9 years ago by
Le jour où j’ai retrouvé Jen à Hawaii, elle est arrivée avec ce magnifique lei (une couronne de fleurs) que son amie Meleana avait tressée pour moi. C’est une tradition à Hawaii que d’offrir des colliers de fleurs en signe de bienvenue… Et c’est aussi un véritable art!
On les conserve dans des feuilles de bananier, ce qui rend la présentation encore plus sublime…
Quelle belle tradition, j’adorerais avoir une aussi belle couronne je pense que tu vas la garder très précieusement, je te souhaite de belles vacances.
The most popular concept of a lei in Hawaiian culture is a wreath of flowers presented upon arriving or leaving as a symbol of affection. you can find it all over the Polynesian island too…love it ..i am always so unhappy to let go the flowers before taking my plane from one island to another..but than you get a new one on arrival…
Yael Guetta
C’est une bien jolie façon de souhaiter la bienvenue !
This is so beautiful ! All this flowers, wow, I want to go in Hawaii :)
hello beautiful lady
absolument magnifique !
So beautiful, I would love to wear that!
You take some really great pictures !
And one heck of a weave !
Wonderful accessory :)
Sooooo excited to see the Haku Lei I made for you on your beautiful blog! Thank you so much! Come back and visit soon, we miss you!!
Magnifique cadeau :)
Bonnes vacances
So beautiful and such an art form and so delicate. So many of these precious traditional creative practices are being lost so it’s fabulous to see on your blog! Lovely as usual Garance!
Aleta x
Very nice, Garance! This reminds me of my time in Ubud, Bali – beautiful place, except when the humongous amount of tourists gets on your nerves :)
It is amazing how cultures so far away from each other, on different ends of the globe can have such similar rituals. I live in India and we use flower garlands too. It would be tempting for me to say that, that might be because of similar climactic conditions, but frankly speaking, climactic conditions could be any more different between Hawaii and India. The world is indeed a small place.
The tip of about using banana leaves is very useful though. Never knew that!
Je me surpris tous les jours avec ton blog. C’est très intéressant et amène et j’apprends beaucoup de choses pour travailler dans mon blog. Merci beaucoup et congra. Pardon par mes erreurs de grammaire. Saluts
Aloha e Garance. I like your blog and your zest for life. Re your Hawaii’i link. FYI. Those are ti leaves, not banana leaves that the lei is wrapped in. Smaller and more pliable. You bundle the leaves and make a small pu’olo that maintains the lei’s shape and keeps it fresh. Mahalo.
that is so beautiful… i hope to visit Hawai one day