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Emmy Speak

9 years ago by

Emmy Speak

Une semaine après, on parle encore du speech de Viola Davis à la soirée des Emmy.

C’est la première Afro-Américaine à avoir gagné l’Emmy de la meilleure actrice dans une série dramatique, et ce qu’elle a dit était bien plus qu’une simple déclaration sur l’industrie de l’entertainment : elle a évoqué les différences raciales, l’importance de l’égalité des chances, quelle que soit la couleur de la peau.
Vous l’avez trouvée comment ?

On a aussi adoré celui d’Amy Schumer (on est fans) pour sa simplicité et la chaleur avec laquelle elle a remercié tout le monde, y compris « la femme qui lui a fait cette espèce de smokey eye… ».

Un discours qui nous a aussi beaucoup touchés, c’est celui de Jeffrey Tambor, sacré meilleur acteur dans une série humoristique. Son rôle dans Transparent a permis de mettre en lumière la communauté transgenre, à qui il a dédié sa récompense. Il a aussi confié avoir enfin trouvé un rôle vital, ce dont il avait toujours rêvé.

Et vous, qu’en avez-vous pensé ? Il y a des moments qui vous ont touchés ?


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  • Wow, that speech Viola Davis gave is amazing. Such a strong woman and an inspiration to all of us.

  • I found Viola Davis to be particularly moving, but found all three that you mentioned to be quite memorable. And I must add that Jon Hamm looks mighty fine in a tux.

  • There is a huge racial divide in the fashion industry. I am African American. I’ve been working in the fashion industry in Los Angeles for over 20 years. Before that I worked with my parents in their retail fashion boutique. My friends from college and friends I made in my career early-on who are black, no longer work in the industry. All of them found it too difficult to continue because of a lack of opportunity and/or were encouraged to pursue less appealing areas where there was a lot less money and a lot less of a chance to been seen publicly. I just refuse to go away. So that’s the thing that keeps me hanging on. There were long periods where I was frustrated and angry because I couldn’t figure out if I was dealing with racism or if I was trying to blame others for something I was lacking. I was also dealing with knowing that if it is racism then what options do I have to fix the problem?

    I stopped talking about the problem. I realized this is what I have to live with and I should pick my battles wisely. So this is where am I now. I don’t know if that’s such wise advise for myself.

  • Viola for the win. Amazing and historic speech and she looks stunning, an added bonus.
    Jeffrey Tambor also excellent. I like Amy S. but she didn’t nail it for me this time.

  • Viola Davis’s speech moved me at the very bottom of my heart! As a black woman, I never really think about discrimination, I was born and raised in France and France is home for me… But sometimes you know, you can feel like there is a glass ceiling somewhere, that you might not be the right person to apply for this or this job, this or this position… I don’t know if she is right about the movie industry in the US, but clearly she is extremely talented and one of a kind.
    At the end of the day, she is a strong and positive sign: work hard, be kind and it will be alright. No matter your color, your sexual orientation or your figure…
    I like to take it that way for me anyway! :)
    XX from Paris

  • I know nothing about fashion industry, but in my own professional area, scientific research, there is definitely a glass ceiling for black men and women in France, and probably elsewhere too. It probably occurs as early as high school or at the university. Black students are very very rare in science labs, and sorry to say, they are not much more visible in scientific meetings hold in the US, I find it’s even worse than few years ago.

  • What extends beyond the speeches will matter, what will Viola’s actions be after the Emmy buzz quiets down?


  • Taylor Renee 14 octobre 2015, 12:43 / Répondre

    The Internet is really helping to change the issue of diversity on television! Viola Davis is proof of that!

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