
11 years ago by

Hier, Alex a fait une interview avec une pro de la peau à propos des protections solaires (oui, on est déjà en plein milieu de l’été mais justement, c’est pour ça qu’on a 200 questions) (on le publiera début de semaine prochaine, promis !) et l’un des trucs qui m’a le plus frappée, c’est qu’on ait appris que, quoi qu’on fasse, le meilleur ami pour protéger sa peau, en plus de l’écran total…

C’est le chapeau.

Oui, le chapeau, c’est vraiment un truc nécessaire l’été. Pas du tout un truc de coquette mais vraiment une arme pour se protéger contre les méchants UVA-UVB.

Jusque-là, tout va bien, mais je me disais que quand même, ce que je vois dans les rues, c’est que c’est vraiment une minorité de filles qui se promènent avec un chapeau… Et je les comprends. C’est pas pratique, ça s’envole, ça ne va pas à tout le monde (même si je pense qu’en cherchant bien, tout le monde peut trouver un chapeau qui lui va) et ça s’oublie en trois minutes.

N’empêche, je vais essayer de m’habituer à sortir plus souvent avec un chapeau.

Et vous, vous êtes converties aux chapeaux ?


Ajouter le votre
  • I am already! But I regularly forget it right in the morning – at home! :(

  • I don’t wear a hat! I try not expose myself to the sun too much, you should try to do the same! :-)


    Xoxo Cory

  • i’m not really into hats. but i do avoid strong sun as much as possible :)


  • J’aime les chapeaux été comme hiver, mais très souvent mon panama c’est mon homme qui me le pique!

  • Hello,

    Je porte des chapeaux l’été en vacances mais pas en ville.

    A Paris, de tte façon, je navigue la semaine entre métro et salle de réunions donc ça ne me semble pas nécessaire. Plus généralement, je m’expose très peu au soleil sans être non une acharnée de l’écran total. Mais dès que le soleil tape trop fort, je cherche les coins d’ombre:). C’est aussi une bonne façon de se protéger, isn’t it?

  • Oh yea I got one just in time for summer but I have yet to wear it out. FAIL!


  • I have such a difficult time with hats, because I love them (of course! They can create the most amazing silhouettes! They have such great attitude!) but they squash my [curly] hair into this kind of unfortunate frizzy helmet, and once I put them on I can’t really take them off. This makes them a weirdly big commitment that needs to be planned for and around. Red lips can be like this, and certain outfits, certain shoes…

    Why does this remind me of so many other beauty/fashion items? Sigh. Our lives are full of trials and tribulations.

    But yes, I have been and plan to keep wearing them!

  • bonjour à toute, depuis que je vie dans le sud de la France, je porte un chapeau dès les premiers rayons du soleil, il me protége du soleil et des coups de chaleur, permet de cacher mes cheveux après un bain de mer…. en plus de ça il me donne un côté vacance dans ma vie de tout les jours, au delà du fait qu’il protége il finit une tenue et donne une côté chic. Voilà sourire… il faut savoir vivre avec le soleil et tout va bien.

  • Love your blog!!!!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • I have one that I wear in colder weather:


    And one that I wear to the beach:


    But I honestly don’t have a good one I can wear daily on the streets. You’re right though, even though I wear spf 50 every day of the summer, I probably arm myself with some portable shade. I just have to find a decent one that doesn’t make my forehead sweat ;) Suggestions anyone?


  • Here are my two favorites for summer:

    a modest floppy sun hat from Goorin Bros

    and a massive glam sun hat from San Diego Hat Co.

  • Les étés précédents, je ne quittais jamais mon chapeau à large bord. Au-delà de protéger la peau, ça donne beaucoup moins chaud sur la plage, franchement ça change tout. Mais cette année, je suis perplexe car j’ai coupé mes cheveux et porter un chapeau avec des cheveux courts, ça ne le fait plus trop, on dirait que je n’ai plus de cheveux. Il faudrait que je trouve un autre style de chapeaux. Je suis d’ailleurs preneuse de conseils ou de photos de filles aux cheveux courts avec un chapeau. Pour les filles aux cheveux longs ou mi-longs, il existe une multitude de chapeaux trop cool, ça donne un style.

  • Yes, I’m with you! I love my hat and wear it everywhere. It’s a lifesaver–especially in the summer.

  • J’adore les chapeaux, mais bizarrement j’en porte plus l’hiver! Il faudrait que je change ça!


  • I am a pale redhead and love a good hat. Right now I am wearing a straw panama hat from J Crew, but you can find hat sellers on the street and find a good one for very cheap! As for sweaty foreheads, flat hair and greasy locks, I have super fine hair. A tiny, tiny sprinkle of Redken Power grip 03 along the part is genius. Pure brilliant genius. Like dry shampoo only a thousand times better! I don’t know why every magazine on the planet is not touting this product. Maybe fashion editors don’t have super fine hair?

  • That redken stuff sounds amazing. How did you even ever think to try it on the hairline for this? Genius.


  • Bethany 18 juillet 2013, 2:17

    My hairdresser over at Cutler Salon (Tonino, genius w fine hair) recommended it to me and it is not an overstatement to say it changed my (hair) life!

  • i converted to hats a while ago when i couldn’t find a sunscreen that felt nice on AND didn’t irritate my face (looking forward to sunscreen post!). i started with straw hats, and while they’re lovely, they’re annoying to hold on to or keep track of if you go inside and want to take it off. baseball caps (which i always had an aversion to), on the other hand, are great. they can just be stuffed in your purse and take up very little room, plus they don’t blow off your head as easily when it’s windy. vintage ones from ebay are my favourite but lots of places are carrying nice looking ones now that they’ve come back in style. i’d suggest them as a good place to start when converting to a hat lifestyle.

  • I can recommend COOLA organic sunscreen in SPF 20, rose scented and tinted. It’s nothing like a usual sunscreen, it’s light, tinted just right (for fair skin I think) and it just melts into your skin so smoothly.

  • Salut,

    Parfait :o

    See you !


  • J’adore les chapeaux en été, sur la plage, ou pour se promener. J’aime beaucoup leur forme, qui donnent immédiatement un air de vacances à une tenue.
    Mais comme je l’oublie une fois sur deux, j’ai aussi une casquette. A noter que cette dernière ne protège pas la nuque, je viens d’en faire les frais, avec un coup de chaleur dessus (oups) !
    (Jolie photo !)

  • Bon, aujourd’hui j’ai achetée 9 (neuf) chapeaux au marché pour 35 € total!! Je suis prête !!!

  • Men’s straw Borsalino trilby: perfect on the street, all the time. Only problem is that people keep stopping me to ask where they can get one (answer: Rome).

  • Il peut faire très chaud sous un chapeau… personellement je préfère proteger mon crâne avec un foulard fin et porter de grosses lunettes de soleil :)

  • J’entretiens une relation assez confuse avec les chapeaux, tout le monde ne cesse de me dire que ça me va à ravir « Oh mais tu as vraiment une tête à chapeau! » et j’adore ça, mais étrangement c’est comme un accessoire que j’ai du mal à assumer. J’ai bel et bien l’impression que ça ne me va pas alors qu’on me crie le contraire en permanence…étrange…
    Mais j’y travaille parce que c’est bel et bien dans ma tête je dois avoir l’impression qu’on ne voit que ça alors que mes robes a fleurs ou couleurs vives sont d’une discrétion à côté…! ;-)
    Vive les chapeaux!!!! haha!

  • BTW Alex you should definitely make a sunscreen post!

  • Oui le chapeau à fond! Je trouve ça super élégant, surtout le style « canotier » pour homme – j’adore. Mon grand-père en portait un tout le temps, au travail comme à la pèche… Il trouvait que le chapeau ça change tout…)
    Là en vacances dans le Var j’en avais tout le temps un sur la tête, même le soir. C’est incroyable combien cette touche « habille ».
    P.S. J’aime aussi les foulards à enrouler autour de la tête, mais ils me donnent vite chaud.
    Bizz » »

  • A hat, yes. I would also add the parasol. In New Orleans, the sun is so strong, and sometimes you just don’t want to wear a hat. Parasols are so antiquated, but with the right outfit they can be so damn cute.

  • If I start to sweat while wearing a hat my hair gets frizzy. I haven’t worn a straw hat in about 10 years, when trendy faux cowboy hats were in. Besides, I have dark skin so I think I’ll be fine sans the hat.

  • I love hats – on others, mainly… xx


  • Garance,

    Will your sunscreen post talk about reapplying it? Most sunscreens seem to say « reapply every 2 hours »–and while I want to be safe, this also seems like a recipe for a ghostface/a logistical nightmare. I am not going to carry a face cloth with me to use in public bathrooms!

    I guess perhaps I should really get into wearing hats!

  • I am very fond of hats in summer, and I am very often wearing one on daily basis !

    XX Luba

    Don´t miss today my look with cropped top and boyfriend jeans

  • J’aime beaucoup les chapeaux pourtant je n’en porte pas.. Vas comprendre !


  • Chapeau, été (tressés) comme hiver (en feutre).
    De toutes les formes, couleurs, masculins, féminins, tout le temps et en toutes occasions !

  • J’adore tous types de chapeaux de paille pour l’été, particulièrement le panama, mon modèle préféré.

    Mafalda ?

  • Je suis totalement convertie au chapeau ! J’ai la peau très blanche, et qui le reste, sinon elle passe au rouge, alors je sors mon panama à larges bords dès qu’il commence à faire chaud, et je ne sors jamais sans lui jusqu’à la fin de l’été ! Et effectivement, rares sont les filles qui en portent dans la rue. mais ça peut vous sauver d’une insolation, ou d’un coup de soleil sur le crâne (un des pires qui soit..).
    Le meilleur combo pour l’élé, c’est grand chapeau et chemise d’homme, protection vestimentaire de base !
    PS : les photos de Bali sont sublimes, presque envoûtantes, merci de nous faire partager cette escapade !

  • Rien ne vaut le chapeau ! En plus il y en a de plus en plus de très beaux ;-) Tous à nos chapeaux !

  • As a german living in the tropical part of Bolivia…..I should…….and have two……but I don’t put them on…..only if I am leVing the city to be at the farm. There, I allways have one on.
    No chance to forget it anywhere.

    Besos from Santa Cruz

  • I’m so into hats right now, since a recent trip to Alicante spurred on the purchase of a straw trilby. Now I can barely leave the house without one!

  • J’en ai plusieurs, j’aime bien à la plage ou pour aller au marché;)

  • I never leave the house without SPF30 AND a wide-brimmed hat. I have a bunch that I can fold/roll and put in my purse. If you burn as easily as I do, and have skin cancer in the family, you get in these habits early on. The good news is I am 44 and have very few wrinkles!

  • But you didn’t address the dreaded….hat hair! I love hats but I have short hair and I usually use product in it. That is a bad combo with hats…and I hate when I see girls in hats at restaurants. What do all the happy hat wearers do?

  • Emmanuelle 18 juillet 2013, 3:42 / Répondre

    Oui, Je porte un chapeau , ordre du dermatologue !

  • Yup! My skin is showing signs of sun damage – and I’m only 31! So now I wear my American Apparel chambray baseball hat everywhere…

  • I think that hats are going to be something of the past shortly. I am seeing more & more people, men & women alike using umbrellas to protect themselves – and this is in the city.

  • I like hats especially the wide brimmed ones, but I don’t think I could pull it off! Would be self-conscious about standing out and worried about looking arrogant! Irrational??

    Of course, you can so pull it off.

    Katie x

  • Oui mais c’est seulement depuis l’été dernier. J’ai finalement trouvé un style que je trouve qui me va correctement (ça reste un chapeau, ça ne m’excite pas trop mais j’ai appris a disons, l’accepter…). Si ça va aider considérablement à se protéger contre les rayons UVA et UVB, tant mieux. Je ne peux pas dire que j’aime ça (une fois que je le met, je ne peux pas l’enlever) mais les bienfaits sont assez importants donc on fait ce qu’on doit faire quoi !

  • Non car ca me va pas, c’est pas pratique, c’est vraiment un look très urbain et je n’habite pas en grande ville.
    Je ne fuis pas le soleil, j’aime le teint juste hâlé/bonne santé genre Gisele ou la californienne des années 70 (je trouve que les blancheurs grises de Madonna ou Courtney Cox sont morbides et font hystériques de la ride), et j’aime prendre ma dose de vitamines D (j’en ai déjà manqué et c’était vraiment pas bien).
    Je prends le soleil à peu près chaque WE lors de mes sorties VTT et ski en montagne et ca fait vraiment du bien + tous les jours en me déplacant à pied ou velo. Donc tout doux et toute l’année sauf quand on a des printemps pourris.

    Et puis il y a cette polémique sur le contenu des crèmes solaires minérales, des marques comme Dr Haushka ont même arrêté d’en faire à cause de ca. Bref c’est pas bon pour la peau non plus.
    Alors l’un dans l’autre… ca fait que je pratique une exposition normale (pas de plage quoi) avec peu de protection des fois (au ski surtout, et si jamais je me raisonne l’été) et une bonne mine (pas de peau saturée) à la fin.

  • Bought one from rag&bone with a summer goal
    Of a hat everyday. Obsessed with it

  • oui je suis bien convertie aux chapeaux! j’en ai achete un la semaine derniere, dans la rue a soho, c’etait pas cher mais je l’aime bien! maintenent il faut aller a la plage… parce qu’au travail, je ne suis pas a l’aise porter encore… un jour…

  • I like hats, but yes they are a bit of a hassle sometimes. But now that you say it’s better than sunscreen, I will try it as well and maybe inspire me to buy a few new ones!


  • I bought a hat at a real haberdashery on a trip to Madrid and Barcelona in 2009 and I am proud to say I have worn it almost every summer day since. It’s a real Panama hat and I always joke that I had to travel all the way to Spain to get a hat from Ecuador. XO

  • I don’t bring or wear a hat in our always sunny, tropical country, but I ALWAYS carry with me an umbrella, a foldable one, in my bag. It’s a staple too when it rains.

  • And there’s the little problem of ‘hat hair’! Maybe it’s the humid weather here and my ultra fine hair, but it all ends up plastered to my scalp and it will not be restyled once le hat is removed, not matter what. So when the hat goes on, it stays on for the day – not always practical…

    I do love the look of hats though :)

  • Hats are part of everyday wear for Australian women. The sun here is so harsh it’s a no brainer. In Europe last year my family continued to wear our hats outdoors and often noticed that we were the only people in hats. Lots of people wear protective clothing for swimming here also. I wear a white long sleeved ‘vest’ to swim laps then take it off to feel the water on my body, which I love of course, but not for the bulk of the time in the sun. There is definitely an opening in the market for good looking sun protective gear. To be honest I love the long sleeved clothing worn by Indonesian, Indian and Middle Eastern women who need to limit sun exposure.

  • Lisa Wallace Giordano 18 juillet 2013, 11:04 / Répondre

    A month ago, I embarked on a the serious endeavor of finding the proper sun hat for myself. I am the proud mother of a 20 month old son and take frequent strolls and walks to the park. I am auburn headed and have already suffered sun damage on my face, especially around my eyes and forehead. Not a game breaker , but I really don’t want to see too many more of those wrinkles popping up any time soon. So, I started acquiring hats. I ordered one nice large brimmed straw hat on line. When it arrived it was very cute, but too big. Still have not sized it- but ordered sizing tape . Hat 2- I ordered a canvas color blocked sun hat white/ navy inside- on a discount shopping website. It arrived ..pretty cute ( a tinge bit small- but ok.) Next- I found a straw hat for $2 at Goodwill. Finally – bought another big brimmed floppy hat at J.Crew on sale in a pinky color. Fits nice. Color- ehh? I wear the hat from Goodwill. Side note: I don’t really know how I feel about sunscreen. I kind of don’t trust it….what do you think?

  • I just got my first hat, and let me tell you, I LOVE IT. I can’t believe I never had one before (probably because I never thought I looked good in them) but I found one that looks great (at least I think so). So don’t worry, they are out there, and I feel so much better wearing it, especially knowing that I am protecting my face.

  • The Japanese believe in using parasols/umbrellas as well/instead of hats. No hat hair and you can fold it away into your bag. Plus it does double duty when it rains. :)b

  • yes but… IT’S SO DAMN HOT


  • The Fedora!!!

    Tell us more about the fedora, Garance! I am searching for a special Fedora this year…

  • Chantal van Wees 19 juillet 2013, 4:11 / Répondre

    Since I burnt my face with hot water a couple of years ago I wear a hat whenever there is sun! You hardly see any scars because of the Aloe Vera I used to cure it (a miracle! the doctors tell me) but that is a different story.
    The first few years I wore a Chinese parasol all the time (been laughed at in Amsterdam but they loved it in Paris) but now I can survive with just a hat.
    Finding the right one is not easy, there are lots of hats around but most of them are for show and not for protection. The one I wear this summer is one of my husbands, he got it in Greece, very classical, not hot, good rim. Tip: buy one when on holiday in a warm country, there they know how to make hats not just for show but for protection!

  • I love hats, I don’t find them a hassle at all (admittedly I’m not keen on helmet hair, but hey, at least you don’t have to worry about hairstyling in the first place), so everything should be fine…. except I find it incredibly difficult to find one that fits. Yup, I’m just too big-headed (hopefully just literally)!

    However, my dermatologist also urged me – as a fair-skinned blonde – to wear a hat at all times. He said it was the most important thing to wear in the summer (no, the fact that I’m going through several bottles of La Roche-Posay SPF 50 every summer doesn’t seem to cut it). I instantly pictured myself on my bike, wearing nothing but a hat. That idea still makes me giggle… but I’m always on the lookout for hats that I like… and that fit!

  • A trick I use when I am on holidays city-sightseeing is to sew a piece of (a pretty) lace that fits like a bracelet so whenever I take it of, I don’t lose it. It’s not very practical for somethings but very useful for others. Also there are hats that made with materials that can be folded so you can put them in your bag.

    Also I must tell about a Spanish firm that sell the most amazing/cool hats made in Spain. Alegría Industries. I am not sure if they sell outside of Spain, but they are truly amazing.

  • J’adore ma grande capeline que je ressors chaque été pour aller à la plage…. mais il faut que je fasse attention dès qu’il y a du vent… elle s’envole vite mais je ne l’ai toujours pas perdue !!

  • If you know it’s going to get windy bind a scarf around your head like I did in Marrakech
    At least you protect the parting on top of your head!

    Check out my headwear worn in the red city;


  • I love hats and have a huge collection of them. I’m very pale skinned with long, v.light blonde hair so need the sun protection of them too, as well as 100spf sunblock. In some countries though, people do seem to regard you as a bit bonkers if you don’t want to tan your skin and like some sunshade in the form of a sun hat or a parasol. Last time I was in Provence, this group of teenage boys in our village kept coming up to me whenever they spotted me, saying in their broken English « We can’t see the girl under the hat! » and « Watch out, your hat’s going to fly off! … »; and when we were staying in Positano one summer, my boyfriend and I headed out to visit Pompeii and it was baking hot with a searing sun, so I took my big parasol out with me, and all the local Italians looked at me as if I was crazy but then I saw a bus load of Japanese tourists arrive and as all the Japanese ladies descended from the bus, one by one they all put up their parasols too!

  • I’ve been wearing hats since I was a teen. I was always told I had a « hat head », although with age, I’m not so sure anymore.

    Nonetheless, while I only have a select few, I love my hats. I’ve had a 1930s ball hat (with the brim that comes up in front) since the age of 15, that my grandmother gave me. I still love it. I have a wedding hat (My Fair Lady type), and I must say I’m loving some of Kate Middleton’s headpieces.

    I also have a Nepalian/Tibetan (I forget) hat that I found in a flee market in Amsterdam. Definitely make a statement with that one.

    And, the latest addition is a gorgeous hand-made Mylan weave sage green straw fedora (with a wide dark blue ribbon around the top) bought at JJ Hat Center in Manhattan last year (lemme tell you, that old-fashioned hat store is awesome). Wearing it today actually. I’m proud to say it was made in NYC proper. http://www.porkpiehatters.com/
    I’m gonna have to go back there next time I’m in NYC.

    Oddly enough, while I wore it in NYC quite comfortably, it’s harder here in Paris, cuz people tend to stare. I don’t know if it’s because women and hats are less common here in Paris for the moment, or if the unconventional look of my hat that i can pass off easily in NY is something harder to pass off in Paris… Who knows.

    To tell you the truth, I can’t stay I care. I love my hat!

  • I’m a hat-maker, compelled for the first time in my life to comment!
    So, I have this conversation ALLLLL the time with women. There is totally a hat for everyone, I’m serious. It’s all about the shape of your face, you have to find a hat to compliment your best features – the most brilliant part is you can also hide the flaws! i.e. bad hair day, don’t wanna do your hair day, hat & sunglasses + hangover- no makeup day.
    Generally people are super insecure about their head-size (some think it’s massively big others think they have pin heads) which is funny because most of the time it’s a Medium.
    Unfortunately hats you find on the shelves are made in masses, ill- fitting, one size fits all crap, usually somewhere in between a small and med. In the head world 1/4 – 1/2 inch can make all the difference!
    Anyway I know it may sound obvious but having a hat that is made well w/ beautiful materials and fits your head, yes its more expensive- you’ll have it forever.
    Also won’t blow off your head so easily & you wont be compelled to take it off because it looks so damn good on you. (it’s just like buying a great pair of jeans that fit your body type)
    Garance I would love to make you a Made – to – Measure hat!!

  • Maybe someone who knows about hats could advise me? I own a Prada straw hat which I bought in Milan from the Summer ’04 collection, and it is very dear to me (also because of the occasion when I bought it). Last Winter while it was stored in the attic we suddenly had a mouse problem and I found that they’d eaten two large holes in it. I was devastated, but I’ve held on to the hat hoping somebody might be able to mend it? I don’t know if this is even possible. I thought maybe straw threads could be glued to the original and the weaving filled in? Anybody know if this could be an option? I’m unlikely to find that hat anywhere again since it was bought so long ago now :-( xox

  • Garance, it’s so true – hats are wonderful!! But, they don’t have to be difficult, annoying or uncomfortable!

    It’s all about the right hat. The right size. The right brim. The right height. The right fit!
    I work for a brand who specialise in hand-woven, hand-shaped, and hand-fitted Panama Hats! They are breathable, light, cool, and beautiful.

    We have shops in St. Tropez, Waikiki, Melbourne & Sydney!
    Check out this instructive video on How To: Wear A Hat. It makes such a huge difference when you get it right.

    We love your blog!!
    Merçi beaucoup!


  • I have been a hat convert for YEARS! Any hat will look good on you if worn with confidence and ease. Don’t be timid; be bold and love yourself, love your hat!
    ps. I am so into hats I have been taking millinery classes :)

  • I definitely believe in the virtues of wearing a hat for skin protection! Mainly because I grew up in Australia where you age really quickly in the harsh sun, but also because there are also loads of chemicals in 30+ sunscreen which I don’t want on my face every day. Hardly any women in Oz wear hats unless they’re at the beach – I think it’s considered uncool, but I have been wearing one every day since I was about 23 (am now 36) and my skin has thanked me for it. Plus I love the look of a hat, it can define your outfit in a really interesting way!

  • C’est classe le chapeau en été! Je suis actuellement à la recherche de mon chapeau parfait!
    Je posterai quand il sera trouvé :)


  • I live by the hat! With Scottish/German background I am SO pale and loathe the Australian sun (love the australian heat though!). I used to carry an umbrella (after many visits to China) but now love a big floppy hat. It’s hard to see but really, sunscreen won’t help you much here in the long term.

  • I am in Japan ths summer – it’s all about the sun-umbrella <3

    beautiful & refined – just not always practical~ like on a bike… but that's also true for hats

    I still can't seem to find a solution to that

  • Yes!! But I can’t find a cute one with wide brims to shadow my face! They all make me look like an old asian lady. :P


  • Oui, je mets souvent un chapeau au mois d’août, car je suis souvent au Japon et là-bas le soleil ne rigole pas ! S’il n’y a pas de chapeau, c’est tellement chaud que je pourrais faire un œuf au plat sur la tête ;)

  • Love the photo-illustration!

  • I want to wear hats all summer long, and I even found one that looks amazing and protects me from the sun… But where I live (Holland) absolutely nobody wears hats out & about, which leaves me with stares and whispers. Very uncomfortable.

    I am going to NYC in a couple of days so I’ll bring my hat with me, and try again next summer in Holland I guess.

  • I ALWAYS wear a hat on sunny days. My newest favorite is a little straw fedora I found at a thrift store for $6.

  • Well, if You try to avoid sun check this http://sterkowski.com site, they`ve got a looot of it ;P

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