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4 years ago by

We know Garance needs no introduction to this community. We refer to her as our « patron saint » or « guiding light » with everything from midi skirts, to dry brushes and even our midnight ponderings. She has a discerning eye and is skeptical of just about everything — which is what you want in an editor, trust us. That is why we’re thrilled to have her take over The Doré Edit this week and share a few of her favorite things that have passed « The G Test. »

A Few of Garance’s Favorite Things…


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  • The link takes us to another edit – Comfort and Style with Lunya’s Ashley Merrill :)

  • Hi Anna!

    Each Edit is only live on the site for one week at a time before it changes over to the next Edit! A new Edit goes live every Sunday.

    xx Emily

  • Hi! This link takes me to Ashley Merrill’s edit. Would love to see Garance’s :)

  • Hi Cate!

    Each Edit is only live on the site for one week at a time before it changes over to the next Edit! A new Edit goes live every Sunday.

    xx Emily

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