to wander around, when in the city centre remember most of it’s treasures are found in the back streets, alley ways, arcades, so explore! As well as the places already mentioned, Husk was a good boutique for a range of exciting Aus & NZ design. Districts – Fitzroy (Gertrude St, Smith St), St Kilda, maybe Prahan are hubs of interest for taking photos. While some of the style set will be at fashion week, it is not so much the be and end of what the oz design pool has to offer, so it’s worth hitting the street. So many fantastically stylish individuals to track down, I wish I could name names, oh and so many good places to eat too. Cafes in Melbourne are the best – no need to put up with drab chains. You will have a great time, it’s worth the flight!
Mais non, je suis si jalouse, L’Australie! Et ce dessin et photo sont très jolis comme toujours… En tout cas j’attends beaucoup des photos, et bon voyage!
Ah!! j’adore les « coms d’hystérique » ;) encore une fois très bon voyage!
quelle chance l’Australie et la fashion week !!!!! je te souhaite de faire un bon et beau voyage :) Je compte sur toi pour nous faire partager ce périple ,tes rencontres,tes coups de coeur …. a bientôt
gros bisous
Go see my friends « Camilla and Marc´s » show in Sydney
ah, garance! you will have to tell us of your schedule and when you will be in melbourne so i can make myself pretty and catch your attention!
Je passe ici après avoir vu votre série dans un Elle récent. J’avais trouvé les photos très en-dessous des séries habituelles du magazine, et j’avais compris qu’on proposait à une lectrice de jouer les photographes… Je m’aperçois que non, que vous en faites une activité professionnelle (?). Plusieurs photos des posts ici sont jolies, (bien plus que la série terne, cheap et ennuyeuse du Elle), mais j’ai l’impression d’une barbapapa… ça fait envie, mais c’est juste moyen… Un peu de vent sucré.
Les gens sont contents, on les photographie, ils se voient, se disent peut-être le matin en nouant leur trench d’une façon originale qu’il vont se faire repérer par une « chasseuse de look » comme il y en a bcp maintenant.
Et ça marche, et vous parcourez le monde, et des photographes qui bossent comme des dingues sans jouer les amateurs éclairés galèrent.
Bon voyage….
je te déteste….
J’aime beaucoup ta photo/collage…
Je me réjouis, à la fois pour toi/vous, et pour moi/nous, à l’idée de tout ce que tu vas nous faire découvrir!
[bon, y a un truc que tu ne nous feras sans doute pas découvrir, c’est le rugby australien! ;-) Et pourtant, l’Australie est AUSSI le/un pays du rugby! ;-) ]
Can’t wait to have you in Melbourne!
For some kitsch, but awesome, drinking, check out Madame Brussells in the CBD. Astro turf and cocktails in pitchers, with staff dressed in their Wimbledon best!
For some great Asian food with a buzzing scene, pop into Cookie in Curtin House on Swanston St. Then head upstair to Rooftop and look out over Melbourne.
I’ll see you there!
Hope you enjoy your stay in Sydney!! Wooww Garance Dore and The Sartorialist in Sydney both at once, I can’t wait to see the photos and stories! VIPGal xx
firstly i ADORE your blog, it always has the most inspirational photos of stylish women
so so so so glad to hear you will be coming to visit us ‘down under’ in Australia!
too bad i live in brisbane, but of course sydney and melbourne are amazing cities
i hope you enjoy your visit! i don’t know if you will be disappointed or pleased with australian fashion…
personally i think it’s has a lot of great upcoming designers and distinct flavours but at the same time i don’t think it can compare to what happens in paris/new york/milan hahaah
can you tell i’m a tiny bit un-patriotic? oops!
if you do get to squeeze in shopping time i recommend zimmerman, white suede, ba&sh,….to name a few
have fun!
All the best in Australia. Have a good trip and travel safe home!
I definitely agree with James about Madame Brussels and Rooftop bar in Melbourne – everything that’s worth seeking out in this city is hidden in an alley way somewhere. Start with Degraves and Centre Place in the centre of the city. Go to Fitzroy during the day to see some Fitz-Royals’on Brunswick and Gertrude Sts. Be sure to spend an evening in one of Sydney Road’s pubs – I recommend eating kangaroo at the Edinburgh Castle. Chapel St’s overrated except for perhaps the Windsor end of the strip. Don’t bother with St.Kilda unless you want to see Irish and German backpackers.
Be sure to visit the Akira Isogawa store in the GPO building and Aesop’s cardboard store in Flinder’s lane. Circa has stunning vintage wear, Craft Victoria is a good representation of Melbourne’s trend for everything home made and artistic. On that note – you could go to Heide/the Museum of Modern art’s current Modernism in Australia exhibit which is excellent.
If you’re in town for the first week of May you must investigate Sweet Jelly Roll – an amazing Rockabilly night where people find all kinds of interesting fashion inspiration and dance themselves silly.
Surely that’s enough? But of could always add more about my own city…
Big mwa. I can’t wait to see what you two see in M.town!
Je suis jalousie. J’habite en France pour 2009, mais je viens de Brisbane. L’Australie me manque! Tout le monde t’ont donné trés bien advis, Kendall Jane et Sale Gammin en particulier. Melbourne est ma ville préferée de tout la monde..
C’est génial ça! J’espère que tu auras l’occasion de voir un peu le pays. Je ne connais pas Melbourne mais j’ai bien aimé Syndey (belle lumière, 15-20°c en hivers ;-), la baie,…).
Profites-en bien
Héhé l’Australie ! ca fait envie.
Fais bon voyage et profites bien !!!!
Safe travels and welcome to my house :)
j’en crois pas mes yeux! Melbourne! yeaaaah!
Je serais ravie de vous faire faire un tour si vous en avez l’envie et le temps! Contacte moi par email. Ca fait plus de 5 ans que j’y habite et j’adore faire decouvrir cette ville aux gens.
Voici les coins que je vous recommande pour votre sejour:
-people spotting:
Fitzroy (brunswick st et Gertrude st) comme preference
St Kilda (tres touristique though)
-nice cafes:
Centre place, city
Desgrave St, city
on Fitzroy st
-designer interessants:
Flinders Lane, city
Gertrude St, Fitzroy
dernier etage du GPO, Bourke St mall, city
Cookie Bar et Rooftop Bar, Swanston st, city (trendy)
St Jerome’s, caledonian lane, city (edgy)
cherry bar, AC/DC lane, city (rock)
Manchester Lane, city (jazz)
NGV (National Gallery of Victoria), St Kilda Rd
-ballades sympas:
Southbank, le long de la yarra
St kilda beach
-les incontournables:
aesop products
la vegemite
le kangourou grille
le soy chai latte
et pour Sydney, il faut faire le ballade Bondi/coogee… ca vaut le detour (surtout s’il fait beau), super sushis tous frais au Fish market, la tranquilite de Glebe et ses belles maisons, Bondi (et ses lifeguards du tonnerre – see « Bondi Rescue ») et Bronte Beach
enfin voila, j’ai oublie plein de trucs je suis sure! Mais j’espere que ca vous sera utile.
enjoy Fashion week et welcome to Australia! :)
Garance! So happy to hear that you are coming to Australia! I have followed your blog for ages… I’m from Melbourne so am very biased – you’ll love it…
As has been suggested by many people already- Gerturde St in Fitzroy and Flinders Lane in the CBD are great places. In Flinders Lane- Go to shops like Alice Euphemia (australian designers), e.g.et al (amazing jewellry), MoVida (amazing food!), or Bar Louhrina (food again! – on little Collins Street). As Susanna mentioned, the Akira store at the GPO and the Aesop store on Flinders Lane are amazing spaces worth looking at! Also Hosier Lane, which is dedicated to amazing graffiti art!
Hope you enjoy your time here! Am excited to see your pictures…
Ahhhhh, comme je t’envie. Compte tenu de leur nombre, je n’ai pas lu tous les commentaires alors on te l’a sûrement déjà dit, mais tu dois passer par Oxford Street à Sydney. Pour l’architecture et le décor, mais ça c’est un goût personnel, je te conseillerais de passer quelques instants au Queen Victoria Building. Temple de la consommation aujourd’hui, mais vrai bâtiment victorien. Et puis Bondi beach, et Manly sont à faire, sans compter la ballade en ferry dans la baie pour rejoindre Manly. Profite bien.
Garance, j’habite Melbourne depuis 9 mois et je lis ton blog depuis trèèès longtempts, inutile de dire que ce post me fait bondir! (C’est d’ailleurs le premier commentaire que je laisse…) Je suis certaine que tu connais déjà mille personnes sur place mais si tu cherches de gens pour te faire visiter/faire le tour des lanes/te faire découvrir les bars cachés i’m ready!
Bon voyage et surtout enjoy, ce pays est merveilleux.
There have been so many good suggestions for Melbourne already and I can say all of them are worthwhile, but my only recommendation would be to prioritize the kitchy areas (Flinders Lane, Brunswick St, Gertrude Street, Greville St) over the glossier areas (Chapel St, CBD main streets).
Melbournites like to wear black as a uniform. However the level of detail some people put into their outfits is simply stunning. It is easy to overlook this whilst browsing around.
We also pride ourselves on our food, so please eat up!
Your Melbourne faithful await.
P.S. Feel free to contact me by email if you are stuck for ideas!
YaY !! Finally !! When will you be down in Melbourne? Too bad you weren’t here for the L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Week as I was volunterring at the festival then. Boy, I can’t even remember what you look like as you hardly post your own photo.
Hope you enjoy your stay in Australia! I’m sure you will, as Australians are really warm and friendly people.
Bisous ~ eLLy*CCC
garance – you’re so lucky! have fun and be sure to take in all the sights and sounds and cuisines :)
bonne journee garance!! j’espere que tu prennes beaucuop des fotos magnifiques la! je suis impatient de les voir!
The Voguette
OUAIISSS!!!! Mais seulement Melbourne et Sydney!?
Visite Brisbane! Il fait beau tout le temps!…La plupart du temps…
Anyway. You should go on a National Tour of my fair country! But I look forward to seeing some Australian fashion for a change :)
i’m a former melbourne gal and came across this little pearl a few months ago…
enjoy, enjoy and don’t forget to « look down »…melburnians are famous for their « shit shoes » (as our former Premier’s wife once said) I’m afraid she was spot on ;)
have fun, can’t wait to see your photos!
Welcome to Australia! Most of the Melbourne places mentioned are great though it seems you have little time.
I hope you enjoy your visit. I can’t wait for you to post some pictures up!
woohoo!! Bon voyage Garance. :)
J’espère que vous passiez des tres beaux jours en Australie. Que vous trouvez du temps à visiter tous ces petits coins magnifiques suggerés ici. Je vous conseille de prendre un Ferry autour le port de Sydney, je le fais chaque jour, et chaque jour je m’en émerveille. Je ferai une danse de soleil pour toi et tous ceux qui visiteront la semaine prochaine car maintenant il fait tellement mauvais……. :s
Quant à Fashion week. Bien sûr c’est içi c’est different, mais quand vous arrivez vous auriez la chance de voir qu’il y a des bijoux aux antipodes. Le gout et le saveur ici est different, et parfois raffraîchissant. En tout cas, j’espère que vous et Scott auriez du temps de venir au defilé de mon ami Ben Smith. Il sera ravi de vous rencontrer et je crois qu’il en merite. :)
Bon courage avec vos valises.
Good for you Garance ! Travel safely ! Remember to pack your sunscreen !
And yes, you are so right – long live exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello from singapore! :) the weather here has been great lately – bright blue skies and clear starry nights. hope you have a great stopover and a great trip too!
Can’t wait to see what you capture in Down Under..I’ve never been, but I wish I had so I could recc some great things…FOOD is excellent that I do know.
And the wines
Have funnnnnnnnnn
T’es trop choute, ta surexcitation traverse nos écrans :) Amuse-toi bien et ramène-nous plein de photos ! xxx
The best places in Sydney to go for great fashion are Paddington, Woolarah and Double Bay. Also within the city i’d say Martin Place always has well dressed people – around Castlereigh street (near Prada and Tiffanys). And since you’ll be in Circular Quay for fashion week, i’d wonder around the Rock
Ha non!!!! pas toi Garance , pas toi!!! Je compte sur toi (que je lis depuis un bon bout de temps) pour me raccorcher à Paris, depuis que je suis revenue d’Australie il y a un mot (et ou j’y ai laissé quelqu’un en plus!). Et là qu’est ce que je lis! non!!
Tu vas t’éclater c’est certain (bon courage pour l’accent…il faut un temps d’adaptation, quoi que les fashion weekiens n’ont surement pas le même que ceux du fin fond de l’outback)!
Bon voyage quand même, lâcheuse!
PS: Je suis aussi passé par Singapour…la piscine sur le toit de l’aéroport est à tester!!
ohh genial !! j’y suis allée cet hiver pendant 3 semaines, c’est définitivement mon pays d’adoption ^^ .
Comme le disent la plupart des personnes qui ont postées un commentaire, Melbourne est une ville très « Européenne », le mélange architectural est très intéressant. Je te conseille d’aller à Federation Square, c’est une place super sympa avec une très bonne ambiance. Ils y organisent parfois des concerts et beaucoup d’Australiens apprécient regarder les matchs de Cricket en plein air !! Il y a aussi un restaurant très « branché » dès que tu descends vers la rivière, il est situé juste au bord. On y a accès par ascenseur mais fait attention c’est souvent bondé de monde !! mieux vaut reserver !
Sydney est plus une ville à la « culture beach ».
Les Australiens en général vivent avec le soleil. Ils se lèvent avec le soleil et se couchent également avec lui.
Fait attention les restaurants ferment vers 9h,10h pour les endroits pas très fréquentés. Les magasins ferment à 5H mais sont ouverts 7/7 jours donc pas de fermeture le dimanche et la plupart des jours feriés. C’est très étonnant au début mais on s’y habitue. L’orsque j’y suis allée j’ai été logée à Bondi Road. Bondi Beach est une des plages les plus connues au monde, l’ambiance est incroyable et à Bondi Road justement se trouve un endroit qu’ils appellent « hotel » mais c’est plûtot un immense Bar avec quelques chambres… il y a souvent beaucoup de monde. Je n’y suis pas allée mais ça avait visiblement beaucoup de succès :)
Rend toi également à « the rocks » qui est la vieille ville de Sydney, en y passant monte aussi sur le « Sydney Harbour Bridge » et bien entendu va faire un tour à Circular Quay où se trouve la mythique Opera House. Enfin va faire un tour au « Botanic Garden » c’est vraiment sublime !
Voilà il y a encore tellement de choses à faire mais je ne sais pas combien de temps tu va y rester alors essaie de faire un maximum de choses…
Profites bien ! et Bon Voyage
et surtout NO WORRIES (devise des australiens, outrageusement utilisé à longueur de journée!)
u and scott are going to have a great time! i’ve been to melbourne twice and lived there for a while too…
everything’s walking distance there, and you’ll probably be in the city area, so i’d definitely recommend that u go to jamie oliver’s restaurant 15 in the city centre! i’m sure u know him and his restaurant… try to get a reservation thou!
go to crown centre: its kind of like an all-in-one entertainment complex! there’s shopping, cinema, casino, waterfront. good if you’re tired.
if u can make it out to the fringe areas, i really recommend LYGON street: its walkable from teh city, or u can hop on any bus going away from the city, its an entire street of italian food! gelati shops EVERYWHERE and lots of good cheap italian food.
and the last indulgence: THE THEATRE.
not sure if u enjoy it but melbourne has a good theatre scene and u can easily get last minute tickets at the box office at a good discount. perfect way to end the night! please tell us all more about your holiday!
enjoy your stopover in singapore: changi’s one of the top airports in the world! you’ll have plenty to do there.
and i’m a big fan of your blog. :) have a good trip
Great picture. Have fun down under!
Genial ! J’y vais cet été moi ( mais pas pour voir la fashion week ) Tu me racontera tout Hein ?!?
Lucille une petite grande fan !
Have a wonderful time, Garance! Things you have to do include: wandering the laneways in Melbourne (they’re cobbled, narrow and full of hidden bars and shops); having brunch at bill’s in surry hills, Sydney; exploring the back streets of Bondi (and go to Bondi Markets on Sundays, it has the best vintage fashion and is full of local characters); and visiting Gertrude and Brunswick Streets in Melbourne (best independent fashion labels/quicky boutiques- and if you’re on Gertrude St, have brunch at Cafe Birdman- amazing!)
I worked at RAFW two years ago and it is insanely busy and lots of fun! You will see Sydney Harbour at every hour of the day and it always looks different. Our fashion is often bright, free-spirited, and more casual than chic. I can’t wait to see what you find!
Happy travelling Garance!
If you have time in Singapore I would recommend going out to see the sights (and some ace shopping — not designer but definitely worth filling one’s wardrobe with)…but if not, stay in the airport and stock up on makeup! it’s so cheap in duty free that i make my parents get me some whenever they come to visit my sisters and i in london…
Bon voyage chère garance!
Mais dis moi ton escapade au pays des kangourous signifie t-elle pas de posts?
La c’est beaucoup moins cool!
Waouh !! Génial ! Profite en bien, ça doit être magnifique…
Et ton dessin sur la photo est tellement frais, tellement léger… ça laisse présager du bonheur !
Quelle chance ! j’ai des amis (français) à Sydney qui ont lancé une marque de t-shirt qui s’appelle Escort Deluxe et qui déchire bien. Voici leur site : http://www.escortdeluxe.com.au si tu veux les contacter. Si tu y arrives, passe leur mon bonjour !
Bon voyage !
Getting exotic again!…
Bon voyage.
Et, en Australie comme en Italie ou aux Etats-Unis: Keep Up The Good Work.
Bon Voyage!!! You are one lucky lady, with all the traveling you have been doing.
Can’t wait to see pics from Down Under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bon voyage Garance!! Je crois que c’est un pays merveilleux, j’ai hâte que tu nous racontes et que tu nous donnes envie d’aller voir par nous-mêmes (comme pour NYC!)
Have a nice flight..
Je te conseilles de faire un tour dans le quartier THE ROCKS à Sydney, c’est le vieux Sydney, une sorte de petit Montmartre Australien et tu seras surprise d’y trouver la boulangerie française La Renaissance.
Et bien sur, Bondi Beach, la plage mais aussi le quartier shopping qui se trouve un peu plus haut.
Mais tu devrais aussi aller faire un tour au Queen Victoria Building et à Darling Harbour, c’est chouette, il y a des petits marchés de souvenirs australiens ect…
A Melbourne je te conseille Williamstown pour ses pubs et aller jeter un coup d’oeil au restaurant Le Titanic lol. :D
G’d day mate!
eh eh le dessin est super chouette. fin et racé comme j’aime.
Bon voyage miss !
tu vas plus vouloir revenir de ce merveilleux pays!!!!!!!!!!! donne nous quand meme des updates le plus souvent possible!!
have a safe trip :)
bon voyage à toi. Vivement les nouvelles!
aucun bon plan australien de mon côté, je n’y ai jamais mis les pieds… désolée…
Australia?? Seriusly! How lucky you are!
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am So gland for you!! Say Hello to Australia!! And wish you a bunch of great emotions on Fashion Week! I am sure there is something to see!
ouais enfin avec le père de ton mec qui vient de crever, ça risque de pas être l’euphorie quand même..
Hi Garance!!
I am your fan! And now that I read about that you are in Australia, oh My God! I lived there! In Sydney, for just a few months but is a excepcional country! I hope you enjoyed! PS: I wrote a small post about your illustrations (incredibles!) in my blog! I love ilustrations, the kind that you do! Kisses from BRAZIL!
Have a great time. And if you are enjoying their great wine, you may need this info:
The National Public Toilet Map http://www.toiletmap.gov.au/
Bon Voyage. Be sure to scout for Carl Kapp, a Sydney based designer whose creations I was lucky to see at a trunk show recently in Cairo. His colors and siloheuttes are so feminine and beautiful and compliement a woman’s body well, you might enjoy seeing his stuff. Love your website, have been following you for quite some time, and I practise my French reading skills reading your entries en Francais ;) Thank you for your beautiful entries -you make my day every day. Bisous from Cairo. Xxx
By the way, I am so jealous you can draw so well like that ;) You should start thinking of writing a book. Like a grown up book in childrens’ book format. It would be so appealing to us grown up women who yearn for the days when they were five and books weren’t so serious ;)
Hi, hope you enjoy our beautiful country. Woollahra in Sydney has some great little antique shops and homeware shops, and from there you can walk up from Queen Street to Oxford Street, where there are interesting fashion and jewellery shops. A great spot for brunch/lunch (or morning or afternoon tea) is the Vaucluse House Tea Rooms (15 minutes from Woollahra) – I think it is open 10.00am to 4.30pm Wednesday to Sunday. Vaucluse house itself is historic and has a beautiful garden and little gift shop. (Pretty like Paris). Harbour cruise highly recommended.
Bon je sais que Hyères ce n’est pas le Pérou ni l’Australie mais alors tu viens pas au festival de la mode ? Bon voyage quand même. @ +++
Si tu passes par Tahiti lors de ton périple, tu peus nous appeler: +689.78.39.08
Ton fan club
wow im excited for you! have a fun and safe trip. love the illustration! keep up the fabulous posts i love your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bon voyage et profites de chaque rayon de soleil (penses quand même à nous en rapporter un peu…)!!
ehh mais en plus on a une preview du prochain Vogue, cool
Okay Garance, don’t listen to those Sydney-siders, they have no idea. Melbourne is where the heartbeat is at. Make sure you enlist a local to show you all the amazing boutiques hidden around Melbourne (the best shops are down alleys, around corners, and up hidden staircases). Be sure to check out (in the city) Degraves St, Flinders St Subway, Flinders Lane, Little Collins St, Caledonian Lane, and Curtin House. Outside of the CBD, head to Smith St, Brunswick St and Sydney Road for boutiques, antiques and a hefty dose of fabulously-dressed folk. Out-of-towners will tell you to shop on Chapel St, don’t bother unless you’re interested in all the high-street chains. It is a good place to explore Australian designers though, along with it’s counterparts Greville St and Toorak Rd.
Melbourne has the best eats and bars too – be sure to check out Society, Madame Brussels, Gingerboy, Cookie, Cherry Bar, Mr Tulk, Ms Libertines, the list goes on…
If you need a tour guide, just let me know!
Hope you both enjoy your stay in our gorgeous town.
Garance! I cannot believe it! i am all joyed up as you as i live in australia as well! i live in Sydney, it is beautiful here! you better come soon though as the weather is starting to cool and it won’t be as hot as it usually is! as for places…there are heaps of little stalls of amazingness around the corner, you can get lost!
can wait to see you!
gros bisou, Nicole
yes, listen to nick! but my all time favourite melbourne street is gertrude st, fitzroy.
looking forward to seeing melbourne through your eyes. hope you have a great time x
For taking street photos, I recommend areas in Sydney like Newtown & Glebe (university kids, alt street style) and Paddington on Saturday mornings at the markets for more glamourous people. Everyone wears their fashion on the weekend – during the week everyone in the city will be dressed for office work. The weather here is like 4 seasons in one day, so we may not be as colourful and inventive as during the summertime or full winter, but I am sure you will see many interesting people. The shopgirls in the Strand Arcade are marvellous.
For yourself and private time with Scott, there are many good restaurants and cute boutiques scattered through Sydney so it is hard to point to any particular one. For your shopping I would suggest looking at the stores around Glenmore Rd/Oxford St intersection: Scanlan and Theodore (both in Sydney and Melbourne), Ksubi, World, Willow, etc. For men, most of the shopping is in the city because of the office workers. For a beautiful dining experience I would suggest Pier restaurant in Rose Bay – (where the true celebrities eat!), any of the cafes/bistros in Woolloomooloo (Otto, etc), and when you are out shooting in Paddington – Jackie’s at Glenmore Rd/Oxford St, Kawa on Crown Street, and perhaps if you find Icebergs too ‘sceney’ then a meal at North Bondi Italian, opposite the beach.
I am sure you will be well looked after though – there will be lots of fashion people inviting you to parties and such. I hope that they have found you a beautiful hotel on the harbour to wake up to Sydney every day – like the Sebel Pier One or the Park Hyatt Sydney…and don’t forget to try Vegemite! Bievenue a Sydney! xxx
The picture and drawing are WONDERFUL. So different, amazing, real..!
Enjoy your trip!!! And we want to know everything indeed!!! xxx
Dans 3 semaines c’est mon tour de décoller pour l’Australie, mais pour un peu plus longtemps que la Fashion Week (normalement, pas de billet retour prévu, croisons les doigts !)
Je partage ton excitation, quelque part !!
i think you’d love this artists’s work – she’s in melbourne
such pretty street work too.
plus, i heard she’s got a killer style
and speaks french, i think.
I am Danish, but have lived in Sydney for 9 years and I LOVE IT; best place on earth. I would highly recommend dinner or lunch at Bather’s Pavilion on Balmoral Beach – and don’t forget to stock up on Elle MacPherson’s lingerie while you’re here – it is the best and so cheap.
Garance how exciting! look forward to seeing your installments. As you are beginning to tell there is a bit of rivalry going on between Melbourne and Sydney! haha!
I love both cities and what is interesting is both cities have distinctive and different fashion – you will love it here. All us Aussies are very passionate for our love of our towns.
If you have the time, drop by my humble site, i discuss places in melbourne and fashion.
Australia must be an amazing place!!!! I hope you have an amazing time there!
Garance, Melbourne will be delighted to have you! Be sure to check out Flinders Lane, it has such a wonderful history (being the centre of the Melbourne rag trade at the turn of the 19th century) and is home to so many beautiful boutiques and cafes. Alice Euphemia (just off Flinders Lane in Catherdral Arcade) is a must for Australian fashion, the owner Karen is somewhat of a Melbourne legend. Be sure to also check out Curtin House (on Swanston Street) it’s home to the fabulous Cookie (restaurant/beer hall), Toff of the town (bar), Metropolis books and Order and progress (clothing).
In terms of dress we Melbourean’s tend to layer as our weather is somewhat unpredictable, but that is one the charms of our city. The next few days will be between 20-23 degrees, sunny with a bit of rain here and there.
Hope you have a wonderful time here! Be sure to visit Fitzroy and Collingwood also.
Enjoy your stay in Sydney Garance, I hope the weather improves as there’s nothing more beautiful than the sparkling Sydney Harbour. If you appreciate fine food book a table at TETSUYA’S for the best Japanese you’ll ever experience. If you like Asian food, don’t miss out on dinner at SPICE TEMPLE. If you want a romantic dinner with amazing views – head to ARIA at Circular Quay. Catch a ferry to MANLY BEACH, it’s a leisurely half-hour trip and enjoy drinks at sunset at HUGO’s LOUNGE overlooking Manly harbour, then take a walk down the Corso and stroll along the beach. Speaking of beaches, you must go to Bondi and have a relaxing lunch or drinks at ICEBERGS. Have fun…can’t wait to hear about your adventures!
Hello! I am a long-time lurker and admirer! I absolutely adore your blog and have restrained myself from looking at it before bed time, as I get completely inspired and can’t get to sleep! haha I am so excited that you are coming to my country, Australia, and wish that I could meet you. Unfortunately I live near the ‘nanny state’ Perth, which is on the other side of Australia to Melbourne. It is very behind, but funny enough, most of Australia’s top models come from Perth, as well as actors.
Also, I can confirm that Byron Bay is lovely! I am a designer and I have got some of my work in a boutique there, when I went there for my own holiday! It was gorgeous and I often dream about moving there one day!
See you when you get here!
Je sais pas si t’es au courant, mais ton nouveau surnom c’est la « Queen of Street Style »!
J’ai lu ça ici:
Also also,
Don’t listen to people who tell you to go to Melbourne Central and the Crown Complex, not a thing to see in either place, very commercial and mainstream, not what visiting a city on the other side of the world is all about!
Can’t wait to have you here! I’ll definitely second other suggestions for Sydney, including Bondi, Newtown, Paddington and Surry Hills. Head to the Opera Bar for a great view, but don’t expect any cutting edge fashion in that corner of the city! The whole Circular Quay/Darling Harbour area is very touristy, though Opera Bar is almost exclusively reserved for suits ;)
J’ai ton site dans les favorits depuis deux ans deja. Mais la je n’ai pas pu resister, ce dessin et magnifique, tu devrais mettre plus de trucs que tu fais sur papier!
Hello Garance,
I hope you enjoy your time in Australia. I live in Sydney and some great places to check out are the Glebe markets, Bondi, Paddington (esp. Oxford Street) and the Kirribilli markets.
Pontoon bar is great if you want to check out Darling Harbour. Opera Bar is great if you want to admire the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. Anyway, hope you enjoy the Rosemount Australian Fashion Week!
This is hysterical! Listening to what people recommend – the fashion, the bars, the food, the galleries. There is plenty to see in Melbourne, but how do we tailor what we recommend? Nothing’s been said about the music scene for instance. And the evidence of Melbourne vs Sydney rivalry is far too true to life.
I have already posted some recommendations, but realised I forgot an important design stop-off in Melbourne:
The Nicholas Building in the city centre (corner of Swanston St and Flinders Ln) is 5 levels of creativity. Alice Euphemia is a design staple in Melbourne because it only stocks local designers, including the very newly established labels and work of current design students.
However you must make your way upstairs – the building is full of studios. Artisan shoe makers, button shops, poetry libraries, galleries.
People are encouraged to knock on doors and visit. I really hope you do.
Welcome to our shores. Enjoy the trip. I hope Sydney turns on some sunny weather for you.
Hooray! welcome to Australia!
I agree with a few other commenters, you MUST check out Brunswick street in Fitzroy when in Melbourne, and if you are there on a Saturday, check out the Rose Street Artist’s Market just off Brunswick street.
yay! I’m so happy you’re coming to Australia. I live in Perth (Western Australia), which is hardly fashionable, but I still wish you were coming to the west coast. :( Anyway, in Sydney be sure to climb the harbour bridge! It’s fanstastic, as long as you’re not afraid of heights! And there is also a Lindt chocolate cafe in Sydney, if you have a sweet tooth.
Bon Voyage Garance!
oooh, also I forgot to add. Grandma Takes A Trip is a good vintage shop in Sydney.
so great, enjoy your trip!
Hillsong Church!
Have a wonderful, wonderful time in Australia Garance! Oh, and bundle up… it’s just getting cold down there!
You will love Australia! If you would like somebody to show you the places to eat, shop, photograph… let me know! I live in Melbourne and would love to show you what makes Melbourne so special. :o)
Love your Blog!!!!
Can’t wait to see your impresions of Australia, hope you get to go to Melbourne it’s much more arts and design oriented than Sidney, I lived 2 years in Melbourne and sooo miss it!
Now I’m in Auckland, New Zealand, you should try getting here too, landscapes are breath taking but not much of a fashion plato, though you would get your occational surprise…
These countries have everything made in China and you will be amazed of the amount of items completetly copied from famous designers in france in well know shops…
Anyways people are so nice! Hope you enjoy… Don’t be surprised of seeing people walking around in havaianas in the middle of winter…winter is starting now and it’s surprising to se how resistant they are to the cold.
Thanks for so much great taste, Bravo!
in melbourne, u have to walk in collins street which is in Melb CBD, there are many luxurious shop in collins street such as Rolex, LV, Gucci, etc. U also have to come to Chappel street. There are many cafes and stores in there.
Then, u have to come to San Churos which is in melbourne central (besides state library). U also have to come to Max Brenner which is near from San Churos. You’ll find delicious chocolate in San Churos and Max Brenner.
N don’t forget to see the beach in melbourne. The beach in melbourne is very very beautiful. U have to come to st. kilda beach, brighton beach, peninsula n mornington beach.
Hey Garance – I live in Sydney – and more specifically on the Northern Beaches. I would strongly recommend you hit up the likes of Avalon and Palm Beach. I really do mean it – it’s amazing, I’ve been living here for 7 years now and I haven’t grown tired of it in the slightest. It’s about 40 mins from the inner city. Let me know if you need any orientating!
Also Woolloomooloo Bay Wharf is a good spot, as it costs quite a bit to live their and so you usually get either famous and wealthy or just wealthy locals around their. It’s also very close to the Opera House.
I’m so glad to hear you and Scott are making your way to Melbourne and Sydney. I have lived in Melbourne my whole life and adore the place. The only real piece of advice I have is that the best places are the hardest to find, many of the bars and restaurants people have suggested are simply a door in a wall down a small laneway with a discrete sign, but they are well worth the effort to find!
And just in case the suggestions listed above aren’t enough, here are a few of my favourite things in Melbourne.
The Supper Club – a beautiful wine bar open all night, relaxed & friendly, a wonderful place to lock yourself away in until 4am with a few close friends.
The Gin Palace – for the best martinis in Melbourne
I’d also agree with all of the suggestions for Cookie, Toff, Rooftop Bar, Madame Brussells.
MoVida – beautiful Spanish tapas, great food
Gingerboy – superb Asian inspired meals
Supper Inn – a Melbourne institution, a Chinese restaurant open all night, don’t be fooled by the less than superior decor, the food is great!
Everyone else has already listed most of my favourite stores in Melbourne for fashion, but there’s one more that I haven’t read, which I adore, Mimco – an Australian accessories companies, they have a few stores around the country.
You will love it!
melbourne is amazing, there is a wonderful cupcake shop in one of the many ally ways called ‘little cupcakes’ that you must visit! and the photo booth in flinders station!
have fun!!!
I live in Sydney! The best place to go is probably Paddington and Surry Hills, the shopping and cafes are unbeatable. Walking down Oxford St is the best way to sample that. Then there’s Double Bay if you’re feeling expensive. Bondi is overrated, in my opinion, but if you want to get a taste of Australian beach culture I guess it’s the best place to go. It’d be SO cool if I saw you here, but that’s very unlikely, haha. Have a great trip, I’m sure you’ll love it!
You must do the Sydney Bridge Climb! Its totally exhilarating…
Eat the famous Cheese-cake at Yellow Bistro in Potts Point…
Have great Vietnamese at Libertine in Kings Cross…
and have a late-night pie with mushy peas and gravy from Harry’s Cafe de-wheels in Wooloomooloo.
Have a great trip!
welcome to my hooome!!! i shall see you at fashion week, how exciting xx bisous
Ignorez tous qui disent que Melbourne et mieux que Sydney, et tous qui disent l’inverse. Les deux villes sont exceptionnels pour des raisons differents. Mais le port de Sydney est plus jolie ;)
Et comme je n’ecris pas en Français maintenant j’espère que le plupart des australiens içi ne comprennent pas ce que je viens de dire. hehe
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!exclamation point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
j’ai déjà hâte que tu nous en parles de l’Australie si c’est comme NY !
Ah l’Australie, un pays superbe :)
Très joli dessin (et photo), comme toujours !
Awh congrats ….I’m currently a planning a move there so I can relate to your excitement!
quelle chance!!profites bien de tous tes voyages et fais nous des rapports délicieux de ce que tu as vu et rencontré.
On voyage toutes un peu avec toi de ce fait:)
Bon voyage!
la chance…
Profites bien !
Je rêve de faire ce que tu fais ! C’est mon ambition la plus ultime !!!!
Fabulous. Pick up a copy of Frankie magazine in Australia. It is wonderful. Fashion, craft, life and loveliness. xox
YAYYYYY. im a melburnian! im so glad u and scott are coming. it’s so overdue. i can’t wait! xox
t’as vraiment de la chance de pouvoir voyager comme ça tout en poursuivant ta passion c’est super
if your here by the 1-2 may PLEASEEEE come to fashion palette which is being held in sydneyy!! it would be wonderful if you were there since its like a press conference for the young and those who are interested in fashion held by leading fashion figures D:D:D:
Chanceuse. Je rêve d’aller en Australie depuis ma plus tendre enfance à cause des séries qui se déroulaient là bas… Plage, surf et soleil, c’est sûr que ça fait rêver :)
Profites bien !
Oh Garance! I hope you love it… Sydney Fashion Week can be so much fun… you must go see Zimmermann, Marnie Skillings, Ginger & Smart, Camilla and Marc, Kirrily, Dion Lee, Ellery (if she’s showing)… this time of year is wonderful, warm enough to have a swim first thing in the morning at Bondi before you head to a show (swim at the north end… it’s calmer) … and still cool enough to wear a great jacket in the evening for dinner.
I’m so looking forward to seeing who you and Scott choose to shoot… have a wonderful time! Welcome to Sydney.
Have fun in Australia, it’s a gorgeous country! x
Can’t believe you might be setting foot in Singapore. Wish I could see you!
Welcome to Australia, Garance.
I would love to meet both you, and Sart. I hope you enjoy Sydney.
Safe travels.
Hi Garance! I’ve been an avid fan of your blog for the longest time (though I don’t understand French haha). I’m ecstatic to learn you’re coming to Australia — when will you be in Melbourne?
As mentioned above the laneways in Melbourne are really quite exquisite, check out Degraves Street and Centre Lane, they are across from Flinders Street Station in the CBD! They are bustling, cosy, really quite lovely… So excited for you to come here! The weather will be around 16-20C degrees, windy on Friday, around 15-16 max. next week (Mon-Wed) according to the weather report today! When are you in Melbourne and how long are you staying for?
oh yes, also this is link to little cupcakes on Degraves! A must visit in my opinion: http://www.littlecupcakes.com.au/
Bonjour Garance!!
I am an arts student in Sydney and am very happy that you and Scott are coming to Australia as I am a great admirer of both your blogs! As for places to visit in Sydney, I would definitely recommend looking around Sydney University. Not only does it have beautiful old buildings and grounds, but there is a lot of vibrant student life. Newtown is close by and you can get really good cheap food. Also, the botanical gardens by the harbour are a beautiful place to picnic if the weather is nice. I know many people have said this, but if you need a guide (or just an admirer!), i’m your gal!
Hope you guys have a wonderful visit..
wow wow wow 231 commentaires jusqu’à présent, du jamais vu!!!
C’est marrant, je suis d’abord allée sur le site The Sartorialist, je vois que Scott part en Australie, et je me rends en toute vitesse sur ton blog, pour bien m’assurer que tu pars avec lui!Hé hé, c’est un vrai roman photo tout ça, hé hé!
J’ai rien à te conseiller en Australie, j’attends justement que tu me conseilles des choses, je n’y suis jamais allée!As-tu réussi à faire ta valise cette fois-ci, te renseigner de la météo?J’adore les voyages, je m’achète toujours quelques pièces en fonction du pays avant le voyage, j’adore ne pas être la même qu’à Paris!
Ooh, welcome…I can’t wait to hear what you think / see your photos from my homeland.
Oh how exciting! I myself am doing a media internship at fashion week… I hope to see you there!
I’m planning to come in october to do an internship at the Australian Vogue (I use to work at the french ELLE and Glamour magazine).
What kind of internship are you doing right now, it seems so interresting!
I’m looking for people who are working in Fashion in Sydney. Really difficult to do that from Paris with no contact there!
Hello Garance!!!!
Have a good flight!
Je pars en Octobre pour 6 mois à Sydney avec l’intention d’effectuer un stage au Vogue Australia! Pas encore gagné mais en bonne voie!
Hate de lire ton post sur la Fashion Week là bas, pleins de couleurs…… de soleil!!!! De surfer!!!!!
Si tu trouve des contacts interressant tiens moi au news!
Garance, profite profite ! C’est super ! Mille baisers
Bon, je vais trop être en mode fan, mais ce post me fait totallement rêver. Voilà, c’est dit! Tout, la photo, le dessins, les trucs qu’il y a autour.. Bref, j’adore!
Et j’aime tout particulièrement le « On se retrouve là-bas avec Scott » c’est trop romanesque!!
Genre tu retrouves ton amoureux au bout de la terre, c’est trop classe!
J’aime bcp la manière dont tu as l’air de vivre en ce moment (enfin, ce qui transparait à travers ce blog) comme sur plusieurs contients, entre 12 avions!
C’est un peu mon rêve, alors c’est vraiment beau que tu nous fasses partager tout ça!!
Salut Garance ! Désolée… Je sais que ça va faire un petit peu sans imagination, mais, je viens de commencer mon blog, et j’aime beaucoup la photographie ! Est-ce que tu aurais des conseilles à me donner pour commencer un blog et comment faire pour que les gens le visitent !
Merci d’avance, et surtout profite en Australie :-) !
Garancedore :)
J’aimerais savoir quel type d’appareil photo tu possèdes ?
Et ton blog est juste magnifique.
Chanceuse! J’adorerais partir en Australie, pour moi c’est l’un des plus beaux pays. Une amie y est allez et une autre y a habité, c’est leur pays préféré. Profite bien de ton voyage.
Quelle chance!!!
Je ne crois pas qu’on puisse faire plus long voyage, sauf peut-être en allant en Nouvelle Zélande, mais ça n’est pas grand chose.
Bon voyage !!
Maude – I live in Sydney and I know someone who is involved with a lot of the fashion mags around Sydney – I’d be pleased to put you in contact. Let me know.
yes of course! I will love if you could do that!!! So nice of you!
You can send me e mail my adress is maud_bonnet@hotmail.com
Have a wonderful time!
Fantastic, my country! Though not my town… Hope you both have a lovely time and snap the happy people with personality. There are too many sullen poseurs pouting in my Sunday paper which is why I go to your blogs! Melbourne is one of the loveliest cities, may you have many fond memories.
Garance, you’ll adore Australia!
I agree with everyones comments about Melbourne – the best places are the hardest to find. But if you have an iPhone I may be able to help:
Search for ‘Deck of Secrets’ in the App Store. There will be four – EAT, DRINK, SHOP & GO. These are great and are like having your own personal tour guide show you around our amazing city. Sydney only has the EAT guide but you may find that useful too.
Can’t wait to hear your take on Australian style.
Great news Garance! I’m from Melbourne and read your blog daily. Melbourne is a wonderful place that you’ll adore. Be sure to go to Curtin House on Swanston Street, Brunswick Street, Gertrude street, and all the wonderful laneways. The best of Melbourne is found when you turn the corner!
Some restaurants, cafes and bars to recommend:
The Press Club
Journal- a cafe
The Toff
Cumulus Inc
The Auction Rooms in Errol Street
Madame Brussels
Rooftop Bar (atop Curtin House)
Alice Euphemia
Order and Progress
Moustache (vintage)
Curve (vintage)
Shag (new and vintage)
…and many more!
for more info check out
http://www.threethousand.com.au (Melbourne)
http://www.twothousand.com.au (Sydney)
J’espere que vous avais passer un grand temps en Australie. (Excuse the mistakes, I haven’t spoken French in years.) I look forward to seeing all your photos when you upload them!
WOOHOO! Im an Aussie, Im sure you will just LOVE Australia :D
Shame you’re coming as we’re going into winter….I must say I think we (Sydney people) do summer best! But fashion week will be fun none the less.
Eyes wide open for you (and Scott) YAY!!
Looking forward to pcitures/faces/places to come :)
bon mes camarades australiens ont deja tout dit: melbourne, sydney et byron bay, (j’ajoute noosa ) sont oBliGatOIre!! moi je suis RAVI d t voir (avec Scott- LE blogging-power couple!) chez nous ‘down under’, il fait pas tres chaud en c moment- comme paris en avril en fait! amuse toi!!
Gertrude Street, Fitzroy: Boutiques Left and Vixen, Gertrude Street Gallery, SPACECRAFT(textile design – BEAUTIFUL), and then down to Enoteca – Wine, Ladros Pizza, Aesop and Crumpler Bags ETC – Number of beautiful book, music ALSO.
enjoy x.
Welcome to Singapore!! Yes, it’s really really hot these few weeks!!
Hi Garance, I recommend you to go to Aria restaurant where they serve very good oyster and more importantly, it’s next to Sydney bridge!! Brilliant view guaranteed!!
Of course, you should be more interested in visiting Myer, their local department store.
I am flying to Melbourne this Sunday, will let you know if I find any cool places to visit!!
BTW, I am inspired by some photos you posted here. Really like it!!
Enjoy your time with us in Melbourne, I hope it lives up to your expectations :)
dang i wish you were coming to perth
ahhh i hope you havea great time
Try the coffee. It’s surprisingly excellent, especially campos in Newtown. Do go to the beach, particularly if Sunny. BBQ King in Chinatown is good, as is yum cha at any number of places in the morning/early afternoon. And catch a ferry.
Moi j’habite à Sydney et je peux vous imaginer à Paddington…
Alors mon français est horrible donc je vais écrire en anglais !
I can very much imagine you loving the shopping in Paddington, Garance. However, for atmosphere, the Rocks and the harbour are certainly lovely. Don’t listen to anyone who says Melbourne is better! Sydney is lovely, my home town, my favourite place.
Bon voyage ! L’Australie est sans doute mon pays préféré et vous allez l’aimer aussi !
Gros bisous !
‘ThreeThousand is a weekly snapshot of Melbourne’s subculture – a Melbourne guide to film, music, design, books, art, goods and links for people who realise that the best things in life are often hard to find. Below you will find the latest additions to our Melbourne guide.’
I suppose you might be experiencing it for yourselves by now :-) but just wanted to say the weather and especially the light of a Melbourne autumn are utterly gorgeous, day after day after day after day- and now’s the time, so welcome to it! I look forward to seeing what comes out in your photos, and hope you have a wonderful time.
Et oui, la il commence a etre largement temps de poster :-D. Singapour et twitter ca commence a dater deja, et nous on… je sais pas comment dire…we’re going all cold turkey here…allez, vite vite le fix qu’il nous faut :-)
Je suppose qu’on aura droit a des couleurs magnifiques et des styles inattendus du voyage aux antipodes (excellent comme terme et si delicieusement archaïque, non?)
Et: une petite priere, au nom de tous ceux qui suivent vos blogs a tous les deux: Partagez-vous les cliches!, je suis tellement decue quand je vois des photos identiques ou presque chez Scott et toi! – meme avec un decalage dans le temps.
WOUAAAW Garance ! quelle chance! reviens nous avec plein de choses à raconter !!
Plein de bisous, et bon voyage :D :D
Quelle chance ! Je rêve d’y aller ! Il paraît que les fonds marins y sont magnifiques , surtout fais de la plongée !
Une chose à dire : Enjoy!!!!!!!!! L’automne est super là-bas!
Ohh i used to lived in melbourne, and i love itt! Flinders lane and Brunswick are places you cant miss, people there are very unique. Dont forget to go to Journal and Sisterbella bar.
Foods are amazingg (especially desserts :P), try white chocolate peach pizza at I Carusi, St. Kilda beach near Prime shop and Almond crepes at Breizoz, Brunswick. Good ice cream in Ill Dolce Freddo, Lygon North Melbourne. Must try sticky date puding at Bluetrain cafe, Southgate ave near Federation Square, plain Belgian waffles in Flinders Lane(near stairways exit from Flinders station), and Green Tea Layer Cake at Momotaro Ramen, Bridge Rd ( best dessert i ever tried in Melbourne :)).
Agatha Christie inspired tearoom, Miss Marple’s tearoom at 382 Mt. Dandenong also has greattt ( did i say greatt?) breakfast menus (a lil bit far from city but worth it!).
Melbourne has many good sushi bars too, try Kenzan sushi at GPO( (spider rolls sushi and soft shell crab sushi!), wabisabi saloon at Smith St, and Kanpai at 569 Chapel St (all teppanyaki and green tea ice cream, yum).
Good thai food at Thai food to go in 125 Chapel St Windsor. And finally, you should go to Camberwell market(every sunday before 12 pm), you can find anything there with good price, that place is my treasurehunt!
Have a great day there! (upps, sorry did i say too much? :D)
garance – you are so clearly having an affair w/ the sartorialist. now it’s just tacky to be flaunting it.
Brunch is big in Melbourne –
St Ali, South Melbourne
Mart 130, Albert Park
Kanteen, South Yarra (weather permitting)
Ici, Fitzroy
Ray, East Brunswick
I Carusi for pizza, St Kilda
Rumi, East Brunswick
Hellenic Republic, East Brunswick
Cumulus Inc, City
Movida, City
Verge, City
Bars – anywhere on Brunswick St Fitzroy or laneways in Melbourne city
In Sydney have breakfast at Swell in Bronte and walk from Bondi to Bronti. Walk around the harbour at Circular Quay and Botanical Gardens. Best dinner at Tetsuya’s, Rockpool and Icebergs
Bon Voyage!!
OMG So much fun! I’ve always wanted to go.
Et ben bon voyage alors !! :))
Hi Garance – Sounds fantastic. Have a lovely time! Keep us updated :-)
Garance bon voyage et éclate-toi c’est le principal :)
Surtout reviens nous vite car je suis ACCRO à ton site!
Ramène-nous de belles photos^^ De toute façon j’en doute pas tu fais des photos magnifiques!
J’aurai une question à te poser: Est-ce que tu travailles avec un magazine ou es-tu indépendante? Si oui lequel pour que je l’achète?
Gros bisous (L)
houlalaaaaaa houlalaaaaaaaa rien de bien malin à rajouter si ce n’est « quelle chance! Et la fashion week en pluuuuuuuuuuuus!!!!!!! »
Profites-en bien, de jolies photos et plein de bons plans pour nous au retour!
You HAVE to come to Queensland! Visit Beefy’s Pie’s at Buderim. They are amazing.
Hope you have a great time visiting Australia.
Mais ca c’est trop cool! dommage que tu ne restes pas plus longtemps a Singapour, j’aurais ADORE te rencontrer en vrai.
Je rentre de Sydney justement (hier soir), et j’ai beaucoup beaucoup aime le quartier de Paddington (Oxford Street). Je recommande aussi: William Street, Queen Street et le marche de Paddington le samedi matin. Tout en bas de William Street (off Oxford St), il y a une petite epicerie/ cafe italienne (Alimentari) qui est tres chouette pour une pause cafe, un panini ou une petite douceur. J’ai flashe sur un jean Sass& Bide, je regrette juste de ne pas l’avoir achete!!
En ville, il ya aussi la galerie victorienne Strands Arcade a voir absolument pour un petit apercu des designers locaux.
Je ne connais pas encore Melbourne…
Ps: qd j’ai lu ton com ce matin, je me suis marree, car hier dans l’avion je pensais justement a toi en me disant: est-ce que notre Garance irait jusqu’en Australie pour leur fashion week? est-ce que je devrais le lui suggerer?? ha.
Profite à fond de ce merveilleux Pays !!
Have nice holidays :)
salut garance, je suis australienne (excusez mon francais, je l’apprends depuis seulement quelques ans a l’ecole) et mes parents possedent un magasin à succursales multiples qui s’appellent <> en australie, peut-etre vous voudriez rendre une visite…
je suis la poster girl avec l’ukulele!!
bon chance, j’adore sydney, et il me manque parce que maintenant j’habite a new york.
grosses bises, shirin
ahem…le magasin à succursales multiples, c’est Tree of Life.
Have Fun!!
Ton blog est géniaal =)
Au faite nouveau spot sur mon blog :p
Bonjour Garance,
Je suis l’une de vos admiratrices.
Je suis votre blog, vos portraits, vos humeurs, etc. et ils m’inspirent chaque jour davantage.
C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que je me suis lancée dans l’aventure d’un blog.
De ce fait, je souhaiterais vous demander si je peux vous mettre en lien sur mon blog?
Je vous donne mon adresse :http://twentytwoparis.blogspot.com
Si toutefois il vous plaît, je serais ravie de faire partie de vos liens.
Merci de votre attention.
Is it fun to be on a working vacation with your married boyfriend. Yes the married boyfriend with the children. Oh, no, i forgot that now the marriage is ended. How did that occur dear Garance? Nice work dear.
The Argyle for drinks post fashion week – right down the street from the tents. The Strand for shopping local Sydney labels!
Sublime illustration!
Tellement de chance!
Si tu es à Melbourne le 27 Mai, il faut absolument que tu ailles au vernissage d’une illustratrice incroyable que je pense que tu vas beaucoup apprécier, Kelly Smith.
Va voir son blog si tu ne le connais pas déjà:
Bon voyage!
melbourne loves garance!
garance, a big, warm welcome to australia! i am a melbourne girl & here it’s nice to…
* Mo Vida
1 Hosier Lane, Melbourne
Ph: 9663 3038
* Panama Dining Room
3/231 Smith Street, Fitzroy
Ph: 9417 7663
* Kenzan @ GPO
Shop 28G
350 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Ph: 9663 7767
Brother Baba Budan
359 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne
* Melbourne’s laneways, side streets and hidden places – Degraves Street, Centre Place, Flinders Lane, Little Collins Street, Little Bourke Street, The Nicholas Building, Curtin House, Hosier Lane, ACDC Lane, Rutledge Lane, Duckboard Place, The Block Arcade, The Royal Arcade, and many more which i am sure you will discover on your adventures!
* Gertrude Street, Fitzroy
* Brunswick Street, Fitzroy
* Smith Street, Collingwood
* Chapel Street, Windsor
* High Street, Northcote
* Sydney Road, Brunswick
these websites are also well worth a peek…
it’s true, in melbourne you can expect 4 seasons in one day :) although i must say autumn is definitely in the air and we’re expecting cooler weather this week- around 18C and cloudy.
garance i wish you and the sartorialist many happy travels whilst in australia and if in doubt, i find google and google maps are always willing to lend a hand!
bisous xxx
Yuff, ! Ca fait du bien une petite dose de Garance Dore au retour des vacances !
Joyeux périple au pays des Kangourous !
je suis une lectrice occasionnelle qui revient d ‘Australie.
J’ai adoré Melbourne :
Ses laneways pleines de charme,
J’ai passé un peu de temps dans les galeries d’art (y’en a pas mal) et notamment la No vacancy gallery, pas loin de la Library.. qui fait souvent des vernissages sympas..
Je recommande :
– Mr truffe, sur Smith Street, pour des truffes bien sur, mais aussi de vrais croissants francais (le patissier est francais )
– Le Victoria Night Market, le mercredi si il est encore là, je crois que c’est que en été australien…
– les jardins botaniques
– Tout le coin de Smith street et brunswick street pour trainer, bruncher, admirer quelques jolis graffitis, et y’a qqes bars sympas aussi
– St Kilda c’est sympa aussi et pres de la plage… mais perso je prefere Brunswick…
Et of course, la cote de la grande barriere de corail à brisbane si t’as du temps…
Enjoy, tu en as de la chance :)
Enjoy! :)
Melbourne is the best place on earth! You will fall in love it!! The hidden laneways with awesome graffiti, best coffee and a distinct sense of individual style.
Unfortunately, I have moved to Brisbane and am most upset that I am unable to stalk your presence as well as Scott’s. Tres upsetting :o(
Can’t wait to see your updated blog with Australian fashion xoxo
Have a fab time! i’m in sydney…doing street style photography. check out my blog!
I’m from Melbourne! I hope you have a great time. Too bad the weather is going to be pretty cold in Melbourne this week. You just missed the sunny warm weather we had last week!
sydney shopping-
little william st, paddington.
glenmore road, paddington.
sydney food-
pier- rose bay.
bodega- surry hills.
icebergs- bondi beach
sydney relax
bondi beach to bronte walk.
have fun!
Je crois que ces gens-la ont vous donne un aspect de Sydney qui manque un certain equilibre, Garance!
Les quartiers de Paddington et Woolhara, qu’elles vous conseillent a visiter, sont absolument jolis – ils sont les quartiers plus riches et vieux de Sydney – mais pour une perspective de style plus orinigale, il faut se transporter aux bords de ville: Newtown, Surry Hills et Glebe principalement.
En ajouter, la nourriture (restaurants, cafes, marches, etc) qui se trouve dans ces quartiers est tres bonne.
Excusez-moi mon francais affreux, et bienvenue a ma foyer, Sydney!
I was so excited to see your name on the seating plan today for the Ginger and Smart show at RAFW. See you there!
Je suis partie a Sydney 2 mois il y a un an .. Merveilleux :)
Tu as de la chance, profite !
aaaah l’Australie !!
Quelle chance ! Mon rêve est d’y vivre !! Plus que 2 ans à attendre !!
Profites bien et raconte tout dans le moindres détails !!
Aaah la chance !!!!
Hi Garance, welcome to Singapore!! I’m an architecture student here.
It’s been very hot these days! Prepare your sunblock!! Also get indoors with air conditioning as much as possible.
That said, the charm of Singapore are hidden in the backalleys of shophouses, and in the little cultural districts (Chinatown, Little India, Bugis areas). I would love to meet you for a coffee or if you’d like someone to bring you around! ;)
Salut Garance,
Et bien moi, je viens tout juste de te découvrir, hier sur le BELLATAR Show (vendredi 24 avril) et vraiment qu’elle modestie. Tu fais et voit de belles choses en matière de mode, tu connais pleins de « beaux » mondes et pourtant….Tu est humble, d’un grand calme et d »une certaine classe. Chapeau, pas comme ce genre de nanas qui croit tout connaître et qui va prendre les gens de haut.
BREFFONS….J’ arrête, on pourrait croire que j’en fais trop.
La banlieue regorge également de gens très looké et souvent avec pas un sou…comme quoi, la mode n’est pas forcément question » zé-yo » ( oseille lol)
Sur ce, BON VENT, BON VOYAGE et surtout amuse-toi bien
Hello Garance! i’ve recently started following your site and i love it. The weather in Sydney is typically Autumn, so stockings, pants, thinner wools and material jackets like blazers will keep you perfectly warm. You’re lucky you’re not here during the summer, the national uniform is havaianas flip flops, tank tops and denim shorts :P
I can’t wait to see your photos! Living in Sydney, i have a few journal entry type posts about places to go, you should visit it sometime! :) http://shang-villaruel.blogspot.com/search/label/Journal%20Entries
Bonjour Garance.
Je te lis régulièrement depuis 1 an maintenant. Je t’écris aujourd’hui car devant ces quelques jours sans post, je dois me rendre à l’évidence: Je suis accroc!
Alors vite vite! Des nouvelles! Des photos!
Continue comme ça, c’est parfait.
HI Garance,
I think i’m the luckiest gal alive, I saw you and Scott at the corner of Elizabeth and Bourke St on Friday at 430pm. You are so gorgeous in real life. I wish I could have stopped to say hello but I was too shy. Can’t wait to see your work.
Salut Garance, I am so excited for you, and can’t wait to hear about your trip with Scott. I loved the way he was cracking American jokes for you when you did the shoot together in the new Old West. Bon Voyage! xo
cant wait to see your take on our cities!
love your style so i know they will be spectacular photos – have fun!
in Sydney try to check out the area of Newtown, Surry Hills and Glebe for more quirky individual street style…
have fun at Fashion week!
When in Melbourne you have to try the following food/drink places:
Von Haus – 1a Crossley St Melbourne (off Bourke St)
The Commoner – 122 Johnston St, Fitzroy http://www.thecommoner.com.au review here > http://gourmettraveller.com.au/the-commoner-melbourne-restaurant-review.htm
Movida or Movida Next Door – Hosier Lane (off Flinders St, opposite Federation Square)
Maha – 21 Bond St, City. Review here http://gourmettraveller.com.au/maha_melbourne_restaurant_review.htm?rcid=3319&mode=rcid
Vue de Monde – 430 Little Collins St
And you have to check out Gertrude St and Brunswick St in Fitzroy, the laneways in the city, St Kilda, Chapel St (a bit gauche but worth a half day), Wilson’s Prom (bit of a drive but so beautiful and other worldly).
shame the weather has just gone wintery! Currently 11 degrees on Sunday afternoon…looks like the rest of the week’s going to be pretty chilly and wet too.. > http://weather.theage.com.au/local.jsp
Last week was beautiful too!
Hi that is great news! I live in Australia, and lived in Melbourne for 9 years. Check out Retrostar on Swanston St in Melbourne city. Fantastic vintage shop – more like a department store. Also check out Grevillie St in Prahran. Check out Brunswick st in Fitzroy too. You can catch trams, which are an experience. Alternatively, there are heaps of cabs about, who should know all the places above. aahh, so many places, so little time for you!
Enjoy your trip!
Bon voyage, je viendrai voir malgré tout si tu postes de làààààààà-baaaaaaaaaas!
En attendant, je propose un petit jeu modeux sur mon blog! (mon premier ptit jeu, houlalaa, faut des participantes hein!)
Alors si de là-bas tu sais venir me coller qq chose….
Et toutes les inconditionnelles de ce blogs sont les bienvenues également!
j’adore cette photo avec le dessin et tous les autres trucs autour. juste super!
I’m sure you’ve just arrived and am so so tired! Must have been a very long flight, but if I was back in melbourne it would absolutely make my day seeing you at fashion week! LOVE your blog!
For some good fashion, please shop down little collins street in the CBD, if you see cafe L’incontro, turn right! and also any of the little laneways off degraves street!
Have a good coffee and italian goodies down brunswick street at Mario’s, and please check out st kilda for that boho vibe!
Further up Chapel street on the windsor side you will be able to see a few more independant and special characters too!
oH OH OH and, check out some of the stuff upstairs of COOKIE BAR in the city, have a drink at rooftop bar perhaps if the sun is out!
My only advice would be about food, or more particularly coffee and breakfast.
For a quick breakfast or a coffee at any time of the day and a glimpse of Sydney’s real street life head to Lateria on Victoria St in Darlinghurst. Here you pull up a milk crate or if you are lucky a stool and perch on the sidewalk. Here you will find yourself surrounded by a diverse group of court judges, boxers, lycra clad road cyclists and of course the young and hip. All with just one thing in common a love of coffee.
A little further down Victoria St you will find Liverpool St, where on a corner sits one of the true Sydney’s true eating gems Bills. A sun drenched room of pale wood serves the chic yet business minded the best brunch to be found in Sydney.
Essaye the Silk Road à Melbourne, j’ai un ami qui y travaille comme barman, le lieu à l’air magnifique. Perso je n’ai jamais été le voir sur place… Trop loin, trop cher!
Franchement j’espère que tu en profiteras un maximum, quand on a l’occasion de faire des choses extras il ne faut pas hésiter. Amuses toi bien…que dis je….prends ton pied!!!!!!! Et plein de bonnes choses, et plein de photos, et plein de bons moments et plein de souvenirs et plein d’autres trucs!!!!!
Gros Bisou
je rêve d’Australie. On veut voir pleins de looks de beach girl pas bitch pour un sou et surtout pense à acheter Russh!
awesome aussies have wicked style as well. oh my goodness ur going to singapore. YAY!
Living. loving.breathing. your site
j’ adore tes photos » australian street » … rien à dire de plus, ça fais rêver !!
when you’re in melbourne be sure to check out brunswick, johnston, and gertrude streets for shopping as well as GPO (all about 10 mins from city)
if you’re looking for a nice place for drinks you must must go to madame brussels.
it’s stunning!
enjoy! and pack warm clothes it’s a tad chilly in melbourne atm!
Fantastic picture :-D
Melbourne is great, awesome fashion there!
Pour avoir des informations sur l’Australie, je t’invite à te rendre sur le site http://www.goaustralie.com/ et dès ton retour hésite pas à partager ton expériences lors des rendez vous OZY DAYS.
Pour en savoir plus:
digital volunteer sources compared source frequency
Je suis de passage sur cette belle page que je n’ai pu m’empêcher de commenter :). Quel talent d’illustratrice & de sens du style ! Je vous souhaite bonne continuation Garance ! xoxo
Thanks for this!
perlu memeriksa:)
Hi Garance!
Hope you are having a great time in Australia and enjoying our summer days :) We are so excited that you have made it to Australia.
I was just reading my friend Cheryl’s blog http://www.businesschic.com.au and came across the a lovely photo of yourself and Cheryl and I think meeting you in person and that photo has toped off here year of 2010 very well. :)
We love you!! Hope you and Scott will enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia!!
Much love!!
Hi Garance!
Hope you had a great time in Australia and enjoyed our summer days :) We were very excited that you had made it to Australia.
I was just reading my friend Cheryl’s blog http://www.businesschic.com.au and came across a lovely photo of yourself and Cheryl and I think meeting you in person and that photo is one of the highlights of 2010 for her. :)
We love you here in Australia!!
Much love!!
Garance, enjoy Australia, I look forward to your pictures bringing me little sunshine from my country while I’m living in grey London! You should, if you have time, pop by a lovely chain store called Cue…there are many all over Australia and they have the loveliest dresses, pants etc. (the kinds of things that I see in your photos!) Also there is a website thegrandsocial.com.au, which has many of the amazing Aus brands that you can discover before you go. enjoy! x
Just wanted to give you a shout from the valley of the sun, great information. Much appreciated.
Garance, love reading your blog, great photos and illustrations – brilliant! I’m from Melbourne and just visited Sydney last weekend.
While in Sydney, you should try and check out the Eastern Suburbs i.e.Oxford Street, Paddington, Crown Street, Surry Hills (great eating places & cafes), The Corner Shop in William Street, Paddington (& the Strand Arcade in the city also & they stock Isabel Marant!) and anywhere around the harbour is lovely, Rose Bay, Darlinghurst and Woollahra & not to mention, Bondi for the beach and good food.If you have a chance you should also try and visit Palm Beach or Whale Beach – beautiful!
And Melbourne – full to the brim with great places to eat, in the city, St Kilda, Fitzroy & Collingwood (also plenty of interesting and divine shops) and of course our famous lane ways also packed with great places to eat & bars as above!
Have a great time and I’m very much looking forward to reading you while you’re here.
Mince je comptais justement rédiger un poste similaire à celui-ci
You’ve got to be joking. This post is filled with views and very few facts.
Please research the topic in greater depth before trying to write on such matters.
Melbourne is my second home! Well, third. London is probably second.
Have negronis at Siglo and morning coffee (and jewellery) at Self Preservation. I miss Australia very much and I am proper jealous.