If Looks Could Curl
7 years ago by Emily Yeston
Je suis en proie à un vrai dilemme de frange depuis que j’ai décidé de laisser pousser ma frange folle en vue de mon mariage. Elle a atteint cette longueur critique que connaissent bien toutes celles qui ont déjà testé la frange : trop longue pour être portée comme telle, trop courte pour être coiffée en queue de cheval ou glissée derrière les oreilles. L’enfer.
Quand Rachel est arrivée au studio l’autre jour pour briefer Tori, j’ai ressenti une petite pointe d’envie. En plus, la sienne est ondulée ! La frange ondulée, c’est compliqué à maîtriser, mais quand on y arrive (et Rachel assure), le résultat est tellement séduisant !! En plus, ca met en valeur les yeux en balayant légèrement le regard. Un style complètement naturel, qui donne un petit côté ludique à sa silhouette parfaitement pointue.
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More power to her for pulling off curly bangs, that’s near impossible! It’s a bang moment right now but with my curly hair it’s too much of a wild card to deal with. I just wrote about this here: http://www.primadarling.com/fashion/hair-trends/
Hang in there with growing yours out!
Simply beautiful!
There are no details in this story on how she preps and styles her curly bangs? Is the intent to just sell products that are link to the story? I’d like to know how she does it. How are her bangs cut? Etc.
Just taking a moment to admire her hair! Rachel is a stylist we’ve been working with and every time she walks in we just kind of gawk at her coolness. Perhaps we’ll do a larger feature about curly hair maintenance! I know I could benefit from a few tips in that department x Natalie
Ces cheveux sont vraiment beaux! C’est pour quand la beauty minute avec elle!
I second Jolain, that is near impossible, and she is killing it!
Hi Emily! I feel you! Same stage here, minus de wedding ;). Is what I call bobby pin slash french braid bangs to the side stage. Patience, patience, patience.
C’est un plaisir de voir de jolis cheveux naturellement boucles pour moi qui ai toujours eu les cheveux raides.
As a curly girl myself, I know how hard it is to have curly bangs. I wish I could, but I just can’t stand the feeling of having hair in my face. So it’s always parting line on the left or a bun.
She looks GORGEOUS with curly hair, in the bangs and everywhere! I have curly hair but… I don’t like to see it on me! It’s rare the occasion that I leave it curly!
So much bang envy :)
I have curly hair and I recently cut my hair so I could have bangs and man it is tough maintaining and styling it. I’ll definitely check out the styling products mentioned :)
Hi! I love your article and have similar curly hair myself! What do you suggest to get shiny thick hair, thank you!